Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Why would this have to be something I “ignore?” There’s no lore saying Worgen can’t have horns. There’s no lore saying Humans can’t have tails. There’s no lore saying Tauren can’t be hairless. See how this works?


Yeah I know what you’re saying, I really like the worgen aesthetic and see potential for cool stories and even small quests that explore the Gilneans as a people and the curse itself - as it is a mysterious entity in wow that could have been uncovered over time.

I’m just trying to show my support and passion and the way I chose to do that is through proving blizzard can incorporate lore if they want but I also explained that tails, like other race’s options, don’t need lore to explain them because they could have had them all along and it’s simply that blizzard is just now getting them into the game.

Height, hack and slash with claws, tails, black fur, a howl, etc I want these for worgen. Then I’ll play them.


Thing about the height is 8 feet tall is cannon lore for Worgen confirmed by Blizzard… Yet in Legion they made the Worgen model smaller to the current height of 6 feet 10 inches… Granted it was a change from 7 feet so they only lost 2 inches but my question is why? We know Blizzard has all the Alliance tall races within a few inches of each other just look at current Worgen, Night Elves, Draenei and Kul Tiran. They are all basicly the same size but Worgen are far too small for Lore and we know 8 feet works ingame Tauren and Zandi trolls are 8 feet tall.


You’re right an appropriately tall worgen makes sense and would look bette imo. When I made one a while back to play with, while I love the old English kit, they were missing things and one of the lacks was being small. Maybe they are saving the upright posture for the 8 footer? They also tuned me off a bit due to them looking like their model was missing something. A tail would fix and improve the way they they walk and run and fight. Not to mention it would complete their fierce yet sophisticated silhouette. And to be honest I always thought they hacked and slashed with claws until I made one and found out they don’t. They are ‘Englishmen and ladies’ and civilized so they should have the option to use weapons but also to slay with their monstrous wolf features.

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If we some how get chocolate blood elves before tailed worgen , ill give up all hope I have for this game

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Blood elves have confirmed black options, and worgen don’t have tails. So can I have your hope?


Its still beta there is a chance

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Its the reason this thread exist is we are asking for customization on the core look. We don’t want to be taxed for being able to customize our human form separately. While it is something that has been long requested if it comes at the cost of our Worgen form getting options its really not worth it to a lot of us.


Definitely. I’d be in worgen form all the time so the wolfish customization needs to be expanded upon and all the requests seem to be in unison and loved by all so I don’t know what the hold up is. They are reasonable requests as well, nothing out of the norm


I agree

give tail option
Height / increase size
Fight with claws option
Howl / snarl
Fur colors such as black


Love all of that.

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Give worgen tails with a plethora of customization options for them please.

Also, most helmets that cover the entirety of the head look bad on worgen change my mind.


None of the other customization requests are asking for new appendages though.

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None of the other requests need to

You don’t say?

Hello! I was suspended so I couldn’t respond, but I read your whole post! Your story is beautiful! Great writing!


Really Caelus? Did you get mass reported again?

Male Pandas got a new tail… Mic Drop

Nah, it was just 2 people, one who hates me. I knew it was coming. :sweat_smile:

No other race transforms into another one. We lose fingers and toes and grow them back when we return to human form. We lose our human ears on the sides of our head and grow new fuzzy ones on the top. The entire shape of our skull, torso, and legs change.

Asking for one other wolfish change is not unreasonable.


Meanwhile draeneis and pandarens got tail options, in pandarens case, they actually got new tails that they didn’t even have before. Could only have it on red pandas before just like real life, but now all the other pandaren colors have it. New appendages.
Honestly, at this point I’m hoping they are adding in tails just to take away the headache of their artists and writers always giving worgen tails that they don’t have, yet.
Won’t have to rewrite stories or change art pieces if they do have tails. Make it easier on your art/story team blizzard. Give worgen tails. ;D