Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

That Tauren is seriously lurking this thread 24/7

People that really get tilted over the thought of others having fun with something that wont remotely affect them are on another level…


How many innocent gnomes standing behind Worgen would get knocked across the room as soon as bacon was presented.

Red shirt guy missed the third tailed worgen: the dude running away near the end of the promo clip.

You know, for someone who doesn’t seem to play worgen, you are very outspoken against tails.

While that is your opinion, and I shall respect it as such, it doesn’t change the fact the worgen would look better with tails. Also your Blizzard is the lore statement is simply fallacy when you consider Blizzard can, and has, changed their lore.

The only real reason worgen did not have a tail from the get-go, and the females looked so hideous for the longest time, is due to some artist inside of Blizzard throwing a pretenous fit that the art didn’t fit her perfect narrative.


Actually, there have been plenty of cases so far where Hearthstone showed us new things that were new to the canon, that were then later on added in to wow. For example, N’zoth. No one knew what they looked like until Hearthstone, and then later on that did end up being their in game look for wow.
Here’s the biggest one. Tortollans. Tortollans were a brand new race unique to Hearthstone, that was than later on added in to the next wow expansion.
Saying it’s a separate franchise from WoW when they literally share art assets and even reveal stuff to us before WoW just completely throws out that statement.
Like I said, who’s to say Blizzard isn’t just teasing us with potential tail option in the future? That tailed worgen is literally their promotional art piece for the next hearthstone expansion. Someone obviously had to give that a pass in the wow team, and if not, you’d think they would have removed said tail by now. So clearly the wow team is completely fine with tailed worgens.


It is part of the popular unconscious that werewolves can have a tail as much as they cannot have a tail.
They look more like wolves, when they can have a tail.

And so much so that even people who work for blizzard portray worgen with a tail, because most likely, this is one of the images we have of them, crystallized in our minds, more recurring than some version without a tail.

And so, we always see the tail appearing from time to time in franchise products, accidentally or on purpose.

And so it would be nice to have at least the option to choose which model we could use. They have already shown with the customizations of blood elves, that what was not there before can be added to promote more possibilities of choices for each one of us.


Thanks so much. :wolf:

Because worgen would look better with a tail, an upright posture and true black color.
That is why the professionals involved constantly add something that makes the models they work for, closer to what would be worgen.

Hopefully, this conception will reach Blizzard sometime.

Hey Blizzard. Stop trying to tempt me. Give me my tail please? :wolf:


Why do people keep saying this? I have two worgen characters.

That’s not a fact, it’s an opinion. A subjective one at that.

And that is their prerogative, whether anyone likes it or not. With that said, not all of their changes are bad. Some are, some aren’t. Some changes are needed, some aren’t.

Tails aren’t.

You say without a hint of irony when that is what this entire thread is: complaining about how lack of tail disrupts your own narrative and image around worgens.

Clearly you didn’t read the quote you linked very well. I literally said “not everything from Hearthstone is considered canon within the WoW universe”, ergo some things DO end up becoming canon. Like Tortollans or Reno Jackson.

Know what isn’t canon? Dalaran having a hostile takeover by the League of Baddies or how Gadgetzan is portrayed in Mean Streets.

This also ignores a key reason why Hearthstone can get away with these kind of things. Hearthstone is not beholden to WoW, which gives those devs creative freedom to deviate from WoW’s lore or version of Azeroth from time to time and just have fun with it. It’s why Hearthstone can be so vibrant and colorful.

If they didn’t have that freedom, things like Dalaran heist probably wouldn’t exist and many changes would likely be made to keep Hearthstone’s canonicity in-line with WoW’s. Be glad it isn’t like that.

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And what exactly in your mind would it hurt to have an optional tail?


What is your major takeaway, here?

As things stand, Worgen do not have tails. However, there are players who want to see the option added as a customisation for various reasons.

Are these players objectively incorrect for expressing a desire?
Regardless of whether you see these requests as reasonable or not, should these players not be allowed to petition blizzard or communicate said desire?


Worgen without tails are like a woof without wag. They are good doggo pups that deserve floofy tails.

People that don’t want them don’t have to have them. I’d like more options!


Worgen are unbalanced without a tail. This is not a stable fighting stance without the counterbalance of a tail. Even then the balance is off, but at least it is less off.



Hmm, in the case of Hearthstone i tend to separate its alternate history from the art itself.
Giving their track record, many arts have the potential to be ported to WoW.

Maybe Blizzard is using hearthstone to see if some concept arts are popular or not in order to include them in WoW.
A test with minimal cost i would say so it’s possible to use the worgens arts to tell them: “Look, a worgen with a tail is pretty cool so make it happen in WoW”.

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Other than the aesthetic that Blizzard was originally going for? None. Worgen tails not being needed is and always will be just my two cents.

Never said people couldn’t request stuff. See my two cents above.

Worgen’s WITH tails just looks so odd for a race that since vanilla WoW never had one. Even the hearthstone art is a bit jarring to see. Remember, worgen are suppose to be only HALF humanoid and HALF wolf. Taking characteristics from both sides to create the worgen.

They’re not actually dogs.

As I already said in another post, worgens share a skeleton with sauroks and saberons that DO have tails. That’s why their fighting stance looks “off” for worgen but not the others. Blizzard could have altered the worgen stance a bit to make it look less awkward and not just a 1:1 copy of the two other races though. Just my other two cents.

It would be neat to see an updated Gadgetzan in WoW. It could be it’s own patch similar to Mechagon where we do side stuff that isn’t necessarily tied to the main story.

If they add the three factions featured in Mean Streets to the game and let players pick a side à la Aldor / Scryer, then it can really be fun.

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The original Worgen model was low res and based off the Warcraft 3 models. (Old School mind you) When Cata Worgen were put out as Concept art the females had tails. The reason we ask for it to be optional is so people who don’t want a tail can continue to have the look of Worgen they want. It would also give those of us who want a tail the ability to have one.


Give tails to the worgen!


I was rather fond of the old models. The bright red eyes, perfect blend of dark and white fur and general dark atmosphere that accompanied them combined with their skinnier physique (which I interpret as them starving) gave them an intimidating presence. The vanilla model actually made them look dangerous.

That and them running at you on all fours was fairly creepy.

Cata worgens though pulled back on much of the dark aura they previously had, turning them more cutesy and less feral. Suffice to say, I was very much disappointed when these new models replaced the old ones in Duskwood.

However the new customizations we got recently does help to at least try to capture that old aura. Not quite there, but close enough.



In the Lore, worgens are “wolfmen”. There is a long history of lycanthropes (humans that can turn into wolves). Some of them can stand erect (like humans) in wolf form. Others cannot (like wolves).

Are there any that can stand erect AND have tails?

Or are you ant-lore, inventing a new thing YOU want?

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Lore in this game left with all the old Blizzard crew. The new Blizzard crew is more than happy to burn it to the ground.

Worgen with tails doesn’t hurt anything and only improves the aesthetic.


Go away troll. There are plenty of games where werewolves have tails. BE GONE THOT!


At this point Blizzard has stated many times that they are fine with going against the lore when it comes to the new customization options. Ion himself said even if it’s lore breaking, we’ll just add it in and pretend as if it was always there from the very beginning. Most recently a couple weeks back was the new purple blood elf eyes option. They straight up said “Yes purple eyes was a glitch in the beta and against the lore, but we’re giving it anyways because it looks cool”. If it looks cool, Blizzard will go against the lore. :slight_smile:
Here’s the initial tweet about the purple eyes.

Also yeah, there a lot of literature and video games that do have tailed werewolves. No idea why people always pretend as if every werewolf doesn’t have one. Everyone has their own interpretation of it, hell even Blizzard themselves have both a tailed and a tail-less interpretation of a werewolf creature themselves in Hearthstone and WoW. Heroes of the Storm literally has a “werewolf” skin for Genn that has a tail. Same with Overwatch, Winston has a werewolf outfit and that also has a tail, so to Blizzard, a werewolf with a tail is natural to them.