Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I know. Oh, God, i’m so sorry. Don’t even remind me of this.
Several of my transmogs are deformed by this defect coming from our inexplicable hunchback. :sob:

Yeah. Please.


Give the Worgen tails! And dh flight form…!


Worgen can have the “short tail” option they gave male Draenei that no one asked for or uses


The saddest thing is that the Alpha model was very good but was transfigured in the abomination with which we were contemplated for 10 years. :frowning_face:

Finally we have a better model and closer to the ideal.
Now if only we had the option to add a tail … :wolf:


Worgen’s don’t have tails.

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I agree more tail options for Vulpera :heart_eyes:

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But they could.

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But they don’t.

I’m half surprised Vulpera weren’t given an option to have more than one tail.

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But they could.

/Punts away.

They aren’t japanese nor korean.

Don’t need to be a certain real world nationality to be a fictional kitsune.

That said, our Worgen cousins need their tails much more


How can they “need” something they never had to begin with and were perfectly fine without years before becoming playable?


The same way humans and blood elves (the latter of which actually breaks lore) ‘needed’ other skin colors and/or other real life racial bits, more options are good, this is the expansion of customization options


What if we find a wild god kitsune in Shadowlands?

I appreciate the words of support. Thank you very much.

But we all deserve more customizations that allow us to leave our toons (vulperas, blood elves, humans, orcs, etc.) “more beautiful” and closer to the image idealized by each of us, for our favorite race.

PS.: Give Worgen Tails. :wolf:
Please Auntie Blizz! :cry:


Skin tones = / = additional body parts. We’re not giving humans a third arm here.

And skin tones isn’t breaking any lore except the one in your head.


So redo everything related to druids that develop tails and be kind enough to explain why worgen loses a finger just by having five fingers but staying with 4 fingers

Where did the missing finger go?
develop a tail as a being that is a hybrid of a wolf and a man cannot but lose a finger can he?

What we are looking for is a cosmetic addition to improve the worgen’s appearance and complete the fantasy of being a werewolf.

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Werewolves, traditionally, don’t have tails either. And worgen have four fingers because that’s how many they had originally prior to becoming playable.

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Yes, please give Worgen tails!


There are plenty of depictions of werewolves with tails, also Blizzard has been playing with the idea of worgens with tails as of late. From the tail skeleton found on the worgen models after the new updated models, to the new hearthstone expansion that is full of worgens that have tails on em.
I feel like Blizzard is messing around with the idea, seeing how the players react to it, and honestly, probably already working on it in the background as we’ve seen in the beta with the weird missing texture thing on worgens where a tail would go that was similar to that of the missing texture on undeads for the new boneless option.

Blizzard has done a lot of experiments when it comes to character options, so perhaps tails is a big one that they’ve been working on ever since 8.2.5 when the tail skeleton was discovered on the worgen model, especially when you take in to account that worgens only got 2 new options, fur and eye color. Human form sure, but that came after they already made the ability to let druids customize their forms on the alpha, so from there it was a simple copy paste for the custom human options.

While sure it is kinda against the already established lore, it’s very easy to go back and establish new lore, stating that worgens got their tail back from their original wolf druid form or something, which hey, then lets worgens have a wolf form that replaces cat form that’s unique to worgens and even night elves since worgens originated off of night elves, just like zandalari trolls have their own unique druid forms. That or just add it in cause it looks nice as we’ve seen with a lot of the new blood elf options and the tail option for pandarens. Just look at this picture, you look at this and tell me worgens with tails don’t look cool. Plenty enough reasons to add em in I’d say. :smiley:


Hey everyone, been awhile, hoping you all get your tails.


You realize that worgens, (at least the males) share a skeleton model with saurok’s and saberon’s, who both have tails right? That’s what the “weird missing texture” is.

And the missing texture on undead was for the Chinese version, since they have rules on those kind of depictions.