Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

You actually have it opposite. They used to think it was “great destiny” but found out it was just a special tie to the natural world. That makes it double ironic that Azshara and Illidan had them because they rejected the natural world.

Malfurion was born with silver eyes (again ironically). His eyes became green later in life.

I checked WC I Orcs Vs. Humans, WCII and WCII Beyond the Dark Portal. There is no mention of pale skin for elves. Their tones are in fact never mentioned at all.

So this one has no relevance to whether or not dark skinned elves are canon or even rectonned. lol

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Do you have a source on that?

I have never encountered anything beyond the change in their societies view on it.

Illidan was never able to use druidic magic effectively, and Aszhara never used it once. Both accomplished great things, terrible things, but great things.

I am aware of this.

While I don’t think Blizzard has actually explained it, I assume his green eyes were added to signify his greater affinity with druidism over time.

I also note that his muted green is probably more of a silver with a green glow over it. (But thats just me making things up).

Yeah but they aren’t going to have fancy eyes because of “Destiny” that doesn’t really jive with the rest of wow lore. Illidan did druidic magic fine. He just grew bored with it and craved more raw power. He also wanted to distinquish himself from his brother who was sensei’s pet pupil.

Its not that it was literally destiny. Just that they were capable of greater things in general. Not all who had Golden eyes accomplished anything of import.

It was still supposedly a mark left by Elune from what I can tell. Though I think a lot of it was meant as superstition and Blizzard never greatly went into its details to kind of leave it in that “Did they do great things cause of their destiny or did they do great things because they believed they would?”


What’s your problem with accepting its not because they care AND the fact that it’s still a white face with dark skin tone? Oh yes its an elf but most elves I’ve seen have more white features than any other race.

So back to give worgen tails WHEN.


Worgen Tails YESTERDAY.

Worgen Tails TOMORROW.

Worgen Tails NOW.

Give Worgen Tails.


Gimme dat tail.
We see how you tease us with tail in your other games Blizzard.
Give worgen tail options.
You will see race changes quadruple day one of tail release. Too hard not to pass up on. ;D


I participated in threads related to vulpes as a playable race and there were 2 types of people.

Those who were interested in having the race as playable and those who just entered the thread to disdain and belittle the idea.

Today, I only see vulperas and none of their detractors naysayers.


I remember the lore said that Sargeras had “killed all the Titans”.
In Legion he captured them all Titans.
And yet in the end it was contained by them, who had just been remade in less than 5 minutes? OK.

If something big like that can be changed, why can’t something small that doesn’t even line a line in the lore be available as an optional customization to players?

I am not against creating a lore that explains tails for worgen or blood elves in rainbow colors.

But there are people who would see the creation of a new lore that would justify this as a bad thing if it contradicted their versions.

Although void belves is something for another thread to debate.

The issue is that there is no lore needed to be added to explain either.

Far as Worgen tails? I can find nothing beyond Genn definitely not having a tail.

So nothing wrong with tails for other Worgen.

Far as dark skinned elves?

So far the absolute only place I’ve found yet that says they were ever only pale skinned is the non-canon table-top rpg.

All other leads I’ve been pointed to have not included any info on their tones.


All this discussion is really interesting but what I’m super interested in is having a tail option, some more hair styles on my worgen form, and upright ears.


Core things I would love is:

Optional Tails
Lore Correct 8 Foot Size
Wolf like ears
Eye Colors for DKs
More fur Colors
Optional male upright posture.



Here’s hoping BlizzCon isn’t a dud.


I would like to hereby declare my intention to offer my moral support for the stated requests being presented in this area of public discourse. The additional spinal extensions being actively requested by our vocal enthusiasts are, in my humble opinion, an item for the benefit of the lupine-inclined Gilnean citizens in both function and form as an entirely optional supplemental alteration to their physical bodies.


Fluffy Worgen Tails Now!

I want to have awkward scenes where I sing into my tailtip like a microphone after drinking too much at a pub and have to run away from giggling friends blushing through fur like ‘uwu now they know i wanna be a pop star uwu’.

Give Worgen Tail (options)s.

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Body is clear.

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I just wanna hit people with my tail. Worgen tails would be wolf like(obviously), meaning it would be a long, thin, but still fluffy tail. Perfectly build for quick movements. Now imagine getting hit by said tail at high speeds. We’ve all seen how fast canines tail move, how hard they hit too if you’ve ever been struck by a really excited dog. Would be like getting hit by a metal rod in worgens case. A worgen tail would make a mighty weapon.

I agree. I personally prefer to leave what the elves are going to get, whether it makes sense or not, to be discussed between Blizzard and those interested in customizations suitable for Silvermoon’s elves.

My interest in this thread is about the inclusion of an option to add the possibility of being able to equip a tail in our worgens if players wish so as it is for the customizations already in the game.

All of this would do wonders for our worgen.

Thank you very much for lending your strength to this cause.
This helps a lot. Really.


Give Worgen Tails

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