Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Where do you see this info about worgen paladins and a 2023 release?

Also I really like that schoolgirl-mage pic!

That post was before the recent preorders being available and the statement dragonflight would be in 2022. All prior information before that had everyone (forums and news outlets) guessing early 2023, based on Season lengths and Season 4 just coming out, no dates given for Alpha/Beta of Dragonflight yet, etcā€¦

The Worgen paladin and others are all hearthstone cards, paladin specifically being


Ok thanks, didnā€™t notice the timestamp on the other post. :slight_smile:

The worgen paladin info comes from the fact that they straight up said every class race combination will be coming in the next expansion. While we wonā€™t get worgen paladins/shamans at launch, we could see worgen monks as early as prepatch seeing as they added in monk animations in the background this patch that werenā€™t there before, and the only races that donā€™t have a monk option being goblins, lightforged Draeneis, worgen, worgens being the only ones missing a couple of animations and itā€™s complete.

Paladin/shamans they said we would get to last simply because of the fact that they have to make new mount/totem models for each race.


I would love worgen shamans. Ghostwolf form would be perfect on them.
They could even do a more lupine version of the Vulpera totems. Itā€™d be great. :smiley:


Give Morgan flails.

A cool idea would be something like the Witcher logo. A glowy wolf head on the totem with roses and thorns wrapped around the base of it


They will top it with a wolf tail to taunt us.

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A little tail that swishes around when it casts its effect. lol

You know it would be fun to see just how much the Worgen player base grew when we got the HD model. The old models were so bad our player base suffered for it but now and days you see a large number of Worgen players. Granted itā€™s nothing like the elves but to see our numbers grow warmed my cold spiteful heart. I have used the Worgen model since the first day of Cataclysm and refused not to just out of spite for how bad the old female model was. Blizzard really dropped the ball on Worgen and hopefully one day we will see some large amounts of Worgen love. Till then a start would be optional tails and a lore correct 8 foot size.


And a really simple and easy thing to do which has been stated since forever, that can be implemented in a mini-patch of shadowlands, true black Worgen fur. :pray: :smiley:

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The textures are already in game files we just have no access


I donā€™t know how to feel about this honestlyā€¦ :smiley:

I feel like that black fur was delayed to come out with the second wave of worgen customizations that never happened because they ended up walking back on the promise of giving us customization options every 9.X.5 patch.

We wonā€™t get it until we get that second round of worgen options, which we desperately need since we have the lowest amount of customization options out of all the core races, even allied races too.

Hopefully the second wave of option includes actual hair styles, separate scar/tattoo options, and optional tails.


My kingdom, my kingdom! My kingdom for a comb.


ā€œWe wonā€™t get it until we get that second round of worgen options, which we desperately need since we have the lowest amount of customization options out of all the core races, even allied races too.ā€

Dark Irons, Mechagnomes, Kul Tirans and Zandalari have entered the chat

I donā€™t disagree that worgens have a low amount of customization, but they have more than the above races, especially considering their human half.

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punts mechagnomes out
You have more options than the rest of us combined.

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Mechagnomes have:
8 skin types
7 face types
8 hairstyles, not counting bald because that doesnā€™t seem like a ā€œhairā€ style to me.
7 hair colours
20 different robot face parts - mostly just mix and matches
13 different eye colours
3 different metal plating colours,
4 different types of hands
and the option to turn off the leg plating.

What I think of when I think of ā€œlots of optionsā€ is hairstyles, eye and hair colours, jewellery options. If we had the option to have flesh-arms and/or legs, Iā€™d totally agree with you. I know they are all customizations, but Mechas donā€™t get to wear pants or have sleaves on their shirts either so that cuts down on customization outside char-gen.

Worgen donā€™t even have the last 2.

This is like worgen complaining about not wearing our shoes or having claws through our gloves. Besides this is a worgen tails thread, we want our addons ;D

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Oh I agree! I want my wolf-side to have the options my human side has! Earrings where she had them on her human form, scars on the proper sides, having the same hairdos would look weird, but more options on the wolf would be nice.

Also tails.

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