Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

This has been beat to death, however the way you frame it is a bit misleading. Just because it is not specifically mentioned doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Did they mention how many toes and fingers there must be? How about how the canine teeth must fit in the mouth? There are a number of minor details that are left to your imagination but have an unusual place in the model.

You’re right and wrong. Cow in both his reply to you (because he is quicker than me) and in numerous other posts has shown how amateur modelers have applied a functional tail to the current model and that the model bones already exist. It IS more work, it is NOT that much more work.

This is another example of your personal perspective. I know 2 people right now who want to play worgen and the tail is the deal breaker. One I think the reason she picked her priest over DK this xpac this played heavily, and the other is a hunter in my guild. I’m sure being a gnome player you know a lot more about what people think of gnomes than I do.

You’re correct, and incorrect. The debates are played out. But, if the post dies then the demand is not apparent to Blizzard. If you are on a campaign you keep protesting until you get what you are campaigning for.

As for the 8 foot thing, that isn’t really a fight I make. Worgen are darn close as it is and the fix would be hardly noticeable. The hunch in males makes it not apparent (and is a frequent complaint). Females are slightly smaller as expected from sexual dimorphism. What we have are other races that are substantially over 6 feet making the contrast not as apparent. Here is a human/worgen comparison I made awhile ago by using the /dance animation to briefly remove most of the hunch.


Hey, I’m gonna post a little bit of sacrilege here.

I prefer plantigrade footpaws to digitigrade footpaws. Just a more stable look to me for bipedals. But digitigrade looks ESPECIALLY bad without TAILS. Really needs to be an option!

So, Blizzard. Give Worgen Tails.


Does not exist particularly in wolves.

Also not even in game let alone irl are humans that dimorphic. So it’s a little odd worgen are. But meh.

I guess you’ve never seen an intact male dog. He will be VERY obvious by his size. You’re used to the normal castrated pet. Sexual dimorphisim is the norm for most animals, and the male is almost always the larger, especially in mammals. Wolves are not one of the exceptions. Feel free to head over to google with “wolf sexual dimorphism” and read the abstract that pops up to the top of the list.

Add to that Blizzard likes to overdo the dimorphism in most races. Hey now I can take advantage of “IT IS ESTABLISHED LORE!” :stuck_out_tongue:


Aren’t mammals the only grouping of animals that tends to have males larger than females? (In general of course)

Most other animal types the females tend to be far larger. Especially the less complex you get.

Also… Its fun that Worgen have alphas when even the guy who originally came up with that stupid notion recanted when he realized he was just looking at family groups and not some weird alpha to beta pack structure…


I was thinking terrestrial vertebrates when I said “animals,” but when you mix in amphibians, fish, and especially the various invertebrates you’re probably right. I’m still right about wolves though. :nerd_face:

Cur believe it or not but the dev question was about Worgen females. Upright they are supposed to be 8 feet tall with males being pretty much the same size when standing upright. Which in and of it self would help some with understanding why Worgen shoulders are so over sized for the race. I still want to see the hunched over or upright males for Worgen as well. My main 3 wants is optional tales, lore correct size, and optional posture for males. Optional posture for females really wouldn’t work.

Also fun side note until she passed away in her sleep at the age if 16 i had a wolf dog. North American Timberwolf/ Siberian Huskey mix. And she was 6 feet long front the tip of her nose to the tip of her tail. She really outsized most “house dogs” and was larger than a German Shepard.

I think the larger size would help Worgen stand out and when was the last time you saw a Disney princess as a large werewolf?


Genitals isn’t considered sexual dimorphism. Size differences are rare among mammals. And other classifications that do have it the female is almost always larger.

Wolves have no dimorphism outside of their genitals.

I’ve seen plenty of wolves. Also dogs while related aren’t wolves.

I say zero images showing a clear difference. There is none.

this is true. It’s really bad in Draenei. Especially as male eredar and draenei where never that wide in artwork. Tauren are like the only race where it works because bovines are one of the few mammals with significant sex dimorphism. Honestly I prefer like blood elves, vulpera, goblins, gnomes. Do pretty good.

I work in a more rural area so I see a lot of larger breed working dogs. When the local sheep farmer got a new great pyrenees puppy I made extra effort to make friends because I knew I didn’t want an adult 100+ pound dog to think of me as a stranger. :smiley:

I’m still not sure how noticeable the extra foot would be to the average player.


Lol when I say “size” I mean SIZE, not the size of his junk. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Look this one up. Canids especially those closely related to wolves are size dimorphic.

Also dimorphism is not rare among mammals. I challenge you to name 3 that aren’t and I challenge you to name 3 more where the female is larger. They exist but you’re going to need to be quite the zoologist or quick with google to name them. I’m pretty good and I can only think of 2 of the latter that I’m fairly certain of.

Also dogs are basically wolves. Separated by 10-20k years of evolution, sure. But if you want to use that line of logic to say they aren’t, don’t look at how long certain populations of humans have been separated from each other. You might say something bannable. :rofl: :dizzy_face:


You would be surprised how much that size difference makes the look of the character change. Get the faintly glowing seed and get the Bigger buff and you have a Worgen at lore size. Just look at the night fae fauns if you want to see how tall Worgen should be.


Alpha only happens in captivity because they’re scared and not acting like a unit.

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Never seen that.

The guy who originally came up with it was watching them in the wild over a period of time.

He wrote a book that ended up blowing up. Went back later and realized he was an idiot. Tried to tell everyone the Alpha thing wasn’t real and no one listened. It was too late.


I just googled it and it was all of the results.

" The alpha wolf is a myth.

Wolf ranks are a false concept only found in captive wolves instead of those in the wild. Biologist Rudolph Schenkel coined the term “alpha wolf” from observing wolves at a German zoo. Shenkel claimed that a dominant male and female lead wolf packs."


Neat. Been awhile since I looked it up.

Wasn’t doubting just hadn’t heard it that way…

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Thats exactly what they are. Are you blind?


Well I mean female Worgen would be a bit to top heavy to hunch over like the males do. Even with the chest size reduction they got balance would be quite the issue.


Maybe I’m just odd but I personally was happy to see the Worgen model looking less shapely and more fit. Then again I’ve never been a fan of “heros” that could knock you out with out laying a hand on you.