Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Tails. We need nice fluffy tails. A meaner snarl would be nice also. A straighter non hunched back would be great. Some solid black fur would be swell to. 8 feet tall maybe ( probably would be if we weren’t hunch backed.).


The hearthstone art for new and upcoming cards showing worgen with tails is extremely encouraging- the art is done by various people by commission as well as internally by artists in the office. So while it’s possible the older art with tails could have been a fluke, this newer stuff with multiple instances of tailed worgen would have been done with model reference available internally that we wouldn’t see for a half year or more later.
In other words, it’s possible they’ve been shown worgen models with tail customization available, done their illustrations with that in mind, and we just won’t see the 3d models until 9.1!


Give Women Snails

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Amém. :pray:

I have this same expectation, of a likely update in the not too distant future. :wolf:

Pretty close actually. I got curious and checked it with one of the few animations that has worgen erect, and assuming human males are 6’ worgen males are darn close to 8.


That’s what worgen needs!
This is what we’re talking about, blizzard.
Oh my. I can see the neck of this worgen and he doesn’t only looking taller because he’s standing upright without the hump,
He looks more haughty. It has the height that we should display in game.
Most importantly, our equipment would not be deformed in the chest region, as it has been for over 10 years.


And for good measure just gonna leave this here.



Just do it!


Yes, and a straight back option while were at it


Straight backs;
pure black;
Big FLUFFEH tails.




While we’re on this train, in addition to giving worgen tails.

Give Worgen and Vulpera the ability to be demon hunters.


I say give orcs and draenei the option to be demon hunters. Would make the most sense, then you could be eredar and fel orcs! It would completely disrespect lore for any other race to be a demon hunter, but that’s just me. It still needs to be a relatively special class.

Blizzard has already stated lore takes a backseat to rule of cool and demon wolves and foxes would be majorly cool.


while we’re at it, just get rid of the class restrictions all together.
I specifically want Worgen Shaman and Undead Paladins the most, but at this point class restrictions are arbitrary and stupid so go nuts.


I’m already seeing a legion of people pulling their hair out and saying “muh lorezz!1!!”

Honestly, after human druids and troll paladins, I am not opposed to any combination, however insane and controversial it may be.

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This right here is something every modeler at blizzard needs to read. You fracked up the model when every tabard design is not simply distorted, but folded in half.


I’d say all members of the illidari should be options. That’d be fel orcs, man’ari, broken, and naga.
All being playable as demon hunters and other classes would be great.

There were nightborne style demon hunters enemies you fought during legion, so I could see them being an option as well.

Worgen and Vulpera, sure why not, wouldn’t bother me.

I’d personally also like to a visual retheme of the class for void elves, all void based spells, but using those abilities in a similar manner.

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Those were not demon hunters.

They were fel infused guards.

Nightborne are descended from night elves and night elves used to use warglaives as standard warrior gear.

Yeah but looked close enough, it’d work just fine, especially with them being night elves. Train them properly and there ya go.