Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Aha, I missed there was a triggerable conversation in the orderhall, so it is she was restored by the Shadowlands magic.

Does not change the fact that being a Naga is a great deal more then simply a curse, but is correct in that it would lead to reason the reason that Worgen stayed one was because they chose to.

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Nah, i bet that they forgot the comment in question like many other things.
After all we are talking about a writing team that forgot the souls of Uther and Arthas in Legion when the wrote Shadowland so something as minor as the birth of a baby worgen?

According to Before the storm, Cataclysm happened 6 years ago at this time.
Itā€™s safe to add two more years at the time of SL.
It doest really match with an adult worgen (or even a teenager) who know the curse since her childhood.

We can think of the worgens from Duskwood at Vanilla but will they truly regain their sanity once dead?

Sadly we donā€™t know but one thing we can know is if Blizzard would post here. Come on Blizzard donā€™t be shy post about the ability for us to get an optional tail. Post about a lore correct size. Post letting us know more Worgen options are coming. Itā€™s about timeā€¦

After ā€œover 9000!ā€ posts, and more than two years since the thread began, thereā€™s not much hope in seeing a response from Blizzard on this. Even if they do capitulate and give us Worgen tail (and height) options, it would likely be done without any response in this thread.

Give Worgen Tails

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I think this forum is basically a meme to them now ā€œhey look that worgen forumn has 9500 now Bobbyā€

We will not give up. We will have optional tails and a lore correct size amoung other things. Worgen are players too Blizzard!

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Eeeyyy lookit them Worgen Waggers there, wagginā€™ up a storm I tells ya.

Give Worgen Tails


Which will be first 10,000 posts or Blizzard giving us optional tails and customization optionsā€¦ As well as a Lore correct sizeā€¦

Lets find out shall we?

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10k posts is too soon to expect something honestly ā€¦ sorry about the pessimistic view. I want it as bad as everyoneā€¦ :exploding_head: :grinning:

Hopefully one day worgens can also have 80,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 customization combinations. So far all we have is 1.3M female and 4.3M on male, the lowest out of all the core races.

Those Dragthyrs are looking pretty good thought. Hopefully worgens can get some love too, as well as all the other races that still need work done for them. :smiley:


Now that the Dracthyrs are nearly finished, i hope that they will work on the other races now.

I understand that the Dracthyrs were given top priority as they are the selling point of DF, but many - if not most - of the players will stick to their main so working on the others races is mandatory.
Especially those like the worgens who got few things.

I know itā€™s an unpopular opinion, but iā€™ll gladly sacrifice a raid tier (like what Hazzikostas said for the housing) if it means having far more options for every races.


but is it lore correct that Worgen have tails?

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It can be!

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then it can also be said that the worgen size in-game is lore correct.

want lore accurate Worgen or not? Seems kind of like some people are asking to have it both ways

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Iā€™m just saying lore can be rewritten to suit tails. Development of the curse, customization via alchemy, A Druid Did It, etc.

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Give us tails, please. I would like one very much. Weā€™re about to get yet another race with a tail (Dracthyr) in addition to the tauren, draenei, pandas, and vulpera who already have them.


Instead of tails why are we not asking for lore correct height, more scars for human and worgen form and fur colors, as well as combat human form like the dracythr? I mean Genn did it during the stormheim fight for a good chunk of the fight in legion on Alliance and Horde campaigns. Yet Ion said thatā€™s not possible yet its been shown otherwise with legion.

We are asking for all of it as Worgen are the core race with the least options. We want the tail to be optional and added to lore via an event. We want the lore correct 8 foot size. We want black fur, scars and other options like roses in our hair. We want melee classes to have the option to use those vicious looking claws to fight with. We want Blizzard to treat Worgen like they are a real race in the game instead of the cannon fodder joke of WoW. We want a different human dance and some Gilnean customization for human form to say we arenā€™t just Stormwind humans.

Worgen druids would also like real druid forms rather than lazy night elf look alike. Give Worgen pack form rather than kitty.


Give worgen tails and Gilneas.