Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Hate to tell you but posting your post is in vain. We Worgen players are paying customers just like everyone else and we have a right to post our wishes for the race we play. Every time someone comes here to tell us we can’t talk about options for the race we play it only reinforces our post by bringing it to the top of the list where it should be and will continue to be till Blizzard decides what customization to give Worgen. Optional tails, lore correct 8 foot size, more customization for our core look, optional posture for males, optional claw attacks for melee classes, use the waltz dance in human form, give us unique Gilnean human options, and scars in both forms. If they can give so many options to other races they can show love to Worgen one of the last core races still waiting for love to be shown.


What a sad attitude. Asking for improvements and options is never in vain. If that were true, all the recent appearance options the elves have received would never have happened.


Don’t forget some unique druid forms for Worgen. Its nice using Night Elf models for the last … forever but give us Pack Form rather than kitty. Every other druid race forms are instantly noticeable. Let Worgen join those ranks.


Its hilarious the guy quotes the song as if the meaning behind the song is to just lay down and die instead of trying.

“Yeah if you have dreams, don’t even bother trying, there’s no point” -The Rolling Stones?

(Also if elves get to have every contact color under the rainbow and even get to be a part of the new race, its not too much to ask for doggers to get their wag wag back)


If they can put tails on dragons they can do it for worgen .



My best bud mains Worgen, it’s his preferred character fantasy, he’s part of the impressively large number of players who would like tail options.

Finally my preferred character fantasy with a scaled race is becoming available and it has a tail.
It’s time for the Worgen to get taller if they want and some more options to fill out that new standard of player uniqueness.


The irony of you not understanding the message to that song and posting the exact opposite meaning here with one line out of context is absolutely overwhelming.

Not that I would expect people that get tilted over things that don’t affect them whatsoever would understand lyrical messages and decipher them properly.


When i saw the snout options for the dracthyr i sensed a little hope about getting the same treatment for worgens. I don’t know how many of you are acquainted
with the private server of epsilon, there are perfect examples of face/snout change for worgen.(tails,manes and etc. as well)


New Gnoll models, which use the worgen male rig, have tails (of various lengths)!
This is good news for us, fam.

Give worgen tail options!


The tails, all wagging
Worgen should feel such happiness
Else I’ll roll a Gnoll

Give Worgen Tails


Worgens currently only have 5 unique options (4 if you’re a dk) to choose from as far as customization goes. The least out of every single race, that’s including allied races. Dragthyr in their dragon form have 40, 40 unique options.

Hopefully when they finally get to the other races, worgens are one of the first races they pick and not the last seeing as we literally got nothing in terms of unique options compared to the other core races.

Still holding out for that tail option, along with hair options, tattoo options, size options seeing as body type is now a thing thanks to dragthyr, claw options, and many more!



Going to make a prediction here:
Gnolls become the last allied race slot for Worgen and with that Worgen will get a tail option later in Dragonflight.


Actually now that you mention the gnolls…

Vulperas, consider yourselves safe. One of the solutions was to… borrow… your tails, but now we can do what we usually do with gnolls, but instead of gnolls paws we collect gnolls tails!


Give worgans tails please.


9500 here we come. One day Blizzard will notice us…


I return after many months to once again ask for Worgen to have tails. :wolf:

Also fur color customization like the dracthyr have. Being able to pick the base fur color, underbelly, and markings would be great for individuality. Those who want colors like pure black (aka me) can use it and the choices will give better variety!


Does someone else wants the original eyes from 8.2.5 that bad as me :smiley: ? And why we dont have them as options?!?!

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I wish the dk eyes could be optional. I don’t like the current eyes at all. I would love to have the ptr version of the 8.2.5 dk eyes. They were my absolute favorite.

Current Eyes

9.0 PTR Eyes

8.2.5 Eyes

8.2.5 PTR Eyes

I looooved the 8.2.5 PTR eyes. I wish they kept it. Pupils go a long way when it comes to giving your character more expressions.

Plz Blizzard.

Gib eye options and tail options.


Would be nice to have tails on Worgen.


100k views and almost 10k posts and not a single bluepost in this thread. Meanwhile we get a new race with worgen skeleton which also happens to have a tail by default.