Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

May be good to edit the OP to possibly either include, or just link to some of the multiple posts that have been made showing all the blizzard concept art, pretty much any hearthstone worgen card or art, the officially licensed small world WoW board game, etc… of Worgen with tails, let alone the countless non-blizzard werewolves in games or real life culture descriptions with tails.

It may help reduce some of the posters like Tchalla don’t read the thread before jumping in with ‘what precedence in Blizzard or out is there for tails’ anyhow

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That’s how the male worgens should have been with better graphics honestly.
This model is also the best evidence that upright male worgen is possible and better.

Allas it’s the current reality and i am not very pleased of it. In short, consistency in lore is a necessity to like an universe.

Unfortunatly we have complete idiots at the writing:

It doesn’t work like this, instead of “pretending it was always there”, why not just add few lines of text IG to explain where black dwarves, gnomes and elves come from let’s say…the south seas?
Very easy to go from “lore breaking” to “make sens in the lore” no?
Blizzard doesn’t even try.

We know now that they are perfectly fine to break the lore at least when it come to customs options.
We can ask whatever we want (a tail in our case), no one can tell “it’s against the lore” because sadly, lore has not any meaning anymore in the eyes of the devs.

Purple eyes are not lore breaking in this case. It was stated in the RPG books that high elves have violet eyes and purple is not so far away from violet.

Let say that’s another re-establishment of what was decanonized in the RPG books.

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While Im a huge fan of all things lore the issue is Blizzard dont care if its lore friendly or not the rule of cool is what is in game now so why not have an optional tail? Its only a small handful of people but they argue like rabid dogs about Worgen not getting options while they never go post on other races post and thats what annoys me.


Goes around giving all the worgen fluffy faux tail belts they can wear until they get their own tails

I know it’s not a real tail, but it’s something in the meantime at least?


Acting like it was always there is precisely how it works. You not agreeing with that doesn’t make it so. There is nothing lore breaking about skin tones.

Why do people keep bringing lore into this? Tailless worgens was not a lore decision but an aesthetic one.

A decision that leaves worgen with an incomplete appearance.
We could at least have the option to choose between the limited version of Blizzard or something customized.

And most likely, worgen only did not have the tail implemented because it appeared in the cataclysm and was something that was discarded in favor of the disaster with permasnarl that we received.

With so many customization proposals present in the game, one that I would like to see present is the option of a tail so that worgen looks more lupine and has less resemblance to a monkey’s butt.

Worgen’s never had a tail prior to Cata, so how can their model be incomplete when their current appearance is based off how they looked originally?

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Did it occur to you that the lack of tail was more an design engine limitation rather than any lore decision?

Just throwing that out there. Even the tauren tails were a bit janky until recently.

As others have said, the tail would help increase the lupine appearance for one, and as long as it’s an option you can opt out of, what is the issue here. You seem to have a certain head canon stuck in your head and anything that deviates from that is automatically wrong.


The fact that saberons and sauroks, who have tails, share a model with worgens suggest it is not in fact a limitation, but a deliberate design choice by Blizzard.

Which has nothing to do with lore.

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These worgen were night elves.
The human version could have a tail to help differentiate the two types further.
Would it be reasonable for the curse to affect humans more intensely than night elves?
I think so but what I feel is that worgen would be better for me, with this customization option.

I know that was the option of the devs but the model that we should have had was very different from what we received and could have been created with more distinct attributes.

It does not seem right to me that humans are affected in the same way as night elves and do not have any characteristic of their own.

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It should be the other way around. The curse would hit Night Elves more intensely because of their connection to the Emerald Dream and Goldrinn, a connection the humans lacked.

The better connected you are to the dream, the more it physically manifests on the individual. It’s why Malfurion grew feathers and antlers (among other attributes) from various animal forms. Humans would only take on the base form of the worgen curse where Night Elf worgens would have other attributes with their worgen form.

At least that’s my line of thought.

edit: ironically, per Blizzard’s own rules, in this regard it might have made sense for the original worgens to have had tails. But I don’t think they were thinking too far ahead on this bit of detail. Regardless, the worgens we got worked well enough without a tail (imo).

I think at this point Grayphus we’re probably talking to a brick wall with this one. No matter how much logic, lore, or otherwise gets presented to him, he’s set in his line of thinking.

At this point it’s best to just move on and keep hoping for worgen getting tails on our own terms.

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The reason Worgen never got a tail is Blizzard ran out of time when designing them back in Cataclysm. Little history if you weren’t around and if you were you should know this already, back in Cataclysm beta 2 months were left before it was scheduled to go live and Blizzard realized they had forgotten something. Female Worgen models hadn’t even been added to the game. The only thing players had was 2 concept art drawings to go on both of which had tails. So Blizzard finally put out a draft of the original model most people enjoyed the 4 looks of armor on the characters and hair options. A small handful of players came in and started complaining they didn’t look vicious enough and with 2 weeks to go before Cataclysm launched Blizzard turned a full 360 on the model and scrapped the head and hair all together and gave us the second worst model in WoWs history and the first model in the game to be sub par for even Blizzards standards. Hence the reason we never see female Worgen bosses. Even the two most used female Worgen characters had their voices changed. So for 10 years Worgen players had a model most hated. But some of us stuck to the hope we might one day get a model that would make us proud to say we play Worgen and we are slowly getting there the issue most Worgen players now have is 0 feedback from Blizzard about the issues we have or what we request. Like tails or lore correct 8 feet size, solid black fur option, upright posture for males,ect…


You say this as if anything you presented is supported by lore, logic or otherwise.

Worgen’s were never depicted as having tails prior to Cata, and when they became playable they still didn’t get tails and when their animations were improved and additional customization options were given years later, they STILL were not given tails.

It should be evident by now that tails are not a part of the worgen aesthetic that Blizzard is going for in World of Warcraft. The only brick wall here is you, for not accepting that reality.

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I feel his 2 cents weren’t quite worth that much.

Many things were not part of the aesthetics of several races of warcraft and today we even have afro elves and human druids expanding the lore.

To suggest that other options can be used to enhance existing models today, when this was not possible or imagined in the past, it seems natural to improve the aesthetics of worgen.

I understand that you prefer it that way but other people imagine more and want more.

I prefer to accept that you are happy with things as they are.


And the concept art depicted then with tails. That are even made it into the special edition book. So it’s not beyond the scope of possibly.


Was the concept of a tail present and could it be recovered to improve customization?
Maybe yes. Would it be a good option? For those who preferred this option, yes.

Many ideas are being put on the table that previously were not possible or were not imagined.

And I prefer to imagine more than to imagine less.

That is why we ask it be optional we who want a tail dont want to force it on players who don’t want it. Worgen numbers are small enough as is. No need to drive more away Blizzard did that enough for the last 10 years, but the new model looks have helped Worgen numbers


Daily tail posting.
Here’s a picture of the Cataclysm Collectors Edition art book that I have sitting on my shelf. Clearly the original art team definitely liked the idea of a tailed worgen, probably planned on it too until they had to make literal last minute adjustments and went from the nice alpha worgen model to the horrifying chihuahua faced worgen we had to live with for almost 10 years. Perhaps we will end up seeing tailed worgens in Shadowlands. Maybe Goldrinn can give us a hand with that and help us unlock having a tail, and not only that, but being able to fight while in human form and overall having a way better control of our worgen form. :smiley: