Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I desire a long, floofy tail.

Hands now please.


I always saw this statment with circumspection:
If one of the parent stayed human or the mother switching often between human or worgen, yes itā€™s true because the genetic material is human at one point or another.

But on the other hand, itā€™s very unlikely for parents who are staying worgens all the time to give birth to a human child.
The curse is not just covering a human with fur.
Itā€™s a complete transformation into another being. Itā€™s not a rocket science to understand that the genetics material transform as well even if the magic is involved.

So with two parents being worgens full time, itā€™s hard to imagine a child being human with a worgen genetics.
Itā€™s simply biological logic.

Also, thereā€™s the case of the feral worgens: If they have humans children, what are they doing with them?

And instead of that, we got to be shamed to be a worgen and our next sovereign is a human woman who is considering the curse as a disease and not a strenght.
A missed opportunity to have a female worgen hero and an insult to the worgen playerbase.


According to current lore as shown and explained above: worgen make human children.

Not how I would have done it were I in charge but it is what theyā€™ve said on the matter.

And once again. Thatā€™s at current. They could easily retcon that without any real issue.

100% with you here.

I donā€™t play a worgen to be human. I play one to be a worgen. I refuse to be ashamed.


This was said to me in a joking and contemptuous way for 10 years.
Orcs, trolls, blood elves were also looking great for me.
But then they were given better options.

Really. Perhaps we should remove all the props that our characters have, because in the words of some, they are a waste.

Perhaps, we should just have ā€œcheckered cubesā€ traversing flat landscapes, so that devs do not waste resources on trivial things like customizations that guarantee immersion in the characters we create.

Anything that can improve customization and make our characters more in tune with our ideals should be removed from the game if they do not bring any improvement to dps.

well my worgen looks fine to me but i suppose im 1 in 5082

One againā€¦ Optional if you dont want it

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once you put tails on Worgen they will not be true Worgen anymore, they were not designed to have tails, just saying.

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I could say the same thing about orcs with their improved postures. Just isnā€™t right martha!


So your saying one you put metal bodies on gnome they are not gnomes?


I love my fluffy tail it would not be right for the worgen to not be able to experience it.


Guess female draenei with long tails arenā€™t draenei then.

Many pandaren females are also not real pandaren then.

Youā€™re ridiculous.

Of course. Theyā€™d be Mechagnomes! :smiley:



Worgen the only race where non Worgen come in to demand that we be given 0 options and deny us customization of our own characters.


You see it in other AR threads too. Folk who are not involved and wont be playing the race any time soon just come in and say no cause they donā€™t want to see it or something equally as useless.

Folk can have their opinions but I wish theyā€™d think before they said em.

Like if you donā€™t want the option sure fine. But donā€™t tell me I canā€™t ask or have that option based off your own feeling.


People against more customization options in a game with already little to none as it is have just hilariously bad reasonings for it.


yes more fluffy tails!


To be honest I have only seen it for Void Elves asking for Blood Elf hair styles. Personally Iā€™m fine with that as long as somewhere in the hair look it keeps a void elf tentacle. More options are always better.


I prefer Worgen without tails. I feel that tails are something Bliz doesnā€™t do very well.

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And thats is why we are asking it to be optional. If you donā€™t want a tail on your Worgen by all means keep it the way it currently is. There are plenty of others who want the tail option and would choose to use it.

The only thing that shouldnt be optional on Worgen is the size. Worgen should be the same size in Worgen form as the Night Far Sylvar. We know 8 foot models work in game why Blizzard would go to the trouble of saying in lore Worgen are 8 feet tall then having them 6 feet in game makes 0 since.


Iā€™ve played a vulpera. Too small and also horde. Plus worgen were here first. This is like you saying we donā€™t need gnomes because we have humans.


I donā€™t even know how to flank a logic like this.
Surely he would want them to be called ā€œtailed worgenā€?
A totally new and different species. :roll_eyes:

Worgen with tails, would be 20% cooler. :sunglasses:
Competition scares.

Worgen spent 10 years with minimal customizations.
Only recently, we were able to choose something that did not involve ā€œ50 shades of grayā€ for worgen.

And we worgen, remain at the bottom when it comes to customizations.

Many people can be satisfied with things as they are now.
I know there was someone who preferred tauren to keep the model from before the beautiful update they received.

Yes. Someone liked the triangular model, because in their eyes, they had more personality.

But there are also those who want to broaden their horizons.
I would like blizzard to work on options that bring ways to approach that horizon.

Tails, as an optional extra for customization, would be a good start.

Letā€™s remember that the original plan was not that the differences between blood elves and blood velves were indistinguishable.
But times change.

So they can switch to worgen too. :pray:

Me too! :heartbeat: :fox_face:

Nobody is perfect. :sweat_smile: