Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Hahaha it’s still there fam. So you are gonna argue that biological correctness but you are just fine with everything else

In a world of magic…with dragons…and walking dead…and giant tentical monsters

Tail coming from a tail bone…nope. Just that’s where you cross the line.


I’m not. I’m actively trying to figure out why you would be against an option.

Again the only time I saw you say anything was to come in and say one person made you upset so now none of us deserve tails.

Was that so hard?

I still think you’re here because of spite. You’re post literally says so 3 days ago.

He’s one of those. Lol assumes we’re all furries.

Ah the first Furries in wow.

Hats off to the reach he’s pulling on a gnome.


WOW, bias. It is based on a super ignorant notion.

If y’all are arguing about tailbones now, considering that humans on Azeroth degraded from rock and metal, they shouldn’t have tail bones at all. With that in mind, Worgen wouldn’t have them by that logic.

Can we just take a step back.

Lets recall a few things. Remember people asked for elves to have blue eyes for 13 years. No one called them furries

Trolls / orcs have wanted to stand upright for about 15 years. Not furries

Alliance wanted another race that wasn’t a human variant from day one and to this day cry for more diversity. Still not furries

Undead wanting more scary features. Not furries

Goblins asking for their models not to be trash. Not furries

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT you know what. Worgen players ask for a single thing the entire community just goes lol be gone furry.


Check this puppy out!


Ok… Honestly. This is fairly good logic…

UNTIL, you read the descended from iron and ore based beings due to a magical curse and are now further messed up by a curse that all that just flies out the window.

Theres no reason to assume that the degraded titanforged wouldn’t have tailbones cause reasons. Also you can see it in the skeletons of humans left behind when a guy dies…



Worgen with tails would look more balanced than worgen without. I mean I find that dogs with their tails docked looks off even.

Let worgen have tail options.


That moment when your trolling argument against a salty gnome actually becomes pretty good logic tails :rofl:

Strongly believe that is an oversight on Blizz’s part. They do have a wide history of then looking over things

Yet we got Vulpera. :woman_shrugging: I have absolutely no issue with Vulpera, btw. Just confused on why one thing is welcome with open arms and the other, people crap on. Though I do know Vulpera got this treatment in some regard and still do.



Worgen Tails! Give!

I really don’t get the furry hate… Like what do people think? Furries are going to come in and convert them?

And why are Tauren ignored?


Would you believe someone on the forums literally made a character on my server just to tell me to stop posting on the forums you (censored) furry?

Me: while laughing Okay then.


I don’t get it either. Furries are really not much different than any other fandom. Most are perfectly fine people. And just like other fandoms, you’re gonna have the toxic or creepy members but they do not account for the fandom as a whole. Welcome to the human race lol. We’re a bunch of weirdos trying to navigate life with shreds of things we find joy in, while some of us just suck.

Sadly I can. :rofl: Makes me wonder what they’re so insecure about.


Couldn’t ever have worded that better if I tried a million years. 100%

Sometimes I wonder if they’re just afraid they’d like it if they let themselves accept. Change scares everyone to some extent.


Completely possible. This loosely reminds me of Violent J from ICP. Not a band I listen to but he had a suit commissioned in the style of his persona in ICP just so he could support his daughter and go to Furry conventions with her. Which is so wholesome I don’t know what to even do with myself.

If Violent J can accept his daughter as a furry and actively support her in a hobby he personally has no true interest in yet still have fun, other people can too.


Humans seem hard-wired to be resistant/afraid of any kind of change for good, ill, or somewhere in between. History gives us hundreds of example the dirty lengths some people will go to in order to preserve how they feel things should be.

Indeed. I think the world would be a lot better if we just all embraced the fact we’re all a bunch of weird mutts of a human race trying to stumble through existence.

That is seriously wholesome. Also a great lesson in not judging a book by the cover.


I read about that!

That was so sweet of him. Hope I can be half as good a father to my son.

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Though back on topic.


Tail options.

Gibs now please.


