Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

How does me disagreeing with them mean inwant to annoy them? I didnt reply to them nor did I tag them etc. That’s not spite, again I changed my mind it is not out of spite. You want it to be put of spite I am saying it’s not instead you say it is. Yet you arent me so you cant say how I meant it. Only I can you are being spiteful and trying to annoy me.

Ha, worth a shot.

Got any more of that :beers:?

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you betcha, i brew it all myself since i have nothing better to do from home all day

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And how!




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Are you sure you’re not a monk in disguise? Still home made beer? I got to try some of that.

Well, I can’t be a monk because WoW doesn’t allow it.

But you know, if I was, I’d be a brewmaster <3

And yes, I got a big plot of land, and a lot of free time now that I’m on perma WFH, so I’ve been brewing things up as a hobby. I might pick up a still soon and try my hand at moonshine as well, since that’s apparently legal here recreationally.

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Which I still don’t get. Though on that note…

leaves some empty panda kegs outside Nebri’s home


crosses out the panda face and replaces them with crudely drawn sketches of Old Nebri’s face

There! Now we got some worgen kegs!


Tails would only get caught in the spokes of my bike

Ah yes back on topic.

takes a deep breath

Vulpera can’t be dwarfed worgen if we have tails :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:

You’re undead not Worgen, you won’t have to worry about-



Oof burn.


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And we have in the previous line, the reason why you are being so stingy.

So a person hurts you and his revenge is to be against what he wants.
What about the others who also want to but have not hurt you with toxic words that made you sad? Why couldn’t you win an argument with an idiot?

No! It really is spite.

Imagine if I was against the horde to have ogres, because I have disagreements for 8 years, with another horde player.
Because of a person, will I become voluble?

No. but that’s me.

Except I never said the op harmed me. I said the op is a toxic person. Which made me change my mind.

You are comparing an existing race to a race that has no tails.

Let’s calm down. I’m not being spiteful but you are.

Its not concept art if you do art randomly with stuff you would like to add to a race. Concept art is the original art added to a race that was done as the race was being designed. Not trying to be a jerk here but what you are talking about is fan art with your gnomes with wings idea. And it would be funny to see as gnomes could then soar over the taller races. The concept idea for female Worgen had tails in the art that was the original idea for the race. But Blizzard ran out of time on Female Worgen and went with a sub par model that clearly they were ashamed of as they used it as little as possible. Even the voice (No offense to the voice actor) is very poor and any Female Worgen used in common quest chains use a completely different voice. (Celestine of the Harvest and Fiona) This was on blizzard and it took 10 years to get the model fixed. Many people lost interest in playing Worgen and when every other current race got an update Worgen were so underplayed due to the bad model they didn’t get a racial change at all. So ya we request the optional tail as part of a way to bring more players to playing a race that has been neglected for some time. Its a cause and effect thing and we would like to see more people join in playing the race we choose to play.


Ya and plenty of races had way other concept art. But that art wasnt picked. Ergo look at orginal female trolls. Everything goes through many iterations of concept art before picking one. I know it’s crazy to understand that we have concept art of worgen with tails as well as without. Guess which one they decided to go with. As for everyone saying they didnt have the tech to make tails back then. Tauren existed. Draenei existed. Animals with tails existed. Ramakhen became a thing at that point.

I don’t know if a tail is a good or bad thing, it depends on implementation I suppose. My RAF character when I 1st started was a Tauren, it’s sort of distracting but I like their interaction with the cloak so I’d say it’s a positive for them. I don’t like it on the pandaren, though, because it’s just a nub but it has to stick out of all your robes and pants. I never notice it on my Draenei, who is new this expansion. It just hides out behind the cloak.

None of this would bar them adding them now… It was a concept for Worgen which gives it more validity than not.

It’s a weird hill to die on.

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The original female troll was concept art that made it to the game. Back in Alpha WoW the first look for the Female Troll did make it into game:

So ya I’m sorry to say I don’t think you quite understand how it works. The only concept art for Worgen that is out there has tails on the female Worgen but like I said Blizzard ran out of time and released a sub par model. Had female Worgen had more time we would have seen a better model.

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That’s why we want it to be an optional choice up to the player to choose. If you don’t want a tail then so be it I am not going to tell someone else how the character they use should or should not look. I would just like the option.


No problems with it, I just worry how a dog’s tail will interact with the cloak. An option would be perfect, I can use it on certain mogs if I want.