Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Give them more PVP useful racials where you are at it.

You guys have plenty :rofl:

A lot of people believe we even have the best ones.

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I want Darkflight turned into Dark Leap. Act like a heroic leap.

You see us jump around in the starting zone constantly. Why not give us that?

Folk see Worgen racials as best?

Also #giveworgentails


Oh, no, I was responding to Fenneko saying we have many tails on the Alliance. That’s not to say I don’t think we need more. Give worgen tails


Oh! My bad!

Didn’t follow the string correctly.

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I had to use the bug report system on beta today to report the hole in the Worgen model. I told they they forgot to add the optional tail and to make the Worgen model a lore correct 8 feet tall. I gave them till next patch to fix.


I remember, early on in the alpha, I noticed a pair of pants didn’t fit over the worgen bum. I made a bug report about it, stating that it could be ignored if they gave worgen tails.


A tail will fix several things for worgen.

And if they give us a better posture, more upright that reflects our real height, it will also be a very welcome improvement.

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It will! For example, how cute I am. How hunched worgen look unbalanced. How fluffy and cuddly I look.

I wonder if they gave worgen monks and tails, Fenneko would come back to the blue side.

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That first one is perfect length and looks so nicely balanced.
Oh guess I can post pictures now.


looks like a good tail option for us Vulpera. Thank you

I love this!

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And I thought people begging for High Elves were weird.

This much debate over a tail

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Really really


Yep, isn’t it fantastic? Gotta love community coming together for the greater good!

Give Worgen Tails!


It’s not even a debate. There’s no good reason to not give worgen tails and the vast majority of players are pro-tail or neutral on tails. There’s no downside. People who want worgen tails get to have tails and those who don’t want tails can just deselect the tail option.


It’s just weird imo.

That’s fine. Most of us just think worgen would look better and more-balanced with tails. Regardless, we welcome new faces to this thread.


No different than you transmogging your gear my friend, you clearly care about what your character looks like, it’s the same thing really.
