Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I thought you were done arguing with so called furries?

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Pulls off helmet

I am no furry!

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Do the worgens of today/cata-wod look anything like the original worgen model in Vanilla? Absolutely not. Blizzard has changed the model drastically to the point that you wouldn’t really look at the two side by side and consider them the same race at this point.


Not sure where the story of Blizzard running out of time is coming from. From what I dug around in the past was that the feedback for wugs were so negative that Blizz rapidly made the changes

The thing about concept art is that there are more than one iteration for a specific creation. Then all of those are sent off, then the best one of the litter is approved

Unfortunately, what was approved was a worgen with no tails. It’s be cool to have, but Blizz thought the overall model fits their vision without a tail. Can’t exactly blame them for it.

Is it hypocritical in some circumstances? Prolly.

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Well, then what should we do if Blizzard says no?
Kneel down and ask for another blood elf?
What do you suggest asking for worgen?
Anything? maybe you can be satisfied and that is good for you to be satisfied with what you have.

Other people want more options and if in the end, Blizzard says no, then let’s keep asking, even though it will never be answered because there is nothing better to ask and if there is, maybe you can show some action and suggest or spend the next years saying not to ask because you don’t agree with something that you were unable to imagine.

In fact, when you pay someone for something, you can decide what the person can and cannot suggest.

Ps. thanks for the bump.


There are things I would like to see for Worgen. A lore-breaking tail is not one of them. I would like to see more ear options, customizable snout, more fur options. Like why don’t we just have a solid brown and black fur option when that is the most common look for Worgen in Vanilla and in the Comics?

Oh that’s easy Aferan Worgen females didn’t exist in Cata beta till about a month before it went live. The model was shown as this but we never even saw it ingame:

That is what we were told we were getting and we were shown that they would have hair styles:

So that was what we had with one month before Cata went live. And it wasn’t bad but it also did look a bit cartoony with some of the hair choices. Then a group of protesters came in and said Worgen didn’t look vicious enough and with 2 weeks before the launch of Cata they changed the model positioning and head into the abomination we had for 10 years:

That was a released model that Blizzard banned me a number of times for challenging them to man up and say they were proud of that model. I took those bans with pride as it was clearly subpar work that was released far too quickly without the normal time and effort Blizzard puts into other models.


Shouldn’t you be blaming the he people that called for blizzard to change them then?

I always figured that Blizzard is reluctant when it comes to Worgen because people are always upset by something and demand them to add another when it comes to their customization. It came with the model updates in BfA and now

Where in lore is it written that worgen cannot have tails? Show where.
A new implementation can be suggested.

You can suggest this and some people will just say that these changes are not in the lore, although there is also no lore that says we can’t have that included.

And there are many people who suggested the same thing as you, but they can be denied for arguments similar to the one you used, and I don’t think you’ll ever see these suggestions at stake, because someone like you thinks we don’t need it, because it’s not in the lore.

I have seen people suggesting that we could not have the new colors, because they are not in the lore. Stripes? Heresy.
And that our new faces do not portray the old ways, they were better.

Honestly, I prefer to keep suggesting for things that add more variety to the characters in this game.

Limitations is for those who like to be in a square.


It was a one of these groups of trolls who gather together to get people mass reported or complain about stuff. People who wanted to play Worgen tried to fight back but got mass reported when we made threads. So Blizzard made a bad model and thus the player base suffered. Think I am making this up look at Nightborne. People do not like that model and its player base has suffered for it.

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I’m aware of the state of the Nightborne, I have one. And without evidence, I’m not gonna take your statement at face value

Tbh, judging the past threads I’ve seen about Worgen model updates and customization, I have a feel part of the wug community is also at play in that department

Thats up to you but its well know with Worgen players that our player base suffered due to the second worst model in WoW’s history rather to take it at face value or not. That don’t change the facts. Worgen players want options to make our characters look unique. An optional tail is one way to make them look more unique and if you want a “lore” reason it could be that some Worgen embrace the curse more and take even more aspects of the Wolf on. Other than ears at the side of our head most of the rest of the features a Worgen takes on is wolf like who is to say a tail isnt part of that. And if it is a “Lore” issue then you would be ok with Worgen being the lore correct 8 feet tall rather than the much smaller size they currently are.


People have this same attitude with blood elves, with night elves (the male model has an unpleasant movement), with tauren (a player once told me that the old model had more personality), with kultirans (they would prefer to be able to use the model thinner and the same contours as Jaina and conventional humans), the human female model is ugly, among others.
But the only thing that causes stress to devs is the worgen?

I think we are one of several models, that people consider giving their opinion on something that could be better or different.

But blizzard hardly seems to be afraid or to let it stop them from doing what they want to do, even if people don’t approve.

A tail in general will not create uniqueness among the player base because of limited options for the Worgen form. We’ll have the same faces and fur colors. Only thing that will be unique will be eyes, ears, hair, and facial for male model users. More general customization will be overall better. If you want more customization options to fit your character better, ask for more rather than one specific thing

I take it as a combination of the feedback they’ve gotten about Worgen and what resources they’re allowed to spend for race cosmetics

We are getting 7 fur colors 3 of which are new and truly unique and some eye color/glow choices and that’s it. What hair can Worgen get to make them look unique other when we have a mane and braids in our hair as our only options? How do you not see a simple user selection of a tail check box as something that would make a Worgen stand out from another Worgen player? Yes muzzle options would be nice but we just finally got a face for females that isn’t some derpy looking thing. Small changes in the muzzle really aren’t going to be noticeable.

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Because the majority would no doubt pick the tail option. It’s actually six new fur colors, not seven.

Up until now, I’d see almost every male worgen model look the same. The female model has more unique appearance overall. That’s why I think it would be better in general to pursue more customization options. If a tail is a part of it, cool. It’s the lack of options is what kills your pursuit of uniqueness

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You would have a hefty task on your hands and lose your job over something as petty and mentally worrisome as being mad that people are asking for customization options in an expansion where we are getting customization options.

Blizzard chose not to give night elves leaves in their hair in vanilla.

Delete night elves for asking for leaves in their hair!1111

Right. That’s the point of the thread being called “Give worgen tails” and not “Worgen have tails”.

Uh… no.


Are you sure about the colors currently there are 15 fur colors on SL beta and I count 8 on live.

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