Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Worgen need tails.


So hereā€™s a interesting thing that came out of the alpha.


Rafaam from Hearthstones is in Dragonflight and might be a main antagonist.

For those that donā€™t wanna click the spoiler tag, basically a notable Hearthstone character is appearing in the next expansion. This here is another case of things in Hearthstone actually crossing over and appearing in wow after first appearing in Hearthstone.

If this is the case, then hey, those tailed worgens have even more reason to cross over and be given as a option to worgens.

As Iā€™ve often said, if it appears in Hearthstone, it should be a customization option!


Worgen donā€™t need tails. They never had them, and they should never have them.

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Really nice to see how often and common it is for Hearthstone lore to become canon World of Warcraft lore.

Almost like the devs are regularly saying somethingā€¦






Dwarves donā€™t need mountains. They only live in them,and should be evicted by dragons.

Get lost dude no one here cares what closed minded crap you have to say because your un willing to see that times change and the more options a race has the more people are likely to play it. Your useless post is just here to troll this thread and bump it up to the top of the forums where this post belongs.


Worgen are just fine how they are.

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Keep posting your only keeping the thread in the spotlight where more people will see how little Worgen get and how much love should be given to bring our race up to par with the other races.


Let worgen have tails already.


Bumping just to add please give Worgen optional tails.


Worgen Tails would satisfy a lot of things about this game. It would also prevent Command Armor X from going Hyper Mode Ultimate Armor and deciding to wreck shop with frantic button-mashing.

Give Worgen Tails.


But until then(tails), blizz could add a few little things like true black fur and 8.2.5 eyes added as options(which are already in the data), and can be implemented in a mini patch. :exploding_head:


tails when?

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Barber shop all of a sudden costs no gold anymore in the alpha. Absolutely free.

Let me put on my tinfoil hat and sayā€¦ more character options incoming probably for beta, tails included. Why else would it be free. ;D

A wolf can dream.



Ya! Worgen options soon!

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I am curious why anyone would be against more options. Oh wait, no Iā€™m not - theyā€™re just bitter, broken people.

Worgen deserve tails! I would definitely put a tail on my worgen druid if it were available. I may also play retail WoW more frequently if I had a worgen tail to show off.


Worgen were introduced without tails and I personally think they are scarier without them

I was in my imgur account and saw this earlier this morning and I was thinking ā€œI should use this more.ā€ And here is the perfect opertunity!


If you see a wolf with their tail raised up like that, you slowly back off.

Iā€™m hoping when they add tails they add in little details like that so when you are basically in your battle stance, your tail is raised up and not low or mid way on the ground. Canines have neat tails like that where depending on their emotion, you can tell how theyā€™re feeling.