Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I guess it’s not the concept of having tails, but the concept of how far people take it.

“Waggles, and UwU stuff.

It reminds me of the one student I was a sub teacher for and he wore a furry tail off his belt.

That’s what I picture when I see this thread.

I find that stuff a bit goofy. However, I won’t shame people for it because it’s not hurting anybody and it makes them happy.

I just think werewolf butts look weird and naked without a tail.


Because belfs can be the only cringe race :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


I think they look fine without tails and I feel like people want tails for their worgen just to satisfy their own uwu weird desires.

I’m surprised people haven’t been complaining for tails for all races.

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Well, I already told you that’s not the case, so you don’t need to feel that way.


And this is wonderful!

Well everyone can discuss and promote the ideas that they consider relevant.
If you have anything you think is important, you can share it on these forums and if you’re lucky, find support from people with similar opinions and tastes.

Like the megathreads of vulpes, saukoks, sethraks, among others, it has been civilized enough to remain open without incident, demonstrating the willingness and willingness of the participants.

What is being suggested is the addition of a customizing option for worgen, in the form of a tail.
It is something that those present in this thread, who appreciate worgen, would like to see implemented, to improve the aesthetics, immersion and fantasy of playing with this breed.

And about you? What would you like to see added to this game for your preferred race and classes?
Have you ever thought of raising a flag for something you like?

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I think wanting a tailed option for Worgen is fine since many Werewolves in classic mythology are depicted with tails. :woman_shrugging: Also would fit the origin of the Worgen curse well. Goldrinn is a Wolf. Not a Corgi. And even Corgis sort of have tails.

Not all furries are “UwU” furries. In fact the UwU is too much for me. (I don’t personally consider myself a furry but my fiance likes to tell me otherwise and I’m fine with it.) But if it makes them happy and it isn’t actually causing any harm, let them enjoy their hobby.


There’s a few people like that sure, but a large majority, including myself just want it for the pure cosmetic purpose. I could run around with my cool awesome death gear, but you know what would make it better? A cool looking tail! When it comes to worgens, a tail would complete the look for a lot of people. Often times it looks awkward running around without a tail with their new running animation.


Why do people want worgen tails?
Because worgens need more options. Most of the other core races got tons of awesome new additions like tattoos, body/hair/face accessories, even body options like ear or tail lengths and styles.
Worgens have almost nothing to make them look distinct from each other IMO. Tails and posture would be great ways to help make characters look more unique.
Also, they look kinda weird without them. Especially the males. :slight_smile:


A tail balances out the look. In nature most creatures that have the backward bent leg or the Digi grade leg have a tail. When you look at something with a digi grade leg and no tail it looks… off. The other thing is it gives Worgen a way to look a bit different from players who would choose to not use the tail. The customization for Worgen is very limited. And before someone says but you get to do your human form separately… Yes but its a non combat form and one not every Worgen player uses.


Honestly I don’t get the people that say “but you get to customize your human form”. I have never once gone in to my human form. Zero reasons to, so I only have my worgen form to work with, which yeah, we have a very limited selection of options.
Only thing we are getting are the new are eyes, which everyone is already getting anyways, and new fur, which by the way, aside from the ones that have the fur patterns on em, have all been in the game files since the new worgen models dropped in the 8.2 ptr. They were datamined but never made a big deal out of for some reason, so very little people knew about it’s existence. They were discovered along side the female worgen tail skeleton as well.
So yeah, worgens are severely lacking in customization options. I’m seriously hoping we get something new on wednesday, or hey, make it a big deal. Announce worgen tails at gamescom!


The fact that furries is a thing is deeply unfortunate.
This is just more about zoological consistency.
Worgen look very weird with ape-butts.



All those gnomes, night elves, draenei, humans, blood elves, goblins and dwarves, dancing on tables in inns at the game or on mailboxes, half naked? Acceptable. But what if someone starts making OwO or UwU? Nope! “kill with fire!”

I have seen vulperas where I walk and I do not see them doing anything like that. And if they are, well that is not yet on the list of disallowed behavior. Any type of ERP is prohibited.

Hardly a tail will make any behavior of people who use these breeds, be more offensive than we have now.
It’s not like it doesn’t happen even without a tail.
So, what would change?

I have 3 vulperas and I have almost always been greeted in DGs with boops and / hi.

No one has yet asked me to dinner.

I have 3 worgen and even today, in over 10 years, no one has sniffed my butt.
But some people have already spit on me, used /fart on me as much as /kiss or /hug.

A tail will not encourage “strange behaviors”, more than eye colors for blood elves will make the number of mailbox dancers become a bigger epidemic than they have been in more than 10 years of Warcraft.


I didn’t know about that either.
Basically it means that until now, they have done less than the minimal work when compared with the other races, just because some part were already done at the 8.2 but not released at that time.



Oh Wow! Yes!

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I used to be pretty neutral about giving worgen tails, but the more I’ve thought about it the more I like the idea. A lot of the previous posts here displaying artwork or modded models with tails look so good, it actually makes me really want a tail myself.

Give worgen tail options!

Other things you have convinced me that worgen desperately need:

  • Larger size (8 feet)
  • Upright posture for males
  • True black fur option
  • Transmog that lets them use unarmed animations while attacking
  • /howl and /snarl emotes
  • Waltz dance in human form

This reminds me of a time I got into a nose-booping competition with another worgen. 'Twas a good time.



I would love to be able to /howl and /snarl.
Taurens can do /moo.

Here to throw in my support for Worgen Tails, despite being a dirty lil’ Forsaken.

More options are always good. :slight_smile:


Heck we almost 3500 ppoaats, keep going?

Also I’m drink hahahaha #goveworgentails


Give Worgen Tails!

Give Worgen Tails!

Give Worgen Tails!

Give Worgen Tails!

Give Worgen Tails!

Give Worgen Tails!