Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

No I said I don’t care about them for races where it makes sense and hasn’t been contradicted in earlier lore. I also think it just looks terrible because its still the same old elf face with a different skin tone. Its not a elf with the features a black person would have or hair style they would have either.

The Lustful Worgen Maid?

no that the 2nd book stop reading ahead


Again though. You keep calling it broken lore. What about those tones broke the lore? What is broken?

You make these claims, then don’t have an answer for what has been damaged.

Its almost like thats not really what bothers you.

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Third book is called “The true height of a Worgen”.

P.S. Spoiler Alert its 8 feet tall for both males and females.


The fact that they originally said Blood Elves were pale and fair skinned and then they retroactively shoehorn in darker skintones to appease people, not because they actually care and you are eating it up and STILL reaching btw on the calling me a racist when once again I have to point out I actually LIKE the idea of black humans with the actual features, I LIKE Dark Iron Dwarves, I also like Nightborne as well, All dark skinned races. So, that really puts a giant hole in the theory of me being some racist. On top of which you’ve zero idea of my own race, gender, or sexuality.

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And what actually broke?

Where is the lore irreparably hurt?

Are Blood Elves not able to be paladins now? Did they not join the horde? What changed?

Anything at all important?

What about Chronicle? Do you ignore other parts of it because of some preceding book? Where do you draw this line in what is correct lore or incorrect lore?

Anyone with an issue with dark skinned Thalassians shouldn’t be fighting for worgen tails.

Its the same thing used against them. “It breaks lore”.

Things like this do not break any lore in any capacity. They add to it. At worst minorly retcon it. Nothing changes otherwise its not breaking lore.


I don’t remember lore ever explicitly saying the Blood Elves were pale and fair-skinned. I DO remember lore saying they had warmer, more human skin tones due to exposure to the Sunwell, making them stand out from the cool/blue tones of Night Elves.

That’s it.

So give worgen tails.


The only source I can find for that is actually in the non-canon rpg.

I can’t find any other source linking to it.


Let’s be honest the lore of WoW is no longer cannon to itself. It don’t matter cause the devs can and have changed it on a whim. So something like giving Worgen optional tails isn’t going to harm anything.

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Carrying that by ship or cart?

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Speed boat!


Here is a lore friendly way on how we can get tails on worgen. Think about it. Pact form had it, worgens have literally every other feature from pact form, so just copy and paste it on to worgens and boom, tails for worgen. ;D


Which harmed nothing and no one.

What’s your problem with people being appeased? Are you really offended by other people getting something they want? Cuz that’s gotta be a difficult life.

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To my knowledge none but in the Warcraft II manual, the High elves are portrayed as sylvan elves from Quel’thalas.
As far as i know, sylvan elves have a fair skin in the general fantasy.

In Warcraft III Reforged i do not remember to have seen black High elves / Blood elves either while they could have added one unit with this skin tone if they were a thing all along.
The game is just one year old after all and in its development time, the new customizations options for Shadowland were most likely in the pipelines already.

It’s funny that you mention the non-canon RPG because Blizzard recanonized the part were the High elves have other eyes colors than blue and green. (probably by accident)

Somewhere, i regret that the part regarding the feral worgen lifestyle was non-canon either.
It hightlined even more the difference between feral and civilized worgens and how fearsome a worgen can be.

Wow was never meant to be standard fantasy.

It was meant to throw regular tropes a little wild.

Half the reason any of it is remotely standard fantasy comes from it originally being developed for Games Workshop, but when that fell through and Blizzard found itself with the rights to all make the game they made it anyways.

Granted they never thought it would do well. (orcs vs. humans).

Doesn’t really matter.

Not the way the rpg has them…

Blizzard has taken some minor things from that tabletop rpg and either modified or reused it but that’s a massively far cry from any of the table top rpg being canon.

Ultimately as far as actual lore saying the thalassian elves are light skinned only, there is maybe three likely locations.

One on a non-canon tabletop rpg, one in the warcraft manual (I’ll check mine later today for all three games and their expansions if I can find em- though non-canon as of Chronicle), and I suspect there is a chance that one of wows in game books (much of those non-canon now anyways with chronicle) may have it.

Regardless of any of it. The most important piece of lore published to date, chronicle, specifically only mentions that they lost their violet hue and shrunk. Nothing else.

Dark skinned high elves break no lore. Change nothing. And using that arguement is ridiculous at best and at worst makes you appear like your concerns are meant to block reasonable things from being.

Like tails on Worgen.

Which should be a thing because they do not break lore either.

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Where did i say that? I just found funny that once again they recannonized something from these books. That’s all.

We can agree on that at least.

I think you don’t understand my intentions:
If you have paid attention, i gave few idea to expand the lore around the black elves or trying to find an explanation, not for the sake of blocking.
It’s not my fault if Blizzard showed through the lifetime of WoW that the skin tone or eyes color (if not both) for the elves are highly dependent of the magic they are using.

And it’s same things for the worgen tail: Both party have arguments to say if it’s lore breaking or not.

In both case, why not expanding the lore around these two ideas, whether they are lore breaking or not?
If you are not interested to expand the lore whatsoever, that’s a different story and i will find it sad.

Not needed, as it’s at best minor, at worst long ago retconned by Chronicle.

The eyes alone are affected by magic. Nothing more.

No lore is broken in any case.

This lore breaking thing is your problem. It’s not real. No lore has been broken.

I have no issues at all with lore expansion.

Hence why I support tails.

Dark skinned elves break no lore. Which is what I’ve been saying.

It isn’t an argument to say dark skinned elves break the lore so worgen should get tails.

That’s just false bull and frankly racist bull at that.

Now those who want to say tails don’t affect anything meaningful about Worgen lore and are thus prefectly valid requests? That’s fine.


It has ALWAYS been canon that their eyes change based on what kind of magic they’re exposed to. So yes always been other colours than blue and green because there are more types of magic than arcane and fel.

If it was druidic/nature magic it might be a more natural looking green, or maybe orange considered the “druidic gift” in night elves is orange eyes. If it was unholy/death magic it’d be red. Holy magic (as we’ve seen) is yellow/gold. Void is a purple-ish.

For night elves while it is often seen as a gift for Druidism, this isn’t correct. (though that is how their society sees it these days)

The golden eyes just suggest a greater destiny or purpose for the night elf that has them. Two notable non-druids who had golden eyes are Aszhara and Illidan.

Malfurion in contrast has green glowing eyes. More muted than blood elven fel green though.