Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

This even seems like something done with a lot of haste and little attention. :disappointed:

I hope Blizzard will also remember to add our tails as options to our already limited racial customization.

Hell, Yeah!!!

My wish list for Father Winter.
:wolf: :heart:

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The good news is, with every bug found, gives me the opportunity to post for a tail request along side the bug report. ;D



Give worgen tail options.
This is necessary.


Remember how genetics suddenly changed for blackfur pandaren and now they have a longer tail? Guess which race could have that same kind of stuff happen to them

Also, suddenly orc spines changed shapes, nice. Guess which member of a beastly race is also related to spines

And wow, it’s soon going to be over 9 thousand posts. It’s been a few months since I last visited this xD


maybe they’ll listen to our pleas for worgen to have tails at some point. Unless they’re devolving into the kind of people that throw issue reports involving worgen in the trash then well
 I’d have to worry about the game’s future at that point as worgens getting their tails at long last is a very valid desire given all the official artwork of them includes tails.


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What’s going on here? I take a few weeks off to prep for and play Endwalker and upon my triumphant return I not only still don’t have a tail but this thread isn’t over 9000 yet!

Did we at least get someone on the “Council” that can cross link here every day? :slight_smile:

#GiveWorgenTails :wolf:


Not me at least but i guess that being French and very critical about the writers work disqualified me in less than 10 seconds :grin:


Not like that council is likely to amount to anything.

Blizzard has a forum to listen to players right here. Don’t really know why they needed another one with only their picks




And worgen druid none shapeshift forms, or unique worgen forms :slight_smile:

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give worgen tails now :eye::heavy_minus_sign::eye:


A little more of Blizzard’s laziness and haste, to launch the Cataclysm.

I even understand that druids night elves couldn’t use wolf form, but gilneans should be able to.

Well, patience.


Give worgen tails

Also a wolf form/worgen form instead of cat form for feral druid. Cannonically it would make a lot more sense, considering the worgen form is the strongest of all druid forms.


Yeah I’ve said this same thing on another thread or well I think I said them making an exclusive new forum for only their choice of people to listen to was like them giving all the rest of us here the bird but anyways
yeah it’s really stupid and what’s to say they’re even going to listen to this council when they don’t listen to us, especially our pleas for worgen to have their tails at long last

makes sense honestly
 even if it ends up a worgen druid only glyph somehow for some reason. Worgen need their tails and well
 yeah long list of stuff they could do alongside the tails. I mean Worgen having tails is a very tame concept too so it’s not like “Oh if we give worgen tails the game rating is going to spike to M” yeah no
 if that’s their reason for not doing it by now they need their facts checked.



Give Worgen Tails.

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Well you already have zandalari trolls who have their own unique bear form, along with other races that get unique druid forms and such as well. So a worgen getting their own wolf form that’s a unique cat form for worgens would be awesome! If that happens I would dust off my druid I abandoned way back in cataclysm. ;D



fair enough I meant more like worgen get their wolf form to replace cat but there be a glyph for if people want the prior form back or something. Who really knows what Blizz would do involving that really. Tails for worgen first
wolf form for worgen druids second or something because worgen deserve tails and we can’t give them a chance to go around that just to change the cat form for the worgen druids instead



Agreed. #GiveWorgenTails. :wolf:


They are already shaping animals in Ardenne for players to use.
The same solution could be made for worgen.

Still surprised that Worgen tails, straight backs and jet black fur aren’t a thing yet.


give worgen tails :wolf: