Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Just everyone report Kamerion for trolling if the Horde can do it to me we can get his posts in trouble too.


We appreciate your constant bumps on the topic in which we suggest optional tails for worgen and your always verbose and oratory verbiage to promote this thread among the most commented and relevant forum.

You are being a lot of help, believe me!

Give Worgen Tails



Nah, that’s not the kind of chicanery I’m in to.

Your skin will be so crunchy and tasty after I get it off you.


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I get that you’re upset at that person, but this is not a place to start lynch mobs please. Let’s keep it civil.

Also give worgen tail options please.


Imagine how people who don’t appreciate the idea of ​​a worgen having this option, will feel having to see some people adding a tail to the worgen.

The best revenge is to live well. With tails, ofc.


The sweetest victories.

Oh here is the Tauren who no one cares about and their discord of spamming fools reporting another post of mine… Cute.

So Kamerion who post the same spam post every time with no valid discussion is fine to have spamming our Worgen post, but the moment I say anything about his BS my post is flagged by the people who don’t even post here for calling him out. You know Blizzard bring it on. I am a paying customer discussing something I pay for monthly, this kid that you allow to Post the same spam post over and over again and not add anything meaningful or useful to the discussion is clearly your priority. So lets see another month.


And now they are reporting every post I make… Really? You know this abuse of the report system is against the TOS.


I get what you mean, and I agree that it’s not fair, but usually it’s best not to get too heated and just ignore them.

It sucks, but the mods look at things in vacuums. If your post gets flagged they just consider that post and not anything around it.

(at least that’s what it seems to me)

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Oh Ive been banned a number of times at this point because the kiddie squad/cancel culture discord has no idea how to discuss an issue and instead just has a group of mindless drones who report someone till they get in trouble. Bring it on kiddies it still means I win cause you have no idea how to have a discussion and would rather abuse a system to get someone in trouble rather than just talk.

There is nothing wrong with my post and if good old Kamerion would quit hiding behind a low level alt and unhide his post history you would see all but 12 of his posts are the same message every time in this thread. That is a valid reason to call him out for being a spammer and not adding anything useful to the discussion. Tell me I’m wrong go ahead I’ll wait.

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Never said you were wrong.

Interesting. I went to go search for the person you mentioned and they’ve been repeating the same post on “no tails for Worgen” since 8th July:

This is blatant trolling/spamming. Over a period of more than a month.


That’s definitely nothing but spam.

Flag away :smiling_imp:.


What an observation you’ve made there. You’re right! There currently are no tails for Worgen among the new customization options. Guess we better change that!

Give Worgen Tails!


Just going to post this:

This looks a LOT like the worgen female skeleton but I could be wrong. If you pause it on certain frames, the idle stance is the exact same as a worgen female.

And oh look, it’s tailed.

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Give worgen pet snai,

I mean give them tails.


I looked in to it in the past, and yeah althought it does use the female worgen model, it uses a slightly altered one where the neck is longer which is something you see in stuff like sethrakk that do have a tail. Still doesn’t explain the tail rig that female worgens have since they’ve had it in retail/ptr since way before shadowlands was even announced.
Still a really good find thought. They could easily implement those tail animations + more in to female worgen models now that we know they actually have something to work with.

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Oh look my posts were restored…

Ok back to the topic at hand. Giving Worgen the optional tail. I vote yes.

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Yes please! I want tails on my puppy toons!
