Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Every patch sence I got beta I report the bug of no optional tail and incorrect lore size of being too small


If only we knew if they are still working on any custom option or notā€¦

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I at least hope so. If not at launch, maybe throughout the expansion. I know this has been mentioned somewhere before but there are definitely some races that got the whole sundae (that darn sundae thread lol) and others that got just the ice cream.

When i take a look at the number of custom options for the humans provided by our friend, i canā€™t help but think that they have focused on them first.
I suppose not for good reasons and i mean by that all this ā€œrepresentationā€ nonsense in the real world plagging everything.

Therefore it seems obvious that other races will have less work put into them because of a lack of time.


If not, give us a PvP quest where we can harvest vulperia tails, the reward is your own tailā€¦ Why not? Iā€™d take a short floofy tail over nothing lol

Seriously, though, a tail option (check box) would be nice. Anyone who likes them without is fine.

Yeah. I feel really bad for Tauren mains. At least from what I see on the PTR there arenā€™t even any new face or coat/fur options for themā€¦

I personally have no real interest in playing a regular olā€™ human. Iā€™m a regular olā€™ human as it is. :woman_shrugging:



I never use it for human form.
Maybe for PR, but then it would be the same thing that Clark Kent represents for Superman.

What a surprise. I really wouldnā€™t expect anything like that, after how rewarding BfA was for the alliance

Wait for another 10 years? :unamused:

Yes. So a tail would be a good start, and earrings, piercings and various scars would be something that would bring more customization.

Maybe it takes longer for something like this to be made for worgen?
I donā€™t expect something like this to be released before or during BfA.
I would expect 10.0, but of course, that must be something that Blizzard wants to do for Ally.

How much does the company feel interested in doing something that increases the diversity and prestige of worgen?

I have been waiting for 10 years for my worgen to have the look and stature it should have had before the twisted model was delivered in Cataclysm.

Maybe we have to wait another 10 years? Really?

Give. Worgen. Tails. Please!

There is a thread asking for more options for trolls.
Should I consider that they do not deserve to be attended to because of their petty attitude? You do not represent a group. Not those with whom you have disagreements.
I see many people, even from the horde, showing support interest or even wanting this change not to be made without justification, but even these people are not against a cosmetic for worgen.

You, on the other hand, have said nothing that deserves to be taken into account, neither being against nor in favor of it because someone made you feel small by exchanging some words.


nopeā€¦you get nothingā€¦good day sir

We still have time left for it to happen the issue is Blizzard gives no feedback to its player base so we have no idea if they even read these kind of posts.


No one is asking for stuff trolls dont have in lore. But nice try. I also play a worgen so yes I can say no I donā€™t want this to even be part of the worgen race. No one made me feel small. Iā€™ve just seen how that person talks to others but good job.

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Still not giving up hope on worgen getting tails.


Why is it being optional so wrong in your book? Leave it up to the players to choose rather they want it or not. Also if you are saying its a Lore reason point out where in lore it says Worgen canā€™t have a tail. Then explain why in Lore Worgen are 8 feet tall and yet in game they are 6 foot 10 inches. Holding an entire race back just because you donā€™t like one player who said something you donā€™t agree with is just one of the most goofy things I think Iā€™ve ever heard a poster put down as a reason and there have been some stupid reasons posted here.


Itā€™s not about lore. Itā€™s about changing the model of what worgen players play. Then all of a sudden seeing a slightly different model of worgen with a tail.

What you want is a new race so ask for a race with worgen aesthetic but to have a tail. It can be on the horde.

And now your just trollingā€¦ I get it your a Zandi player but really go find another thread to troll in.

The model was changed after 10 years of being the second worst player model in the game and you see no one complaining. Something optional is just that something that is optional. Worgen take on every other aspect of a wolf so why not the tail as well?

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What a surprise. Of course, it can only be done for a race that is in the horde.

Iā€™m trolling? They updated all the models after they said they where.

They didnt add tails then when they could have. Also I have a worgen letā€™s calm down and not get upset because I stated the truth.

You people bring up lore the same way the idiots try to bring up lore about black Blood elfs and humans.

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Yes you are, because someone has hurt your feelings.

And Blizzard also hasnā€™t added many things that we will only see in Shadowlands, and yet worgen still needs more customization options.

I could also be stingy and say that trolls already have everything they need and there is no need for Blizzard to do anything else, but I am not going to give an opinion on something that I am not interested in or even something relevant to add because someone was bad with me and that would be my revenge.

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No, you said no one deserved a thing because of one member of that community.

Youā€™re being spiteful to an entire group for the actions of one person you personally have a disagreement with.

Itā€™s a poor reason to bar people from a customization option they are looking to have.

Especially when itā€™s something regularly seen in concept art. Itā€™s not like blizzard hadnā€™t had the same idea. Now would be the time to ask.

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No one hurt my feels, itā€™s ok you dont comprehend that.

Blizzard would have added it. They dont want to because its dumb.

By you making that statement about trolls you are in fact stating it even if you put a I could but I dont. You still said it.

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Honestly that person sounds like part of the same group that goes ā€˜Ewww why do we have vulpera on the Horde?ā€™

Just because they didnā€™t now doesnā€™t mean they wonā€™t. Last I checked youā€™re not a dev or the person making judgement calls on that team.

They bring up valid, proven lore/pictures/excerpts and that upsets you. I get it. Still people arguing about the more skin color options on belfs and humans (which Iā€™m fine with even if itā€™s likely pandering) is a case of you talking apples and potatoes. Two very different things.

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