Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Non elvish races need love too blizz


Sure thing as soon as you start paying for my account you can dictate how I get to make requests just like how all the other races/players get to make their requests. You screaming in Caps Lock donā€™t make me want to listen to you any more than the normal amount of 0 heed I pay to your posts so no need to pretend like you are some mature adult who knows that is best for other players. We Worgen players are requesting customization options and you are a lone voice trying to demand that we not even be allowed to request optionsā€¦ You are going to lose this war and one day we will see more customizationā€™s for Worgen players. Now you can either join us in our requests or be left as one tiny voice screaming in the wind of change. Choose Wisely.


Put the Gnome on ignore. They havenā€™t any real arguments nor do they apparently know what this thread is about.


I personally donā€™t care about tails one way or another whether Worgen get them or not (though I tend to lean more towards more options for people to have their characters as they wish the better)

That said, one may wish to take their own advice, as there is a great forum feature called ā€˜muteā€™ that makes a thread go away so you never see or hear from it again.

With that readily available, your continued persistence here just rail against the topic of the thread and insult those that wish the topic of the thread did occur, is much more not being an adult than the behavior referred to.

Strong in this one, the irony is. Given your posting tactics to date, I doubt youā€™ll listenā€¦but here is why your premise is faulty:

Public forums exist for the purpose of open discussion, and the presentation of suggestions by the fan-base. From what Iā€™ve seen in this thread so far, the ā€œdemandsā€ made have been framed far more politely than the opposing views posted by detractors such as yourself.

Those in favor of tails have clearly iterated that these additions should be options, and in no way a required change in character appearance. I would like very much for you to point out the post that proclaimed ā€œthe game sucks if you donā€™t give me this!ā€.


I am not the one who acts like a petulant child who DEMANDS Blizz to give me a very minor digital cosmetic feature on a daily basis. Also, I did not make any DIRECT personal attacks while I received plenty direct attacks from you guys. My opinion that worgens should not receive tails is not the end of the world, but you all act like it is. Get a job or find an useful hobby!


Iā€™m tired of you acting like this post doesnā€™t date back to April of 2020. Youā€™re acting like we arenā€™t following the forum guidelines TO THE LETTER by keeping this topic in its own thread.

Youā€™re the one acting entitled. Youā€™re welcome to offer a dissenting opinion, provided it isnā€™t dreck like this. Dissent only allows us to address the most fervent detractors and show how they are misguided at best or rabid liars at worst.

Like they didnā€™t make vulpera playable?

You really over achieved on irony here. You just popped into a video game thread and posted multiple times with emotional dreck instead of trying to calmly and rationally stating your position using lore citations to validate your opinion. Then demand that others act like adults. Here is an adult tip for you: Adults argue using reason and evidence, children make emotional demands. Which have you done?


So continued insults instead of taking your own advice, acting like an adult and muting the thread, figured as such.


Yes! The Great Tail Cropping must be ended!

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My job: Electrical designer for a multi-discipline engineering firm.
My hobbies: Nature photography, camping and writing.

Alsoā€¦ironically inferring that the posters of this thread are childish and unemployed no-lifers with no hobbies outside of this game is, in fact, an attack on their character.


People ask for options, people bring up many different sources of tailed worgens and fan designs of em. Some even come up with lore ideas to bring them in. The point of this thread is for people to come together and discuss a fan request, you know, like the dark rangers and high elves and cross faction threads that eventually became reality!

Without player feedback, we would have gotten a soulless 2022 Dragonflight release with all of the rushed content like Shadowlands. Instead weā€™re getting a 2023 release date with them taking player feedback heavily in to consideration. Weā€™re just simply doing just that, and providing player feedback!

For me the feedback Iā€™ve been providing in this thread is the fact that worgens currently have the absolute lowest amount of customization options out of all the core races, that includes all of the allied races now too. I simply wish to see more options in general on worgens, a optional tail would be a massive bonus seeing as theyā€™ve shown tailed worgens in Hearthstone and other official media outside of wow.

Worgen paladins, tailed worgens, normal haired worgens.
If it appears in hearthstone, itā€™s possible it could be a customization option!

Thanks to player feedback, weā€™ll be getting worgen paladins in the next expansion, along with worgen monks as early as prepatch even seeing as itā€™s just Goblins and Worgens that canā€™t be monks at the moment. Player feedback goes a long way as weā€™ve been seeing the past few months, especially with patch 9.2 in general.



And a lore correct 8 foot size. :heart:


most worgen cards in hearthstone, including lightfang and guardian animals, donā€™t have visible tails. The only one is this guy, which only has it in the card itself and not its reference picture.

A weird thing about that one is the full version you linked, that was around before the expansion had released. The tailed version was done after. I have the original version that was on hearthpwn somewhere. It should also be in this thread somewhere, but for now, hereā€™s this lower resolution one.

Also hereā€™s another tailed worgen, this one way more convincing that itā€™s a worgen since they show the human form also.


But yeah, most of the cards in hearthstone donā€™t have tails, just a couple of em along with the promotional art. So that just also shows that tails wonā€™t be forced on everyone, but would be a thing that some worgens have, meaning a completely optional thing. :smiley:


Best we can do is more blight.

Luckily now we know of a sure way to get rid of the blight thanks to the 9.2.5 quest. Me being a Necrolord I can do just that and bring in little aboms to eat up all the blight!


Best we can do is Banish you to the city of Gold for the rest of your WoW life. Iā€™ve heard the horde love the layoutā€¦

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Give Worgen Tails.


Worgen arenā€™t my thing, but if tails make people happy, then Iā€™m in. :+1:t3:


See this personā€¦ They understand if optional things would make people happy then let there be more options. They arent worried about trying to deny other playersā€¦ More people should be like this person.