Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I should been more specific and said some allied races have more than worgens. Out of all the core races yeah we have the absolute least amount when Blizzard said they wanted to work on core races before the allied races.

I’m glad they got to some of the allied races early instead of waiting till the core races got enough, I just wish that all the others such as yeah, mechagnomes, kultirans, worgens, ect, were in line with like night elves and blood/void elves. Heck male blood elves are in a bad spot too, they need more options!

Also as for the human form. I’d say that would be fine if we got gilnean specific human stuff, but instead it’s literally a copy paste, most worgens never even touch their human forms at all. A good majority of us play for the worgen form itself.


cmon blizz
you give velfs everything theyve asked for

worgen tail time


Worgen human form is just a copy paste of the Stormwind human form. There is nothing unique to the Gilneas look. Which is a real shame. Just look at the fact there is a second dance programmed into Human Females, a waltz that is not used except in one area in BFA. Why not give that to Worgen in human form to say… We are not Stormwind humans.

But make them rat tails.

Which also comes the conversation of… options for the optional tail. :smiley:

Want a furless rat looking tail? All yours.
Husky looking tail? Take it.
Regular wild wolf tail? Yes plz.
Curled tail? Ofcourse!
Stubby tail? Size doesn’t matter!
No tail? You can stay tailless if you want.

Draeneis have tail options, althought it’s lengths, so why not give the canines race different looking tails for options! It would honestly be a good side thing if they really don’t wanna go forward with giving us actual hair styles, so instead of hair styles we would get tail styles. Would still love actual hair styles thought. I want a pony tail like the alpha model had.


With Dragonflight coming later this year or early next and Blizzard trying to right the ship before it turns into the Titanic now is a good time to revisit Worgens and add more customizations to them such as optional tails, correct size and yes more fur options give us those and I will bet a lot more will turn to the Worgen.


You can give it a rest now thanks.

Tails would look great on Worgen. Fashionable, pettable, fluffable. A dog-gone good time.

Give Worgen Tails.


And if you don’t like people asking for optional tails and more customization for there favorite race. You can put this thread on mute so you don’t have to see it thanks.


What I miss the most even nowadays is the male alpha , it was the pure perfection in my sight… :exploding_head:

If we had wererats I would never play anything else, ever.


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It was actually the beta model too. This was such a last minute change, and I had stopped following expansion updates, that when the prepatch was released I was like “WTF IS THIS!” Years of shark teeth is what it was. The worgen mask every hallows end just made me mad for what could and should have been. :rage:

Blizzard should have learned but here we are without tails so I guess not. :stuck_out_tongue:


Everytime the devs do something like “We heard you wanted x, so we’re giving you y!” It makes me think they think they are making the game for themselves, or they have one random dude off the street they go to for ideas they think we want lol.

Also ngl I think were-rats would be cool.

They did? YAY I was kind of irked tbh when they said they were making rogues for the sole reason it had the least races that still needed it when in reality monks actually had less that still needed it. Plus Im almost positive that worgen and goblin are the ONLY race that havent been given a new class even all allied races have gotten a new class.


Well, the most eloquent case is the High elves / Void elves controversy when the laters became playable.
The most requested race in the Alliance was the High elves with a good work of the community to tell them appart from the Blood elves to show Blizzard that’s possible.
Instead the devs team came up with the Void elves.

Honestly, it could have worked if the devs team didn’t troll the Alliance at a maximum level:

  • Ingame, it’s a race not even related to the High elves but the Blood elves at least at the start.
  • Outside of the game, we have Hazzikostas who said that if we wanted High elves then join the Horde.

In short, they didn’t do the Void elves to please the players but to please themselves by not giving the Alliance players what they wanted and even mocked these players.
Really professionnal…

The same guys are still in place so i don’t think that they changed their mindset that much.

I could also add the Worgen heritage armor:
The worgen community asked to have Genn’s longcoat at the very least since Legion but instead we got a trash suit in both design and quality - in Kul tiran color on top of that!
And i do remember that one of the designer (don’t remember his name) said that this is the design that THEY planned in response to the criticism.

So each time they say something like “listening to the community” it’s either a lie or i wonder whom they are asking considering the result.

We are asking for more customization options as our favorite playable race got one of the least amount of new options (and no, the human form doesn’t count as it’s just a copy/past of Stormwind humans).

Many here wish a tail with several size in order to have a more feral worgen or something closer to the werewolves seen elsewhere.
But what about the devs? Will they listen to us or will they twist our demands once again?


Yeah I remember that, and I still believe he is a blight on this game and should be punted off to something that doesn’t have as much influence.

Well, this is the company that pretty much tweeted “we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong”, I’ve come to expect the least and hope for the best with this company.


They’ll probably do something stupid with the tails like tie them to skin color of the Worgen, like how humans can only have scars if they pick a black or asian skin tones.


Were the last three skin tones under the dark ones supposed to be asian? I know asians were considered to be “white” until the 1800s but they just looked like white to me… and honestly I’d rather have it like this because they’d probably bungle it and make them obviously yellow. It took them over a decade to actually put in black people ffs. :roll_eyes:

9400 posts and counting. We are not going away Blizzard we Worgen players will post till you show us the same love you’ve given the other races.