Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Hairstyles too


As a non-furry. There is absolutely nothing wrong with furries.

If someone thinks there is something wrong about or with furries they obviously suffer from severe insecurities that they’re projecting.

Being a furry isn’t innately a sexual thing. For the ones where that is a component consent with all parties involved is important.

As a community furries do a LOT of charity work competing only with some religious organization.

Furries for the most part are just a specific type of cosplay.

Be kind to your fellow person unless they aren’t being kind to you or someone else. :smiley:

(Or you’re role playing and it’s part of your character).


Whos next for horde villian bat I wonder? Thrall “Garrosh was right all along”.

I don’t think alliance has ever had a MAJOR lore character turn evil. There was that bishop dude in cata. And also in cata that night elf who became a druid of the flame.

Horde had Kael (afaik Kael was still part of the blood elves horde on tbc pre-patch/release).

Horde (minor) Putress and Varimathras.


Vol’jin while sparred the villian bot was only warchief for one expansion that he had barely any part of.


Gallywix (to be fair he was never really a “good” person)

Arthas. Yes you can argue he was the Alliance of Lorderon but he was still human and a part if the Alliance.

To my knowledge the Wildhammer and Sand Trolls have been granted… but I don’t think we’ve gotten any of the other trolls or Grimtotem.

Not really disagreeing just minor quibble.

As a I’m-not-sure-if-I-count-but-those-horse-fanarts-I’ve-seen-recently-have-me-wondering, I have no issues with Furries. :stuck_out_tongue:

It actually aggravates me when folk just come here to use that as some reason we shouldn’t be able to request what we want to see… furry or otherwise.

Aye, I do often wonder why everyone thinks its ONLY a sexual thing.

Right there with you.

Honestly might make me respect Thrall again…

(I’m mostly joking)

I hope we get to kill Turalyon…

Yeah… but he only hurt his own people. When he hurt OTHER people he wasn’t Alliance anymore.

Ion actually did a interview a while back reguarding that. Here’s the response.

He later on mentions this as well in the interview

Frankly, I think we see this as correcting an oversight on our part over the years. And just trying to improve representation more broadly. And we are custodians of a fantasy universe and a world that we build. And we don’t want to, you know, not do the right thing because we feel shackled to a decision that was made creatively in a different era 15 plus years ago.

From my understanding, him and the team are very much open to mixing up the formula when it comes to character customizations. Things that are “lore established” won’t really matter in these cases as the kind of of customizations we will get will be specific to the players and not something that you will see on already established characters. We’re not gonna see Genn suddenly grow a tail because tails get added as a option. We’re not gonna see Anduin or Alleria suddenly change skin color because a new skin option is available. It’s just something that’ll pop up without explanation and even effect some of the no name npc’s around the game like guards and such.

we don’t want to, you know, not do the right thing because we feel shackled to a decision that was made creatively in a different era 15 plus years ago.

This comment specifically gives off the idea that they are willing to go against the established look of races if they feel like it.



Eh he was created to turn evil from the get-go. And I don’t consider the alliance of lordaeron the same as the modern alliance. Just like the modern horde isn’t the same as the old horde,

Oh goodness me too!!!

IF the old god/void whispers are to be believed he is likely to turn evil.

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Christie Golden is simply an author who writes stories. She is not a dev nor does she make up the Lore of the games/story. So back to square one. Where in the “Lore” of the game does it say Worgen can’t never have a tail?


I’m just sitting here with my hamburger flavored popcorn wondering how often “Lore’s” argument has to get torpedoed before it sinks in.

While I’m here…

Give me my tail option
Give me hairstyles
Give me upright ears.


Give worgen tail options.


Also, correct their lack of mammary glands. They are missing a bunch.

Don’t think blizzard will go that route.

They’d have to change up the armor.

If you want to see a game that deals in that check out the Charr in GW2. Think charr have four nipples.

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You obviously haven’t seen us naked. In worgen form we have six nipples (is the anatomy word gonna be censored? However they’re aligned in a triangle on our 2 breasts.

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Actually, it’s not a Subrace. High Elves are an existing ROOT race.
Void elves are not the same race as High Elves. Not anymore.

That’s like saying giving Nightborne Night Elf customization would make them Night Elves.

Void Elves and Nightborne are fundamentally different races.

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More customization options will make the Worgen an immersive race for all players as well as with orcs and blood elves.

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I love how she looks worgens would be the envy of some of the races .

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The stuff they censor is really dumb. Retard is fine, but don’t try to call someone the proper word for a male donkey. Oh and the triple nipple made me lol.

#giveworgentails or #giveworgenchiropractors

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Checked in to see how the thread’s going. Dang, almost 6k posts?

A lot of people want tails, huh? :grin:




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