Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Give worgen tails


You’ve given 0 reasons that would be defined as facts. Notice how my reasoning works out much better then yours and I put like 3 seconds of thought into how it works.

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I think that is for humans only more eye colors. As for Draenei having longer tails could of just been you have gotten older and it grew longer. Which is different from going from not having a tail to having one now.

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Nope. You don’t grow after adulthood. It’s the same thing.

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I mean worgen can transform into cats with tails, why wouldn’t they be able to grow a tail? Why if they get wolf features would a tail be off limits?


Give Worgen tails.

I agree. Give Worgen tails.

Yes. Give Worgen tails.

Vulpera ally speaks truthiness. Give Worgen tails.


The last thing a Worgen wants is for their curse to get stronger.
Their curse is something they fight with, to maintain control. Its a struggle that they are forced to live with and live in fear of it overtaking them again… causing them to do horrible, horrible things as a wild beast again.

EDIT: Also I like how anyone who disagrees is apparently ‘trolling’, according to a poster on here :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It was. Now it’s a part of them thanks to the NE ritual.

Some choose to live in horror of it, some choose to embrace it, others let furry wolf-fluff keep them nice and toasty during cold nights.

Give Worgen Tails.


Stop throwing shade because you’re mad and go crying to your Discord friends to get them to mass report in your stead.

Also when someone says something and gives absolutely no context to their argument afterwards with said argument been debunked numerous times over and over, it’s trolling.

Also if you go look at the Moon Guard’s forums, this person seems quite the -lovely- fellow sarcastic giggle snort (Referring to Ulendur here)


They still struggle with it. It’s not 100% better because some Elves wiggled their fingers and gave them a magic kool-aid.
Those with the Worgen curse have to maintain control over themselves, less they risk reverting to a more feral, wild state. A feral, wild state is not good. That is a bad thing. Very bad.
Many have taken up druidism in order to try to control themselves better. To get a better understanding of it and get through it better.
But it’s still a very dangerous thing that if someone cursed has to deal with.

Also, Wolfie. I thought you said… maybe 5 times now you would stop replying to me :wink:
I also appreciate that you still think I had people mass report you. It’s a shame youre so scared of people reading your posts that you think anyone them to their friends is out to get you.
You seem like a real lovely chap yourself, given your replies. <3

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It’s something they keep in the back of their mind. Many Worgen civilians are just that, civilians. They sell bread. They pilot carriages. They offer extremely dapper merchandise.

They’ve got it under control now, else non-cursed Gilneans would still be going to the stock-and-potion or stock-and-axe technique on their kin. Now some daring few might even consider exploring their wolf nature even further.

Give Worgen Tails.


Indeed, they do. For now.
My reply was about saying the curse could get stronger, which could spell disaster for those who do, for now, have it under control.
It would be very dangerous it the curse were to get stronger, for the one cursed, and everyone around the person.

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It doesn’t have to result in the curse getting stronger. It could be the curse getting stranger, or perhaps looking to Goldrinn for answers, guidance, or just being cheeky enough to ask.


Said it twice and three times the charm because you’re really a condescending person who unfortunately degrades what value the RP community has left. You made a remark at me, so I am responding. So don’t be throwing shocked pikachu memes at me :smiley: If you think I am scared over some lousy person on a forum, you are sorely mistaken and you really need a grip on the real world friendo. I can care less what you and your little squad think of me. What you have also said in this thread eludes to the behavior you so valiantly said you “did not do.” The fact you’re still bringing it up… lmao Guilty much? Though I and quite a few have pointed out many things about you on this thread that need not repeating. You’re not worth it dollface. You’re annoying as a pimple on a butt cheek.

Anyways moving on. Again, all the naysayers are refusing to acknowledge the arguments worgen players have. They are a vocal minority in this thread. If people who don’t agree with this can’t acknowledge the arguments, they are not worth regarding. This is about player choice and more customization options. There is nothing in lore that states they cannot. Models back them were intended to have tails but due to time constraints they did not. If you don’t want a tail, THAT IS WHY WE WANT THIS OPTIONAL SO PEOPLE CAN STILL HAVE THEM AS TAIL-LESS. And again, bringing up Christie Golden, she is a -writer- Blizzard. She does not exactly say what is and what is not. She simply makes the narrative to put the story together. Everything else is Blizzard dev side. If you’re crying “lul my lore…” Dark skinned elves say hi because those -are- actually lore breaking yet, we are getting them in game.

God forbid if people want more options and a choice to make their character look more appealing.


Imagine being so strongly-minded about whether a werewolf has a tail or not that you have more replies than anyone else on the thread.

And you don’t even play a werewolf. You just really hate the idea of werewolf players getting a minor cosmetic change.


Also Caelus, another thing to point out. Look at humans and all the other races getting additional features. What the hell are they going to do for worgen? I mean, we don’t get jewelry or anything like that.

There needs to be more options to balance the disparity.


I mean, you must be if you keep replying to me even after you’ve said multiple times “Im not replying to that person any more.”
I’m allowed to read posts to anyone I want.
I’m also allowed to post here.
I’m allowed to have an opinion on the public forums.
I’m sorry that youre so upset when anyone has a different opinion than you, that you feel like they’re trolling you or actively out to hurt you.

Just because something comes up that breaks lore doesnt mean the rest of lore should be destroyed. That’s silly.
Just because Billy punched Susan in the face doesnt mean we should all punch Susan in the face.

Also, I do have a worgen, Caelus :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Ya’ll really like to assume.
But that’s okay.



And yet another post which derails the topic…

Anyways. #GiveWorgenTails

Sheesh the people of Moon Guard… Everything is all about them and they obsess over the dumbest stuff, always needing to get that last word in no matter what! Logic is out the window!

The new skin colors and nice and needed but still, there needs to be more options for players. Upright orcs are looking possible too at this point. T he Gargoyle model actually has a worgen skeleton and it’s upright so this could be a thing. I don’t think Blizzard will give worgen a jewelry option… I mean, something really needs to make up for it and this was supposed to be implemented in Cata but never was. People can’t accept that response either xD They seem to forget the development hell that came from worgen models.


Simple fact of the matter is that Blizzard doesn’t actually know how to animate the tails for the Worgen, granted they’ve done it with the Draenei and the Tauren but a Wolf’s tail isn’t quite the same, that said, the Vulpera have rather bushy and lively tails.

Also A Werewolf is a Wolf, just a bipedal one with the ability to grasp things among other features, so no, they really didn’t get the worst of both but you’re free to your opinion.

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Not all werewolves have tails according to various myths across our world, though.

In fact a very common trope in folklore is that they’re identical, completely, to wolves except they lack a tail. The concept of a tail, then, is anathema to a werewolf in many cases. It’s a defining feature, one of the most prominent physical traits, is that it has none.

The worgen refer to it as a curse. As something that is worse than being just human. It’s something that they can’t always control, something that always bears it’s teeth. They get mad and they can’t help but transform. They can’t even pass on their new form by birth.

There are benefits but they don’t outweigh the losses.

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