Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I bet if this was an elf post asking for tails they woulda gotten them already :frowning:


They didn’t put a time line on it.

Hope to see monks for all races along with rogue, priest and mage.

Kinda feel like warlock should be for every race too.

Shaman, Druid and Paladin will likely take a long time to happen. Needs lore and has a lot of unique assets per race.

Still holding out hope for Worgen options before 10.0 but we will see.

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Likewise, Worgen tails please Blizzard :3

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Pls buff worgen butts.


To have a Worgen without a Tail…
Is akin to a Sailboat, with no Sail…
An exercise in frustration, causing much consternation,
And ultimately destined to fail.


Give worgen tails.

I think it worthwhile to comment that I’m 85% sure the reason they had no tails at vanilla launch is that the graphics were simply not there. They probably tried it but couldn’t get it to not look like a pinecone stuck to their butt.

Beings we live in a much better age of graphics I am all for tails. As an option, kind of like with Pandas. All my favorite werewolves from other products have tails, and it would make them a heck of lot less weird looking in Running Wild mode.

So one can hope. +1!


Been playing the game less and less as of late. You know what would help bring me back along with others who stopped playing their worgens? A optional tail and more options in general. :smiley:



They already have tails in official art give them to us in game

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I so badly want the happy wags!

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Look not every werewolf in every media is going to have tails.

IMO, in a sea of anthropomorphic animal races - the Worgen not having tails makes them unique and reinforces the fact that these are humans.

Instead of tails, we should be asking for their paws to be fixed. They should have four toes touching the ground, not this weird dino/bird three toe structure.

Consider that in-game the foot prints actually show a normal 4 toe paw print.

The Worgen in other media like blizzard’s Nexus game shows Worgen with correct number of toes.

The “thumb-claw” is something seen on canine forelimbs, not their hind limbs.

Also Dracthyr show that they have the modeling technology to do it and are no longer as restricted by limited polygons.

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One again we are asking for this to be optional. If you want to keep your monkey butt by all means as an option you are free to do so. Most Worgen players want to be able to choose a tail as it gives a more balanced look to the model. I will never understand why such a small handful of people are against it just being something optional. If I was trying to force a tail on every model yes I could see it being an issue but we are not we would just like it to be a choice.

As for the paw print thing that is part of being a Digigrade leg that the dew claw is not touching the ground. Honestly Blizzard was just lazy with Worgen and used a preexisting foot print with our race for standing in snow or sand. Yes it would be nice to see a proper footprint but then again we leave footprints when we are underwater and walking on the ground so… Engine limitations? Who knows.

Really the one thing I want to see is Worgen being the lore correct 8 foot size. We know 8 foot models work in game Tauren are 8 feet tall and Zandi trolls are 8 feet 2 inches so ya the models will fit in the world just fine. To this day I question why its Blizzards own lore is that Worgen are these large monsters and yet in game they are such a small size… is it just to make all Alliance Tall races the same size? Why Blizzard Why?


The hind limb of a dog is digitigrade, and does not have a dew claw. That’s a feature of the forelimb- not the hind limb.

As for the tail, I don’t care if it’s available or not. You do you.

Personally the feet bother me way more.

No dog foot looks like that. The three toe structure is something birds have - not dogs.

They aren’t restricted by polygons anymore and it’s annoying that they didn’t fix it in the revamp.

This is even seen in the difference between old and new mounts.

Old cat/dog mounts had 3 claws because of limitations but newer ones have correct 4-5 toes.

I’ve been saying this for so long. I had one person call me crazy when I mentioned that the paw prints they left behind in snow/sand was wrong and refused to believe me rofl.

My issue with that thought is that according to Shadowlands and many other lore, they’re not humans anymore. Sure they can turn back to their human form, but they are literally worgen now seeing as after death instead of going to the Shadowlands as human, they appear worgen. That’s like being in a wheelchair after you’ve been on foot all your life, dying, and still being in a wheelchair even in the afterlife. Worgens definitely became a race of their own.

Althought in Neenas case, she mentions she lived her whole life as a worgen. Maybe at some point they went back on their comment about worgens having regular human kids and instead they come out as worgens? That’s definitely one of those lore questions we need to ask about to reconfirm.

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This looks more like the same kind of situation that Lady Vashj was in, where they chose to keep their cursed form rather than revert to their old body in the afterlife.
“lived with the curse her whole life” could just mean she was young when Gilneas fell to the Worgen

In the case of one who has known the curse their entire life, sure, but there may be others that were afflicted later and retain their human self-perception, or whom elect to retain their human form as Cataclys points out. Those we wouldn’t even notice, because they’d appear for all intents and purposes human in spirit form.

The poor little corgi has the most useless tail ever.

Nagas are not simply a ‘cursed form’, it is a complete physical change of what they used to be by an old god, there is no ‘choosing’ to remain such in the afterlife.

It is outright stated that when Vashj arrived in the Shadowlands, she did so in her Night Elf body, and chose to remain a Naga when she was sent to Maldraxxus.

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