Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

give the female worgen, Tails!..

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One idea of what it would look like:

That tail is similar to the tail the Night Fae use and it works as well so
 I see nothing wrong with that.


I think it should face back like a dog’s tail curling up but I would be too concerned about clipping equipment.

Optional tails for Worgen please, Blizz!


When the game first came to be they used concept art just to get the game being tested.

You think the only concept art made is female worgen with a tail? Then they would have added it right away. But they decided to go a different path.

Comparing the concept art of vanilla races and them being tested that way to after the game has a playerbase is no good.

That is a correct tail for the way a Worgen spine works. I owned a North American Timberwolf/Siberian Huskey mix for 16 years the tail is an extension of the spine unlike the human tailbone where it curves inward a wolves/dogs tail continues from the tip of the spine outwards. What makes it tend to curl up is the animals emotions. As for the clipping there is a lot of clipping in WoW so something as simple as a tail on a race really isnt that bad in the grand scheme of things when we can physically merge into other players.

But this is an opportunity to fix the model and make it look like its concept art. Had blizzard had more time to work on Female Worgen in Cataclysm I would agree with you but they didn’t have time. Female Worgen were not announced till almost a month before Cata went live and the first models we got shown were completely different than what we got as a “final” model that we were stuck with for 10 years because they took 2 weeks before Cata and completely changed the model into what we all had and hated.
1 Month before Cata Launch.

The perma Derp We got 2 weeks before Launch and were stuck with for 10 years.


The one month before cata picture looks weird without tails too. Their movements look incomplete, as if something was missing.


The same solution used for tauren, vulpes and others that have a tail, can be used.
Personally, I don’t use capable as a visible device.
But there is no reason why a tail has insoluble problems for problems with a tail.

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But you see the concept art you shared doesnt have a tail. So it was already decided by that point no tail.

What you are asking for to fix the model.isnjust face options fur colors eyes scars some snuggle teeth etc.

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The cataclysm was a very rushed expansion in many ways.
Incomplete, at several points.
When the calendar got shorter, they certainly saw fit to cut what they had not yet solved.
Well, today there are better resources that were not at hand in 2010.

A good opportunity to improve the model to its most immersive and engaging concept.

Let’s remember that there were many hairstyle for worgen, which were never used. Did they lack time to be implemented?

Even if there is no tail there is no reason we shouldn’t be able to ask.

Concept art had it here and there. Hell recently they had to remove a tail from Genn on a board game cause its such a no brainer for Worgen to have optional tails.

Why are you against it at all?


Because some one made a mistake on the board games art and didnt understand what worgen where based off of doesnt mean it’s right.

Concept arts had lots of things but we dont get them.

Take the arena season 1/warfront stromgard elite sets conceptnsrt. That cloak was way more amazing in concept but not so much in game. We dont get that now do we?

Because a person’s toxicity made him decide that no one can have anything.
Something like your brother threw stones at me when I was 8, and today, I refuse to sell anything to your family and friend and do my best to oppose any idea that you share with other people, that other people don’t get nothing they want if your brother also shows interest.

Meany reasons.

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I didn’t link the concept art but here is the original concept art for female Worgen:

That is the original concept art and hey look both have tails.


I was thinking more like Barf in Spaceballs. Oh, look, it’s got a mind of it’s own, sweetheart. I can’t do a thing with it.

If you want to play a dog man with a tail, Vulpera are there for you.

Worgen is distinctively human werewolves WITHOUT tails.

Humans don’t have tails, so where would the tail come from? :face_with_monocle:

Unless their females aren’t exactly females. :blush:

Horde is de-facto furries faction, go over there and join your community if you want it so bad.

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Humans don’t have fangs or claws or paws
where did those come from :thinking:


From their existing hands, And teeth or whatever, just mutated from the curse.

You think you can just crap out a tail?

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See you are being spiteful you are proving my point as to how you are the one full of spite here not me.

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