Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I like to know that answer too.

We will see soon enough and Iā€™ll be asking for lore correct size and optional tail as well till they mute me.


i want to know the answer too! wouldnā€™t it be curiosity killed the wolf instead of curiosity killed the cat?

3 Likes,h_500,q_75,strp/werewolf_by_bobkehl_d5io4w1-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD01MDAiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC83YjM5YTlmNy0yMDk3LTQ2NzAtOWMwMi00MmFiYjYzMjdiOWRcL2Q1aW80dzEtZjc4ZDhmMmQtM2ViMi00NWY3LTk4YzEtNzJhOGRlYTdhMmYwLmpwZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD05MDAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.ntZUSGjLRViGhapLP0yLMK6krA2Ra01VIPWA6Mdm0VY




Is this bliz or fanart?

All of the Worgen stuff Iā€™ve posted in this thread is just worgen artwork from around the web.

Yea but if we get it answered satisfaction will bring wolf back.


yes exactly!

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Worgen deserve to have access to more customizations, which other races are getting even if they donā€™t have any art to support it, that make Worgen more like Goldrinn. With wolves.

Your connoisseurs also deserve to have more options.
Like all blood elves, orcs, trolls, humans and tauren players today.
Like all races deserve.

Give Worgen Tails.




Thatā€™s where your wrong. The concept art is from Blizzard even posted it in the Cataclysm special edition book. The art from Hearthstone is also official art by Blizzard. Yes there is custom work images as well but most of those are to show how Worgen tails would look and how the customization looks on the model. Which is why we ask for it in the first place it makes our characters look unique compared to those who would choose not to use the tail. Also the core reason we want it to be optional.

So that last image was Blizz concept art?

Ok um, Iā€™m not seeing the big deal here, just a picture of a worgen with a tail in support of this thread.

Iā€™ve been a long term advocate for worgen tails, not sure what your angle is here but Iā€™m your friend not your foe dear. Bump is a bump though. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



approaching 6,000 replies on this thread. Think the devs have noticed?

Give worgen tail options!


I tend to assume that if the devs havenā€™t said anything they havenā€™t seen it.

Or donā€™t care.

Either way, the fight continues.

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Theyā€™ve more than just noticed by now. This thread has been at the front page for what, approaching a year now? And had been consistently up there since. Has a really solid view to like ration compared to even some of the bigger threads.

Iā€™m hoping we get a answer in Blizzcon. Approaching 6k repplies. I wouldnā€™t doubt weā€™d his that number just before the even begins.

Weā€™re just here to express our support for a optional tail. Many people in this thread, and in twitter, and in game have expressed positive reactions towards a tail option and agree that worgens lack big time in the options department.
If not 9.1 or 9.2, maybe 9.3 will be the day we get our tails. We donā€™t mind if you take your time Blizzard. :smiley:


I donā€™t know where that image came from. Itā€™s we have been attacked quite a bit on this thread do when your post said ALL of the Worgen stuff it looked like yet again another attack. Iā€™m sorry I misread it.


Paladina has been here supporting tails for quite a long while. :smiley:
Honestly the number of people that have been hard against tails are very small. I can count em with just my fingers, all 8 of em. I never did get over the fact that worgens have 4 fingers for some reason rofl.


Always found that odd too. We get itā€™s based off Warcraft models that didnā€™t completely use the right look of hands for monster races but still. The nightfae fauns show Blizzard can do 5 clawed fingers just fine. Now if only they could get the size correct.


I feel like they only gave worgens 4 fingers per hand because of the fact that worgens only have 4 claws(counting the dew claw) instead of 5 on their feet like you knowā€¦ normal canines. One really annoying thing is the fact that even thought we only have 4 paw pads, when you walk around the snow, it shows we have 5. D:


It makes people wonder if Blizzard has any notion of anatomy and symmetry when creating something or just trying to create a new species independent of anything.