Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

It’s still there, I see it in the front page of the general forums. :smiley:


Oh nevermind then weird it says its unlisted on my page but glad its not.

I would like to take this opportunity to point out that the Night Fae Faun have tails, and such tails would look great on Worgen.
surely it wouldn’t take much more effort to play “pin the tail on the Worgen.”

:wolf: :pushpin: :part_alternation_mark: :dna:

That would have been a weird move by Blizzard…

its still there was down just a bit

I have a guildie on retail that was so upset about new Worgen models not having tails. Like batsh#t crazy because every Greymane cinematic he had a tail.

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I’m honestly surprised this thread hasn’t even gotten a response from Blizzard yet. Then again, we know how hard Blizzard tries to hide things from their player base, even thought often times it always ends up leaking somehow or Blizzard themselves throws heavy hints of it actually happening(I’m looking at you worgen tail skeleton and tailed worgens in hearthstone). They are very much aware of this threads existence I’m sure seeing as it’s one of the highest most replied besides all the high elve threads, which is quite a handful, people really want their high elves, pull the ripcord thread, and sethrak thread. And even then, this thread has a really solid viewer to likes ratio it seems compared to half of those that have a higher reply/view count to em. This thread has shown how much the people demand a optional tail, so here’s hoping come Blizzcon in… THREE MORE WEEKS, we finally get our wish of tailed worgens, same with all the other threads that are asking for highly requested things for their race. :smiley:


time will tell 100% that is for sure


Give Worgen Tails.


At this point they could only enhance the hype for their virtual blizzcon by saying “we might have some news” and leave it there.

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Give Worgen tails and then give them a new racial move: “Tail Swipe : Briefly disorients target.”

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Ability: Tail Whip
Effect: Lowers the targets defense


I didn’t know “unlisted” was a thing.

Blizzard rarely, if ever confirms things they’re planning on the forums. They will albeit rarely deny things and sometimes (often) proven that the denial was an… alternative truth. For a long time they never said anything about Vulpera. Then they refused to say one way or another but just clarified that races with increase customization doesn’t mean they’re gonna be playable per se. Which a lot of folks took to mean no Vulpera. And yet we got Vulpera. With blizzcon less than a month away I don’t expect a response.

Although I wish there was a system in place that if a thread get a certain number of likes then it’s entitled to a GM response. Even if it’s a silly thread.


I have a confession to make.
i wouldn’t want an 8ft size adjustment. I like my Worgen just the size he is.
The sheer amount of times I’ve seen worgen wandering around with the elixir of giant growth really does suggest it could be a popular addition.
Give tail options. Size options, too.

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If you want to play an uwu race with a big, fluffy tail, the Horde is waiting for you.


  • [Community] The demand for them clearly exists
  • [Aesthetic] Female worgen look wonky with those big, long legs and forward-leaning, loping run. Not sure if a tail would alleviate that, but it might.


  • [Lore] Worgen have never had tails in World of Warcraft, and coming up with a reason as to why a percentage suddenly grew them would be odd (but it’s not like lore stopped anything else from getting handwaved into existence, so that’s a bit of a whatever)
  • [Design] Difficult to implement as compared to 2D texture features like tattoos/scars/etc or non-obstructive 3D features such as jewelry. They’d need to be rigged, animated, etc. and accommodations made to assets like cloaks.
  • [Sales] From a $$$ point of view, how many people would race change to worgen to have a tail? Likely not many who aren’t already playing worgen.

Seriously though, I think there is nothing else to be added to this conversation. Either Blizz will or they won’t. People have made their cases ad nauseum.

I guarantee if they let worgen be as big as tauren, they’d still be using growth potions to be even larger (see: Zandalari/Tauren players who do exactly that). There is no upward limit on the feeble grasping of machismo.

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Or, they just weren’t mentioned before because it wasn’t a big deal.

Already in place since the tail rigging already on Worgen is already used for several races. It will need to be shored up a bit but thats not much.

You put too much stock in this.

Give Worgen Tails.


Been a Alliance for 15 years, and a Worgen for 10. Even a Death Knight main for 12. :smiley:

For me yeah, it has a lot to do with aesthetic reasons, especially with how much I’ve seen a tail improve the look of worgens with modded in tails. While people may feel like a tail will just “cutefy” or “uwu” the worgens, it will actually do the opposite. It will mainly balance out the look they have going on now where they always look like they are gonna fall over, and give em way more expressive body language. Overall, just complete the look.

While the development of Vulperas, tails did take a short amount of time from when they first got revealed as a allied races with no tail, to having a tail with release that has loads more animation going on compared to their npc counterpart. It could possibly not take that long to rig the tail animations at all concidering they can do the same thing they did with Vulperas and just copy paste existing tail animations over. Then again this is a wolf tail we are talking about. So you have to take in the extra effort in to making the tail show more movement/expression compared to the fat tail Vulperas has.

I’m one of the few that feels like they’ve secretly been working on tails way back since 8.2.5. They’ve had a lot of time to work on it. Especially considering worgens got the absolute least amount of new customization options out of every race (not counting allied races as they already said they want to do the core races first this expansion). Surely they have to be working on something big if all they had to work on with worgens was just recolors. We never even got new hair styles or anything compared to everyone else.

Blizzcon will have to be the day we get answers. I myself am confident we will get it. Only a matter of when.



Playing warwick on league of legends makes me want worgen with tails even more.


Thing is Yaash the devs are the ones who said Worgen should be 8 feet tall in lore. So much of the excuses for Worgen not getting a tail is its against the lore. Which mind you is not true. There is no such lore other than people having a head cannon that they have never had em before and therefore optional things are bad.