Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Hello everyone I had forgotten I made this character. I just hope the name shows how passionate we are about this.



I, one of the Draenei. Approve this message. Vote Tails for Worgen 2020


I can’t wait for the day Blizz says they aren’t doing it lol

Well what am I saying, they basically have between the 3 model updates.

They don’t seem to care at this point, like, at all. I’d be astounded if they even acknowledged our presence.

But when that day comes, I will be livid, and you don’t want to see me like that.

“You don’t want to see me when I’m angry”- rando worgen lady

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I can assure you I won’t care. I just want blizzard to end this nonsensical request that just throws lore out the window.

What part of Goldrinn has a tail don’t you understand?

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What part of that has nothing to do with Worgen do you not understand?..

Yeah Goldrinn is a giant wolf. Druids used the pack form granted to them by Goldrinn which had a tail. However, once Belysra used the Sycthe of Elune on Ralaar Fangfire while he was in pack form he no longer was a Druid in pack form. He became the first Worgen. Half elf, half wolf (for the Gilneans half human obviously lol). That did not include a tail.

Deal with it. Worgen were made without tails.

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Because Blizzard ran out of time and gave us a mangy mess.

Worgen are based off of wolves, wolves have tails.

Besides, if you wanna talk about throwing lore out of the window, go complain about blue eyes belves and belf skinned velves.


I truly don’t understand the players who refuse possibly having worgens tails added. So many races got some big additions that “weren’t apart of their design before”


  • Belfs getting darker skin tones
  • Velfs also having belf’s skin tones
  • Undead now can have flesh on their arms, shoulders, knees, etc.
  • Orcs having posture options
  • Humans having more ethnicities
  • Playable trolls now have other types such as Sand skin tones and paint

All of that is great. Why is it bad to have more options? Worgens do not have anything besides fur, eyes, and slight variation in facial hair and ears. Why can’t worgen fans get more options that are actually unique? Don’t want the tail? Don’t toggle it on. Easy as that.
Worgens don’t even have a solid black fur. Or ANY accessories such as piercings or jewelry. Why is it so bad for us to ask for more options when Worgens desperately need it?



There isn’t a number big enough to describe the percentage of which I agree with in this post.


Really… They had time. They made Worgen in Vanilla original WoW without tails.

Yeah they are… because Worgen are WoW’s equivalent of werewolves what is your point? Plenty of werewolves don’t have tails and Blizzard went that route. Deal with it.

Blue eye Blood Elves isn’t lore breaking… that’s just the High Elves that Lor’themar allowed back into Silvermoon. Also belf skin tones for Void Elves makes sense because when you go to Telogrus Rift you see High Elves and Blood Elves there presumably learning to wield the Void.

Also Alleria. See, those are lore examples that back those customization. There is NO lore that backs worgen tails you furries need to stop.

Because all those things have lore that can back them up. Worgen tails don’t. That’s it.

I don’t want my favorite race ruined just to appease people who don’t care about lore because they can’t live without having a tail, which they have never had.

They also made male orcs in vanilla with a hunch.

Yes but worgen look like they are about to fall over without tails.

Jesus… if you don’t want a tail, it would only be optional.

Worgen tails have as much lore backing them up as blue eyed belves.

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There were lore examples of Orcs that weren’t hunched before that got added. There are no Worgen tails.

So? That isn’t a justification for giving them tails out of nowhere. Also an optional tail still ruins Worgen because I have to walk around and see them.

You really can’t be this dense… wow. I literally just told you why Belves are getting blue eyes. Lor’themar, after the Sunwell was fixed, said that High Elves across Azeroth could come back to Silvermoon to visit the Sunwell. There is your reason. People can now RP as a High Elf that has returned to Silvermoon. That is a lore reason. There is no lore for why Worgen would suddenly have tails out of nowhere.

Ehem, have you SEEN the worgen artwork we have posted on this thread, some of it coming from Blizzard themself?

This is such a lame excuse.

I prefer the term stubborn.

And I literally just told you why worgen should get tails.

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Art that they didn’t use? Okay.

You said Goldrinn had a tail… that isn’t a lore reason that is pointing out an observation. Just because he had a tail, as an actual wolf, doesn’t mean Worgen, who are werewolf creatures HAVE to have a tail. Some don’t and Blizzard went that route.

Alright I am out. Tired of arguing with furries who want to disregard worgen lore.

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No, they did not have time, blizzard literally scrapped the originally planned worgen character model close to a month before Cataclysm had released.
They definitely had way more planned for the worgens such as hair options and different face shape variants that were all in the game, but scrapped because they had to rush out the disgusting chihuahua faced model we had to live with for almost a decade. I wouldn’t even be surprised if they did have tails planned as well such as the concept art which is up front in the actual collectors edition art book.

Also who knows, maybe tails are actually being finally planned? Because as we’ve seen with the skeletons for the worgens ever since the model update, they’ve had a unused tail skeleton just sitting there. This does not just suddenly pop up in there, they have to actually be working on a tail for it to be there. Any npc that shares a skeleton model with the worgens all have the tail skeleton added in AFTER they are done working on the model itself.

I’ve been a huge supporter for worgens getting tails for years now, I was never on the boat of blizzard actually adding em in, but as of recent events and what we’ve been discovering over time in this thread, there is actually a massive possibility that tail for worgens will actually be happening this expansion.


The original Worgen model was back in Vanilla WoW. Not the ones in Cataclysm. Nice try though.