Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

:crazy_face: eSTabLiShEd lOrE :crazy_face:


Worgen? Tails? Together?!

If we keep this up theyā€™ll start WAGGING THEM.

Give Worgen Tails.


To the people who flagged me, your just showing how desperate you are at this point. There was nothing offensive or against the rules in my post, and frankly Iā€™m amazed the mods havenā€™t unflagged it at this point. Your not going to crush peoples opinions by flagging them.



They want to flag someone come flag me. There is no lore reason Worgen canā€™t have an optional tail. There is a lore reason Worgen should be 8 feet tall. So come flag my post and feel free to post that your doing it. Donā€™t be a coward and flag thinking your special on the internet cause hereā€™s a little news flashā€¦ your not. Your just another pathetic internet troll and Iā€™m here to call you out.


Give. Worgen. TAILS.


If the mods action you, I invite them to action me.

Nothing you did violates any part of the coc. Let the bad pups flag uselessly!




Gives you both Worgen Treats, and your choice pick of drink.

People are just being dumb.

#Give Worgen Tails
#Tailed Worgen

Tosses a newspaper in a random direction.


chases and grabs newspaper.

Whatā€¦ Am I supposed to do with this?

Waitā€¦ Why did I chase it?


Give worgen tails!


Well it could be use 1 part to do your (business) on and other part to read while waiting :smirk_cat:


There is only one consistent thing about WoW lore. How inconsistent it is. WoW has some of the most constantly changing and fluid lore of any fictional universe. If THIS is where we draw the line then thatā€™sā€¦ just silly.


Multiple people showing support isnā€™t spamming. If the same person does it over, and over again thatā€™s spamming yo.


Iā€™m here to show my support for optional tails, because itā€™s something I want!


And while weā€™re at it, after watching Monster Hunter: Rise, I want to be able to hit a button while doing running wild to go into a drifting animation and have super speed burst!

Go ahead and try to flag me for this. crosses arms


Could you guys also consider improving head gear options for worgen? 90% of helms look terrible on worgen. Their ears donā€™t even show through their helms like all other pointy eared races do, and I think it makes most helms just look bad on worgen. I think worgen head gear transmog needs improvement


If you actually look back at the helms for worgens pre mop, and possibly even half way in to mop, the helms looked like they actually took the time to make fit, gave em actual unique looks that made it work with the snouts and such. Snoot holes. Give more helms snoot holes! Now these days, the helms are justā€¦ stretched out. Looks goofy a huge majority of the time. A rework on the helms will definitely do a lot. Funnily enough, if you scroll up and look at all the worgens in this thread, a large majority of us donā€™t have helms. Here is a couple of examples where helms have unique looks compare to their human counterparts.

Also, one thing that will REALLY be appreciated, a little hole specifically for the ear. Iā€™m still annoyed that the one time they give a proper ear hole for worgens, itā€™s on the blizzard store transmog. xD


Ironically I find that this helm looks better as worgen than human because it doesnā€™t have the stupid mask portion. Also yeah Pandaren also look terrible in 99% of helm transmog. Oddly though Vulpera look good in most. So itā€™s not just a furry thing. Unless they only recently figured out how to overcome that problem but then wouldnā€™t worgen have gotten it with rework?


i just like to see more customization period for worgens :smiley: tails, and more ears are my big thing, but surely they see this 5697 post thread and climbing asking for this


We will see what Blizzard says come February.

P.S. Blizzard Feb 23rd is my B-day so why not throw a Vanilla WoW player a bone and give us optional tails and a lore correct size announcement?


Oh well, guess I will just have to play Earthblood then.

Well lookie thereā€¦ the ā€œCrinos War Formā€ has a tail.

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Hell Yeah!!!

These crying babies may unfairly shut up some of us for a while.
But they cannot shut up all of us who are suggesting more cosmetic options for worgen.

Abusing the reporting system, in desperation to silence you, is a futile and immature act.
And it shows what the moral character of some people is like.
They cannot contribute anything.

Even those who say there are more important issues, fail to mention what these issues are, let alone raise flags in favor of this.

And shutting you up Leelin, itā€™s a vain act.
You are not the only voice calling for the inclusion of a cosmetic improvement aimed at worgen.

And there are no injustices that go unanswered.
Using the false flag generates responses from CMs.

A group of trolls did this in the brasilian fĆ³rum against a player for posting a guide and the CMs reversed the injustice and penalized the trolls.

What pleases me most about this hood is that it has openings reserved for the ears of worgen and vulperas.

My ears are not going through the hood but by spaces made for this detail in worgen and vulperas.


Still here desiring my floofy, waggy tail. juggles balls of moon and sunfire in the meantime


Welp Blizz never responded but instead unlisted this topic so no one can see it anymore without a direct link. Guess thatā€™s a no for worgen tails?