Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Thing is it hurts no one for the tail choice to be optional if you don’t want it like Oakenshroot clearly don’t, you don’t have to have it plain and simple. If they add a tail and I use it and someone gets offended that I choose to use the tail so be it… Ill be enjoying the choice I choose for my character. When you pay for my account you can tell me how my character should or shouldn’t look.


Happy to contribute, and thanks, Caelus! You’ve got a good thing going here, the whole pack does. Keep up the good work, everyone. Give worgen tails!

and a befitting height and size increase
dark fur
hack/slash with claw option
and a delightful, eerie, imposing howl, and menacing snarl!
possibly a non-hunched posture option for the more civilized and sophisticated of the bunch, but the other customizations definitely!

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Worgen are inspired by wolves, in Goldrinn the ancestral wolf.

If Goldrinn were to have horns, then we would also be asking for horns.

See how it works? :sunglasses:


Hey now, worgen can have horns as well after they get tails. And to compensate give some demon hunter demon form a tail as well :stuck_out_tongue:

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As a druid, some people mistake antlers for horns.

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Your suggestion is totally acceptable and welcome.
A scenario where the inclusion of a tail to worgen is something that would please everyone.
it was even suggested earlier, it just shouldn’t have been explained as much as the quest would be.

Tails for all good doggos.


Gnomes should have a tail too!

New game that has wolf people… wolf people that have tails!


Caelus is now ray-traced! Imagine a ray-traced tail!


On the height thing… the change in legion of 2 inches… How or why do you even notice that?
I ask because heights in warcraft have always been extremely rough and non-specific, even since WC3. Characters are often scaled huge to help players recognize that they are powerful or have more significance.
So I wouldn’t think too hard about a few inches.

That said, I’m hoping we get a +10%-10% height slider for characters someday, so we can vary up heights among characters.

PS I’m mostly distracted by how INSANELY huge and out of proportion the kul’tiran people are- especially when two women, dressed the same walking around Boralus side by side stroll past. The bigger woman has a head the size of a watermelon.

Also, the guards in the boralus arena are like 16 feet tall. It’s so awkward!

Scale me down a bit, blizz!


I loved the part with the wolf people. And tails.

Mainly I noticed the height thing because Worgen used to be just every so slightly taller than Draenei and Night Elves pre Legion and that was still wrong as Draenei are 7 feet in game and Night Elves are 6 feet 9 inches. So its noticeable when suddenly a race that supposed to be a full foot taller is made even smaller than when it started.
I do understand they can’t have Tauren at the lore size they are 10 feet tall in lore they would never fit in human buildings so that’s why they are 8 feet in game but both Tauren and Zandi trolls are 8 feet and they fit in game fine.
If you notice Worgen females use Tauren female scaled shoulders thats why they look so silly and huge on us cause our model is far too small for the scale of the shoulder pads we have. If they were to keep the shoulder pads the same size and scale Worgen up correctly to 8 feet we would see a far better look. (I know I’ve done it in my spare time editing the models and scale.)

May 9, 2014 – “@Loreology How tall are Worgen on average?” “On average? Females about 8’, and the same for males (when hunched over).”


Tbh this just makes me wish we have a cooler looking Hozen race now

Once again. Love all of this.


Did someone say…


Give us Worgen tails!~ (and playable Sethrak, preferably on the Alliance)


tail option pls


Give horde more tails

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alliance can use some too >:V Stop hogging them all