Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Give worgen tails


Give tails worgen


Give tails.



grabby hands


Canā€™t let this thread go down to far!



My Druid desperately wants her tail!

Goldrinn is a wolf. Tails should be a given, simply due to the history and nature of the Curse. :woman_shrugging:


Giveth tails to thee worgen



I understand most people wonā€™t read this because itā€™s long but I sincerely appreciate it if you do. I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve ever written something like this before especially for a race I donā€™t play (yet), but I have always wanted to play them I just canā€™t without their tail. I supply examples and scenarios and methods and explanations on how and why blizzard could make it happen, just to prove I advocate for it and support it. While many people write ā€˜give worgen tailsā€™ in support, which is good, sometimes coming up with reasons why and how our tails could be achieved could be seen as helpful to the cause, which is why I took the time to write this. the first half is a short story / scenario kind of thing and the second half are possibilities and comparisons to customization that other races have received with or without them having had lore explanation. Be well, everyone!

I always thought it would be cool and interesting if a bookish, shy, solitary, slightly nervous gilnean student or a scholarā€™s apprentice or a young scientist / professor who studies the curse and is fascinated by itā€™s properties and history and biology and who pours over books and keeps notes and makes sketches of detailed info in his academy study and in his candle lit victorian room above the town tavern, would make a cool reoccurring lore character to have in the game.

His room is full of research and documents spread everywhere because heā€™s focused on knowledge and learning and less on being tidy. Heā€™s a nervous yet gentle young-to-middle aged man who seeks answers and is naturally curious. And pretty oblivious to how the gruffer and sterner worgen regard him. Some women think heā€™s cute in a nerdy way but he doesnā€™t know this.

His personal obstacle is that he canā€™t seem to transform. Mostly because he gets frightened instead of angry. And of course he would study his own transformation if he could. So, while he finds it difficult to transform as he rarely or never gets genuinely angry, and would sooner cower or seek logic in a situation rather than rely on rage, his up and coming status as an explorer of the gilnean plight has recently become valuable to Genn and the school board because of his dutiful nature and his extensive knowledge and genuine interested and for his smartness and heā€™s fascinated by their situation and aims to study and take note all he can about it. Whether thatā€™s to solve the riddle, find a cure, or discover new lore, heā€™s a passionate seeker of knowledge in this field.

When we meet him heā€™s pouring over a stack of books at his candle lit desk in his room, the little fireplace barely glowing because heā€™s so immersed in his studying he hasnā€™t tended to it. Books toppled and papers strewn about, unmade bed and all. The gruff yet kindly tavern keeper often climbs the steps with a tray of food, pokes his head in with a lantern to find Satchel Strappā€™s youthful head sleeping on an open book, and brings the plate and mug in from time to time to remind distracted Satchel to eat and sleep! But Strapp is often so deeply interested and immersed in what heā€™s studying that he doesnā€™t pay attention to anyone -even his own hunger and health.

The next morning, he wakes with skewed glasses, neck aching from being in a wood chair all night, candles and fireplace cold. Gloomy grey light of gilnean sky barely entering through the single stained glass window, making the small room gloomier. As he lifts his head a strand of drool tethers him to the page he left off on. Blinking and fixing his glasses he notices the saliva smudged the ink of a few words on the parchment. Thatā€™s it! his mind raced.

Heā€™s stumbled upon a mysterious and exciting, possible link to the curse, to itā€™s origin and therefore itā€™sā€¦evolution? He rushes to the academy to seek the knowledge of his colleagues and professors over this discovery! After much debate and heated discussion and attempts at convincing and scribbling up drawings with his fellow historians, scientists, teaches and even the friendly groundskeeper, he convinces only one elderly scholar that this could be an importance worth exploring.

Luckily this old and wise scholar is often called upon and trusted by the gruff yet sophisticated gilnean leader and so they take their research and request a meeting with Genn. Genn is skeptical of this possibility but thinks it wise exploring it. A party is organized and they prepare to travel to where Goldrinn may be.

Upon loading the carriage and horses for the journey, the skinny Satchel nearly falls into the wet, leafy dirt as he struggles carrying his books and travel bags stuffed with papers.

ā€œYou ainā€™t gonna need all that boy! Hand me that trunk there!ā€ snarled a guard from atop the carriage. Satchel looked at the chest and knew it wasnā€™t going to end well, but attempted to heave it up to the guard on the carriage but it was too heavy and Satchel tumbled to the ground, papers and books spilling all around. The guard rolled his eyes.

Then, Satchel heard a sweet sound, it was laughter coming from inside the carriage. He fixed his glasses and saw, from sitting on the ground among his bags and papers, two pleasant eyes with dusky blue eye shadow and red-brown hair pulled back and a wide but gentle smile.

ā€œNeed a hand or a paw?ā€ she said playfully.

Satchel felt his face get warm with embarrassment, a feeling he was used to among his doubtful colleagues and the rowdy, rude bar-goers he pushes past to get to his upstairs tavern flat, but in this particular warmth there was another feeling, one he hadnā€™t experienced before, he was stunned byā€¦her.

ā€œYes. Erm. No!ā€ he blurted. She laughed. His warmth got hotter. How could he be so awkward? he thought. The door opened and out came the heels of two tall, leather booted-legs smack into the mud. An open hand was held before him. He hesitated, but her eyes were friendly and nonjudgmental. He took her hand and got to his feet, a bit of dirt and leaves falling from his long coat. He bashfully took in her beautiful face and eyes.

She looked at the library that lay about, then to Satchel. ā€œWho are you, someone important?ā€ she joked, waving her hand around all the documents and tomes and lying about.

His embarrassment heightened. ā€œIā€™m, uh, Sā€¦ā€ why couldnā€™t he speak?

ā€œWell, Imuhs, or whomever you may be, letā€™s get these scraps cleaned up, shall we?ā€

The words registered and Satchel and the woman awkwardly fumbled around picking up papers and books and stuffing them into his bags and pockets.

"Right, thank you, Iā€™m Satch-

ā€œYouā€™re Satchel Strapp!ā€ he heard her say, and turned from picking up some papers to see her studying a parchment with a drawing of worgen anatomy. ā€œI should have known by your crooked glasses and many books. The only books gilneans read anymore are bedtime stories to children, but none about traveling through the woods alone, of course.ā€ She giggled.

Satchel was amazed at her humor and kindness. ā€œNo, no I suppose they wouldnā€™t,ā€ he said. He smiled without knowing it.

She brushed leaves off the shoulders of his long brown coat and straighten his eternally wrinkly collar, smiling the whole time. ā€œThere we are. Good as new,ā€ she said.

ā€œTh-thanksā€¦ā€ he said, finally. They stared at one another. I canā€™t just stare at her, I have to say ā€¦something! ā€œWh-whatā€™s your name?ā€

A loud voice from the top of the carriage boomed, ā€œLeanne, get back in the carriage! You thereā€¦ā€ he said and stared at Satchel, ā€œyou get your things things in order, we leave in 5. Everyone, listen up!ā€ The guards and handful of scientists, scholars and notable gilnean figureheads who were hoisting their camping equipment onto horses and the carriage stopped and looked at the guard. ā€œWeā€™re traveling through the forest to avoidance contested territory. Follow orders. Keep your wits about ya. Once weā€™re in the clear, Keep your wits about ya even more!ā€ He glared as he scanned the party. Everyone finished securing their personal belongings.

ā€œLeanne, is it?ā€ Satchel asked. She turned to him and nodded eagerly.


To make a long story short and because Iā€™m not a good writer, lol, Leanne is the granddaughter of the Satchelsā€™s elderly teacher / colleague, and accompanies them on the trek.

She likes him and his nerdiness but heā€™s pretty nervous around her but learns to calm down over the years through her tenderness and her love of life. She is also drawn to his seemingly inability to transform, finding it adorable that he wants to but canā€™t and that perhaps he canā€™t because heā€™s genuinely good natured - but she of course understands itā€™s something that bothers him. They form a close relationship.

But before that happens, back to the expedition to Goldrinnā€¦

Along the way the partyā€™s carriages are attacked and the horses frightened. The gilneans transform as last resort, but Satchel canā€™t, heā€™s simply too scared, but from behind a toppled carriage that is shielding them from the broken lantern-fires and frightened horses and the shouting gilneans, Leanne does catch a glimpse of his eyes flicker and nose snarl with a slightly different shape. Possibly because he felt a surge of adrenaline to protect her?

They continue on their quest by foot, with fewer items than they started with.
They seek the guidance of Goldrinn in his den. The gilneans are a bit too frightened to approach the sleeping giant wolf, and Satchel is no exception. The stormy exhales of his mighty maw are enough to bend the grass and even their hair back from their distance. He however approaches the wild god, trembling slightly, clasping scroll of parchment, and Goldrinn opens a single eye to reveal a slit of luminous light.

I wonā€™t tell you what they speak of, but it involves the origin of the curse, how the worgen are not ready, the cursesā€™s full potential, and an unknown knowledge that needs to be uncovered in time, an awakening. Or imparts a hint about the elune.

Years later, in Satchelā€™s flat where he and Leanna have lived together for a couple of years, rain patters against the single stained glass window while the fireplace flickers. She is sitting on the bed, sewing a decorative wall hanging to brighten up the drab room while he pours over books. The tavern keeper still visits, only now with a larger plate and two mugs instead of one. Sometimes three if itā€™s after hours and he wants to hang out. Satchel Strapp and Leanna become boyfriend and girlfriend and she loves his quiet, brilliance and fidgetyness, and he is happy someone loves him since he was orphaned as a boy and hasnā€™t known much companionship.

All this should have been going on in wow over the years. Through small quests. So, blizzard need to implement it now, becauseā€¦

Years later, Leanne is killed in an attack on Gilneas while Satchel was out of town on research.

Sitting at the foot of a gnarled tree, open books and sketches and slips of parchment of measurements and form-characteristics strewn among the grass around the knobby roots, Satchel daydreams of his visit with Goldrinn and ponders the curseā€™s nature and of course thinking of his love, his soon to be wife.

While he is away on research, he has an epiphany and pours through his trunk and bags to seek confirmation. The reference he needs is among in his study back in gilneas. So, he heads back there to look for clues in his once cozy, bookish room.

He finds it now with parchments and books and sketches and models collecting dust in corners and toppled off shelves, torn drapes and destroyed bed and broken desk. Was someone looking for his research? in the years that go by he is never quite the same, understandably. gilneas is never the same.

By lamenting the loss of his soon-to-be-wed loved one, he dedicates all the time heā€™s able (and then some) when not under orders from the King, learning all he can about their plight.

We encounter the knowledgeable yet shy and aloof Satchel Strapp on our journeys, bumping into him at points of interest regarding the hunting, examining and pondering of the curse. Occasionally heā€™ll already be tracking a clue, performing experiments we can assist with, and did his suffering for the loss of his love. Perhaps now he can transform or can but chooses not to? It would make a cool, evolving storyline, and engaging to learn of his new discoveries.


I think a character such as himself would do well in WoW and allow for some unique storytelling and refreshing scenarios. Especially involving uncovering the deep secrets of the curse. Sort of like how harrison jones functions in wow and now and then uncovers a mystery that explains/advances the story. We need smaller lore characters who can advance our raceā€™s and cultureā€™s and inform us players of new developments, evolutions, and stories about our peoples. Blizzard creates all these wonderful, beloved races and doesnā€™t do much with their cultures. I think our cultures are one of the shining pillars of wow and while they are all involved with the greater story, there arenā€™t many opportunities to delve into our raceā€™s individual stories. Heritage armor allows for this. So, could some customization options such as Night Warrior eyes. Andā€¦tails!

Players would delight when Satchel shows up from behind a forest tree, or when they encounter him in his travels/studies, or when they stumble upon a path of open books and sketches on parchment strewn among the ground, or when Genn sends us to inquire about a specific worgen related topic.

Perhaps we could accompany him on his side travels when heā€™s not actively posted for war, and get glimpses into his anxious and fidgety personality, and discover more about the curse as we help him learn. Maybe his studies lead to ancient artifacts or uncovering a new depth to the curse, or on a physical note, itā€™s effects on their biology. Such interesting possibilities for character, story and content.


Exploration of the curse, meeting with wild gods, interacting with or understanding more about goldrinn, a new discovery or even a furthering of the curse itself or perhaps the curse reaching itā€™s true potential are some ideas that can be explored that could result in the emergence of a tail.

So if lore is your concern or excuse, I provide many situations and possibilities where tails can be explained through lore, as well as offered the suggestion that they simply donā€™t need to be explained, similar to how differently-colored blood elves have always existed itā€™s simply that blizzard is just now implementing them.

Maybe through storytelling and a process not unlike that which some races have experienced before dawning their heritage armor or colored eyes - maybe the lead up to / stand before retaking their beloved city and town and kingdom will be the last fierce bit of madness that awakens their curseā€™s sleep and gives new meaning to ancient hysteria, and upon reaching such a wild intoxication and unchained ferociousness, their curse will be truly complete and their tail and or glowing eye colors and or bristling manes and or ability to hack and slash with claws and teeth alone, will emerge as a final and fully awakened transformation.

Placing these longed-for features into the the hands of us devoted players as options, especially through meaningful storytelling that fits snugly and flows seamlessly with the world and lore is a fine accompaniment (which is why I created the short story and lore character of Satchel Strapp, above).

An explanation is not necessary since simply not having a tail or having one is not really lore breaking. I do provide meaningful ways for their inclusion however.

Blizzard will probably create a story line to explain the new customization option, as they have done so in the past with other new appearances.

Or perhaps they track back to their curseā€™s origin, and communicate with beings who were originally responsible or involved or able to offer insight, or to gain new knowledge or to ask for help to take back their city, and the customization options will unlock through a quest or scenario or achievement, etc.

It makes less sense to not have a tail than to have oneā€¦why give a race/model every single defining feature of a wolf EXCEPT the MAIN one?

Perhaps their ability to suppress the curse has also suppressed some of itā€™s full potential and as such, itā€™s full potency and appearance. therefore perhaps similar to elune blessing the night elves with her light, any deficiencies or dormancies will be unlocked via a wild god blessing, or by elune or through a discovery or gift from the emerald dream or an ancient spell, ritual, etc, and the tail and upright posture and height and fuller manes will finally awaken and become options.

Goldrinn has a tail, so they could have a tail, and it would be player choice and not lore-breaking in any way. Itā€™s simply that some have them and some donā€™t.

The above scenarios were simply to demonstrate how obtaining a new feature that wasnā€™t present before can be done in a meaningful way - though I am fine with us having a tail option without the need for lore or game play explanations - as simply some worgen have have them and some donā€™t is just fine by me.

Such examples stay within the tradition of blizzard including things when and where it makes sense. I only thought about some ways blizzard might want to make it so that those who require for it to be explained, can see that it can be done and meaningful, immersive way, while keeping a tail choice based if thatā€™s even truly necessary, so that everyone is happy. I also took the time to use examples of previous unlockable customization and racial features through ways similar to how blizzard bestows these kinds of items to the game and itā€™s players through a worthiness and when and where it could make sense - which seems to be what they like to do.

The void elves are one giant customization from blood elves, and though theyā€™re culture and traditions and home have yet to be explored and experienced meaningfully, the creators have expanded upon elven lore and through the use of the of established void groundwork created a reason for blood elves to have these new appearances, personalities, histories and culture. I believe more about their new way of life, home and place in the world will be explored in the future, which traditions they hold on to and which ones they abandon, what ideals they bring with them, what new architecture and songs and beliefs they come up with as their new people grow. We have not really experienced a new culture starting from scratch and witness how they form and grow, usually our races are already established in their ways, so this journey can be viewed as exciting as there arenā€™t many races who we get to know as we go - most races and cultures are already established. It might be refreshing to see what traditions, songs, fighting styles, beliefs, arts and day to day life they decide to keep as part of their heritage, and which they decide to abandon and/or modify while building their new culture. apparently the void elves have a soft spot for their previous cultureā€™s style because out of all things, theyā€™ve brought their former underwear with them. keepsake? All this to say that lore evolves and stories change and appearances alter and new discoverers pop up all the timeā€¦allowing for new visualsā€¦such asā€¦

Night warriors, which I know little about, have been introduced for night elves and their players to include into their personalities and kits, therefore the night elf lore has received a unique addition and that addition explains the darker eyes while allowing for a fun and befitting visual to accompany the story and this story accomplishes the customization.

I would love a tail. A handsome tail, a bristly, spiky tail, a war-torn tail with bits of missing fur, or bandaged. For the more stylish and refined wolves, a tail with a silk bow.

While blizzard artists could have a great time creating some awesome tail options, Iā€™ll be over the moon for just one!

I know most people wontā€™ read this because itā€™s long but I sincerely appreciate it if you do. I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve ever written something like this before especially for a race I donā€™t play (yet), but want always want to play them I just canā€™t without their tail. I supplied examples and scenarios and methods and explanations on how and why blizzard could make it happen, not only to prove I advocate for it and support optional tails for worgen which they should have, but to show that if blizzard doesnā€™t want to make a meaningful explanation then tails are still fine if added without lore reason. With all the skin and eye colors that could have always existed for most races who are receiving them in shadowlands, and it is simply that blizzard is just now getting around to implementing them in the game, tails are surely a feature worgen could have always had and itā€™s just that blizzard is now including them.

While many people write ā€˜give worgen tailsā€™ in support, sometimes coming up with reasons why and how could be seen as helpful to the cause, which is why I took the time to write this. Be well, everyone!



Rather nice story, and concept for tails being an evolution or advancement.

I like it. I uhā€¦ feel things about how it ends, how dare you.

Still thats a long term plan for tails and Iā€™d hope we get them sooner rather than later.


That is quite the read and I do want worgen to have tails as Iā€™ve stated many times before.


Went on PTR, played with the new Night Elf options they were cool.

Played with the worgen options. Iā€™ve never gotten a worgen past level 20 because this was prior to the update when they looked bad, like their first round.

So on the PTR, came across the glorious white fur coat and yellow eyes with one blind. I selected the thick hairstyle so lots of hair.

Seriously if it had a tail, itā€™d be perfect. Transmog might be hard since it looks a bit odd with most of the helmets. But right now itā€™s like 80-90% away from race changing from my High mountain. If I had a fluffy tail, Iā€™d change.


Thanks for reading, means a lot to me! I agree it should have a more definitive result. I was hoping to include either a wolf god or elune bless/restore the curse to itā€™s full potential, as some of itā€™s been dormant (as discovered by the main character) - which would allow for all the proper customization options to become available.

I was also trying to showcase how a follow up character such as we have harrison jones for human spirit and ingenuity, nesingwary for the bounding dwarves, lilian voss for the deranged yet heartful undead, could be a cool thing since I donā€™t think the worgen have one, and natrualy it could involve learning new bits of the worgen dilemma at each interaction (such as once per expansion or during a set of zone quests). honestly each race should get advancement of their story each expansion or so, and we do every so oftenā€¦one of my favorite parts or pandaria was the lore and how it fleshed out connections between the different tauren cultures, and the murloc/jinyu evolution, etc.

had we had a character investigating the worgen situation during each expansion until now, getting hints along the way, a crescendo could be we learn something astounding such as the ā€˜advancementā€™ or the ā€˜waking upā€™ of the curseā€™s true potential which means we get a bunch of new customization options - kind of like how the night warriors had a big moment and now ā€˜unlockedā€™ the dark eyes customization.

a tail sooner than later would be great though!


Give Luuni a fluffy tail!


Give worgen tails AND straight back posture option!

ą¼¼ 恤 ā—•_ā—• ą¼½ć¤ SUMMON TAILS!


Story TLDR but please give worgen a tail option!


Hope everyone is well!

Please give Worgen tails, Blizz (and a chiropractor too :grin:)


What if we just like turned this thread into like a #GiveWorgenTails writers club.
Everyone writes stories about Worgens with tails.


#GiveWorgenTails as an option if they wont just out right be changed to have one >.>

I read enough to get what you were getting at. We have the lore covered.

The lore idea is cool the issue is Blizzard just changes other races for customization reasons without putting a Lore reason. The main reason we donā€™t make longer posts about it is the main list of what we Worgen players would like to see is fairly simple and we donā€™t want to TL:DR all the time. Just for example the current wish list is as follows:

  1. Give Worgen an optional Tail.
  2. Give Worgen a Lore Correct 8 foot size.
  3. Give Male Worgen the option of standing up straight.
  4. Give Worgen a pure Black fur color.

Other smaller request exist out there like:

  1. Fix the Female Voice. (Look at Fiona and Celestine of the Harvest)
  2. Give us some optional sounds like snarling on /snarl and a /howl
  3. Allow Worgen melee to choose to hide weapons so we can fight with our claws.
  4. Give Worgen human form the Waltz dance rather than the Stormwind Dance.

We Worgen players just want to be given options for our core look and not to be taxed on what is our core because we can use the same options as Stormwind humans. While nice its a Shapeshift form and something we cant use in combat/for some hardly ever see.