Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

The Capt. Eudora remains without a tail, indicating she must have lost in some combat.

Either lost it or cut it off herself when grabbed by a foe. I mean to be a pirate captain I’d imagine you’ve gotta be able to make sacrifices, but still R.I.P. Eudora’s tail. As for a no tail option for vulpera… I’d settle for battle damaged but flat out missing sounds painful. Still feel worgen deserve their tails but that’s so long as mine remains attached and functional. I mean a vulpera like myself without their tail may as well just be a fuzzy goblin, and yeah I’d rather not be anywhere close to a goblin. More so…I don’t know where I’d be able to find worgen proof cuffs as well… can’t just take a vulpera’s tail and get away with it you know.



As it is wow right now, I dont think “I want some tails” will be a good idea.

Worgen without tails, they look like furry night elves at times.


:heart: :wolf:



:heart: :wolf:


Wait until you see what Worgen look like without ears.

More clowning around with Blizzard hiding Worgen ears all the time, this time providing ear holes for Worgen helms despite not actually going through with having Worgen ears show through them. :clown_face:

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Bumping this. I think it would be nice.


The fact that they actually took the time to add in ear holes for once is actually great, how did they forget to add the ears is another thing thought… seriously how. xD

At least for once Blizzard is finally taking the time and adding in what was once a exclusive to the cash shop helm and adding in actual ear holes.

One big issue thought… while they did add in ear holes for the male worgen, they completely forgot female worgens… Come on Blizzard, you can do better than that. Give us girls the ear holes too.



tad curious if they’re doing this to vulpera…given vulpera got big ears at times. Still would be nice if by the time patch 9.2 is live they fix the no ears thing. Would also be nice if worgen got their tails too but we’ll have to see about that



The ear holes on male Worgen is probably a bug and they are meant to use the versions that hide ears. I don’t think they are currently able to have ears show through helms that cover certain features on Worgen for whatever reason. It’s just another frustrating model issue, but I don’t know, hoods tend to look like trash on Worgen anyway.

The ear-holed versions are most likely intended for Vulpera, Elves, and Trolls, so they are in fact using the versions with the ear holes. I think the male Worgen hoods using this model is a bug, though I agree that they should let Worgen ears show for these hoods.

They will most likely fix the issue by changing the male Worgen hood appearances to the versions that don’t have ear holes.

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No it is a player bug. NPCs it works fine. Check the worgen guards in Legion Dalaran. (There are others but these are the easiest to find) This is just something Blizzard is too lazy and/or incompetent to fix. Hopefully this helm looks so terrible on worgen they finally notice this mistake that is over a decade old.

Here is an example of an Alliance assault NPC and my own character wearing the same gear.


Possibly, though the ears showing through on NPCs could be a side effect of how they allow hair to show with hats on NPCs while Worgen ears being hidden by helms on player characters was likely a more deliberate choice made by the original devs who implemented them.

The Worgen weren’t exactly a favorite race among Blizzard’s lead devs during Cata, especially considering the garbage state they left female Worgen in for more than a decade. In fact, a Blizzard employee apparently had to fight to get a scene made featuring Genn Greymane and Tess Greymane together for the Heritage Armor questline.

Regardless, they should allow Worgen ears to show with helms, especially when they are now designing special hood models for Elves, Vulpera, and Trolls. Their exclusion of Worgen with special hood models is just bad, and I already unfortunately see them “fixing” the issue with the 9.2 hoods by just giving male Worgen the versions of the hood models without the ear holes.

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It is not all NPCs though, which is suspicious.

On them not being the favorite among devs, I’m sure this is true, but I also remember cataclysm every 3rd person was playing a worgen. It should not be about the devs and their wants but sadly it is. Blizzard is slowly waking up to the folly of that. Too slowly.


It make sense in the lore too because you can just take a strand of hair even from real wolf tail and just stick on back. Please, let it be.

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even though Caelus is banned from the forums for only 999 more years, we still support the cause




do not give Worgen tails.

Don’t just give worgen tails. Give them OPTIONAL tails!




Options good.


Something missing from worgen, feral druids and vulpera is a flea-scratching animation and a glyph to change that animation into applying flea and tick powder.

They probably would have given this simple pleasure in that other game.
