Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Worgen males also have an upright model per se, made for Genn (creation process was shown at Blizzcon):

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Youā€™re right.

Just remove worgen.

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These right here.
Iā€™m indifferent to the cause of tails, but these I support without question.
Especially the latter. I loathe the Lady Gagarbage dance.

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I see your point, and I agree. As always, more options equals better.

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The reason I want the lore correct size is just exactly that its lore correct. So many people fight against Worgen claimingā€¦ BUT MUHHHH LORE! 50% of the time. The other 50% is the numb skulls who donā€™t want furrys in the gameā€¦ Got some bad news for themā€¦ they are a few expansions too late to remove em unless they got a time machine and can remove them from Vanilla WoW. The other thing is it breaks up the ā€œTallā€ alliance races all being the same exact size. Which has never made since.


Dwarfs donā€™t need beard they stink because they get beer avnd food in them


Even hogger got a tail before worgen did. xD


But we are still here and will continue to post to let the devs know that Worgen players are still here and still requesting options for the race we play.

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Didnt gnolls always have tails?

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Call it hopium, but after toying with the Dracthyr and looking at how some of the new options work, thereā€™s absolutely new tech being used with those models that could be transferred to some of the races that felt unfinished with the Shadowlands updates. (Worgen and Velf/Belf in particular, but thereā€™s others.)

Really hoping that alongside tails, we get some snout and body options as well because the framework is now there. I still prefer the face structure of the alpha female, so the mere glimmer of hope that could happen is huge for me.


I mean I would love to see Worgen Paladins became a thing since Warcraft 2 almost every Human Nation had Paladins in their armies including Gilneas.


Gilnean Paladins should have been a thing awhile ago.


Yea exactly. I mean since thereā€™s alot butt loads of Worgen Players that overshadows Humans in the RP Scene then might as well bring in Worgen Paladins.

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Worgen. Paladins. With tails!

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Well of course. How else will they show their excitement to reestablish their connection to the Silver Hand?

Though I also like the idea of Shadow Paladins for worgen.

We have tailed worgens in Hearthstone.
We have worgen paladins in Hearthstone.


If it appears in Hearthstone, make it a option!


Polygon stubs

Paladins were just advanced knights in WC2. All human nations had them, even renegades.

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Also that they have been slowly bringing more stuff that has never been in WoW and only existed in Heathstone into WoW, such as the League of Explorers in Legion:

And Rafaam in Dragonflight:

So Blizzard how about it you give Worgen some customization love and a look at Worgen racials and we will support the company that shows love to the race we choose to play.

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