Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I actually like a bit more shapeliness as I firmly believe that sexy and kicking butt should never be mutually exclusive.

At any rate though I would still like my tail option.

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Give worgen a bone.

Insects and Birds (in most cases) usually have a larger female, sometimes dramatically so. Probably the case with most dinosaurs as well.
Ostriches and other ratites are an exception.
Mammals are unusual in having larger males most of the time.

Anyway, give worgen tail options!

Hey thats my line your not allowed to use it. :pouting_cat:

All I want is to chase my tail around stormwind!


i want to yank on others tails!


I want to smack people with my tail! >:D


that too, smacking people with tails would be fun


poor Worgen players, one day you will realize you can not demand Blizzard to change the characters they carefully developed, Worgen were simply not designed to have tails.


stares at the worgen model that we had to live with for almost 10 years


looks at blood elves blue eyes, and dark skin

Looks at void elves getting flesh towns and blue eyes

looks at orcs getting straight back option

looks at gnomes getting hunters

Looks at night warrior eyes overwriting DK eyes

look at trolls getting customisation from other tribes

looks are dwarves getting wildhammer appearances

Uhm sirā€¦ all of these things were ā€œdemandedā€ by the players and we got them.


To be fair they put in A LOT of effort into the alpha model. Then scrapped it and all the work and rushed together as fast as possible to get the live modelā€¦

Add in vulpera tails in to that list also

Iā€™m still upset about that to this very day. I still donā€™t understand why they even thought scrapping it entirely and giving us the chihuahua faced one was a good idea. They put in so much work. You can tell just how rushed they were in to making it because of the lone fact that we went from having all these unique hair styles for both the male and female worgen, and ended up with just the shaggy manes as the sole option for hair styles.


I doubt it had anything to do with the artists. I bet the artists HATED it. Having all their effort thrown away and then giving demand for something new in a fraction of the time with a poorer envisioned quality. I bet someone from fiances made the choice cuz somehow they believes the negative reputation of ā€œfurryā€ race would ultimately hurt the games success. Despite always having tauren. Probably the reason worgen tail got cut as well from cata. Yet we got Pandaren the very next expansion sigh. I honestly donā€™t care who it was. I just hope they arenā€™t working there anymore. Itā€™s completely disrespectful to artists to have them scrap all that work and then rush them on a replacement piece.



That was a good joke.

ā€œDemandā€? hahahahha!

ā€œCharacters they carefully developedā€! BWAHHAHAHAHHA!


Carefully Developed:

Worgen were simply not designed to have tails.

Concept Art proves you are wrong:

But please feel free to tell us more about how your headcannon is wrong and you have no clue what your talking about I got plenty more .gifs to snicker at you with.


It wasnā€™t till like the very end of itā€™s lifespan that I discovered that their teeth clips right through their mouths. THE TEETH CLIPS THROUGH THE MOUTH. AAAHHH! This would have drove me insane if I had found out about it way sooner.
We were left with this monstrosity for almost 10 years, when we could have been living with this one instead.
The alpha model was great. Blizzard should have stuck to their guns and continued working on it instead of scrapping it in favor of the horror monster. We could have actually ended up with tails if they kept developing it further.


Other than the eyes looking a bit flat, that was perfect. And yes, we ended with mutant dog perma snarl for 10 years because some ā€œexpertā€ thought their idea was better.

I want my tail option, and Iā€™m going to keep howling for it, until itā€™s a reality.


The eyes are just so deadā€¦ and lifelessā€¦ the snout is super short and permasnarl. They used the same skeleton as the original alpha model to save time but it didnā€™t fit well with the new model and didnā€™t have time to fix it. Imagine if you just threw goblin animations on Vulpera with zero changes. Itā€™d clip to heck and back.


Not sure i can afford a tail if i go in to stores it be wag crash wag crash . :scream_cat:

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