Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Give me a fuzzy wittle tail uwu

If worgens get tails, Humans should get fox ears!

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yeah…no… it makes no sense for humans to get fox ears and no you can’t have mine.


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If it’s a cosmetic like the bunny ears? Sure, why not

Also, worgen still deserve their own tails. Let them join the tail gang!


The worgen community i waiting. Give worgen tails!

Also while you’re at it give dks actual eye options. I miss having normal blue eyes like this on my dk early on when you first released the new worgen models.



You got one of the best animation reworks ever. Get in line.

Make my panda casters not claw the ground for some reason.

Well we already know the pandaren rework is definitely coming at some point next expansion since they are the last ones that need a true rework to be in line with all the other races.

Doesn’t change the fact that pandarens got more than double, triple actually the amount of customization that worgens ended up getting. In terms of customizations, worgens now even after all the allied races got their new stuff have the least amount of customizations out of every single race. Worgens need more options. It’s something that has been stated since the very start of the expansion and more so now when they are giving one of the races with the most amount of options even more things.

I always like to throw this image around to show how very little worgens have compred to the other races in terms of customization options. Give us more options Blizzard.


I’m only saying that worgen are near the bottom of my list in a limited scope customization pass.

Ideally, they kept doing it for everyone as sl went, but blizzard’s middle management is utter garbage.

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The same can be said with me and night elves. They should have been in the bottom of the list logically after getting so much and having the 2nd most options out of all the races, yet Blizzard still chose to give em more options as of the last ptr build.

Male Blood Elves haven’t been touched yet either, they need more options just as much as us worgens. I’m not a horde player myself, but even I can see that the opposing faction needs attention too just as much as we do. Giving your personal favorite races all the options and ignoring all the other ones that desperately need it is one of the reasons why so many players are leaving the game.

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Oh, I wish everything got the attention orcs and elves got.

Can you explain to me why eye combos can’t be interchangeable, or why there isn’t more?

They have the rig set up for it now, new eye colors are like a five minute job tops if the programmer knows what they are doing.

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I have a feeling that has more to do with Blizzards ancient coding for the character customizations. Even if they built a new system and new look for the character select screen, they are still somehow limited to having specific set of eye combos and not able to pick each individual color. That’s my theory at least. I’m sure they could easily figure out how to make individual eye options work.

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I think that’s a cop out they’d use, but I’m skeptical.

They really should just announce that 9.2 is the final patch of the game and they will be taking the next year to completely retool Warcraft from the ground up with a more advanced game engine and modern code base.

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Been in line.

Turns out there isn’t one.

Who woulda thought?



Might have been the wrong line :confused: we thought it was tail line but could have been the pail line :thinking:

Wow I have never seen a more “liked” post regarding a cosmetic issue of races. There seems to be HUGE demand for worgans to have tails. I don’t see why they don’t add them now, it will clearly make 20k people happy.


yep an issue players on both sides want to see happen, quite a wonderful sight honestly. We’ll keep asking for those tails till Blizz makes it so…or deletes this thread as a big middle finger to us…whichever happens first

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Funny thing is there once was a time this thread was actually temporally hidden, along with the first comment being hidden due to multiple people reporting it as spam or something, but then the GM decided to remove those. 4k replies later and the thread is still going.

Come on Blizzard. Give Worgen OPTIONAL Tails!


Hmm i doubt it, few month ago i saw somewhere that a fan managed to built a system allowing to select each eye individually.
I know, private server but i think that it’s still the ancient Blizzard coding so…if a fan can do this, so the devs.

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Back to the only thread that matters

Give worgen tails :slight_smile:

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