Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Doing my daily activist for Giving Worgens Tails so my furries peeps can be happy.

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Offering my support, it would be cool to have a tail.


Even more hearthstone exclusive characters appearing in Dragonflight and making hearthstone things canon as of the most recent alpha build.

I said it before and I’ll say it again. If it appears in Hearthstone, it should be a customization option.

Give worgen tails!


The more options we get the more players we will see playing the race.


i memba when hearthstone was hearthstone: heroes of warcraft

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I can boop the snoot but I can’t wag the tail :frowning:

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I took a break from WoW and the forums for two years. I did not expect to see this thread still be a thing and for the discourse to still be going.

Anyways, more customization options is always good. :+1:


We are going to fight until we get the a fraction of the customization of the options other races have. If it takes 10,000+ posts so be it. Worgen just like other players in the game are paying customers as well. In fact Worgen are a core race yet we are the most neglected race in the game when it comes to honestly anything and its time to show some love.

-Give Worgen optional tails.
-Give Worgen a lore correct 8 foot size.
-Give Worgen wolf like ear position.
-Give Worgen males an optional upright stance.
-Give Worgen melee classes the option to use our claws.
-Give Worgen more options for our core look.
-Give Worgen the human waltz rather than the same dance as Stormwind Humans.
-Give Worgen some Gilneas customization’s in human form.
-Give Worgen scars that transform with both looks.
-Give Worgen druids non Night Elf forms, Every other race uses custom models… Let Worgen druids use Pack Form!

Just Give us more options in general. For 10 years we were the most neglected race till the HD model remake, which saw a boost in Worgen numbers for the first time in the races history. But we are still the only core race in the game who’s racial abilitys have never been changed. Its time to fix Worgen and let them join the ranks of the others in terms of customization.


Give worgen to the Horde (the evil monster faction).

Excuse me my fine tentacled friend. You will find no self respecting citizen of Gil’neas, claws and fangs or not, in that city of green swine.

I have to be honest, and say I’m not exactly a fan of increasing their size. My Worgen huntress is seven feet tall as it is, making her one of the tallest members of the Alliance already. HOWEVER…I’m fine with that being an option for those that would want it.

I’m not sure about this one, either. There are certain aspects of the Worgen physique that might ought to lean more toward the human form…you know, because they are supposed to represent a mix of human and worg. Still…options are a wonderful thing.

The rest of your suggestions are excellent. In my personal opinion, oF course.

Oh, sure. Gilnean’s would definitely want to join the faction with Orcs and Forsaken…the two races that killed hundreds (thousands?) of their brethren, and drove them from their home.

Oh, wait…make that HOMES, since Teldrassil was their second settlement.


No it’s a werewolf

Worgen are mangy animals.

Yes but we don’t want typical furry playas running around am I right

You aren’t.


^ All of this please!


:melting_face::melting_face::melting_face: :melting_face::melting_face::melting_face: :melting_face::melting_face::melting_face::melting_face:

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As an occasional Worgen player, I have to disagree with a few of these. Particularly the upright posture. That’s a classic werewolf posture, if you ask me. The ear positions also seem fine to me. The dance I really have no opinion about. The option for claws as a weapon/transmog weapons to claws? Hells yess. I could forgoe tails, scars, lore appropriate height, whatever, but give me the ability to be a werewolf that fights with tooth and claw and I’ll play nothing else.

Until Vulpera get druids.

With the recent change from Male and Female to just Body 1 and Body 2 I forsee that possibly being an option.

Different sizes for our characters has long been a request. Hell they can even work in the Night Elf Worgen with a similar system.

I figure any change to an existing feature like that would just be an additional option on top of what we already have.

I wouldn’t expect nor want Blizzard to start taking away options that are already within the game.

Very few of us have mange.

Elves… I swear.

I don’t mind furrys. They’re often nicer than the average joe.

Oh my… you should seek out a healer my friend… your face is literally melting.

Assume that the changes would be optional. Its unlikely that Blizzard would remove something that already exists. (Unless its extremely minor)


It is really the stand and a few other animations that are flawed by adding an awkward twist mid spine. This is particularly bad for tabards and other gear worn on the chest. Look at the difference:

However your desired hunched posture is imbalanced without a tail.

See the other races that use the same basic animations of worgen

Elf? More octopus than elf at this point.