Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Yep, concept art. But that’s not the design they went with, DID THEY?

Nope, they went with tail-LESS. So, irrelevant.


You can say that exact same thing with upright orcs/the new blood elf eye changes/frost trolls/wild hammer dwarves/hell even pale skin void elves weren’t originally a thing at all as a character option. Why did we not have these options before but all of a sudden after a new patch rolls out without even giving a explanation as to why we got them? Things are subject to change without any lore explanation what so ever apparently. Worgens having tails are one of those things. You can add em in and it won’t even be breaking any lore what so ever because worgens with tails did in fact exist.


Except, there isnt a single Worgen with a tail that did “in fact exist”.

You have a tail


Druid of the Pact? The original night elf worgens that specifically went in to wolf form and half way in became cursed and became worgens?

I guess I forgot to mention the part where the first worgens were literally night elves that went in to wolf form, couldn’t control it, and ended up turning in to the worgens. Worgens are a type of wolf transformation. It’s not surprisingly at all that they had tails as well, that tail they had doesn’t just fall off.


“night elves that went in to wolf form”. Okay cool. Yeah, wolves, with tails. Makes sense.

“and ended up turning in to the worgens”. Yep, Worgens, no tails. So far we agree.

“It’s not surprisingly at all that they had tails as well”. Except as Worgen, they didnt have any.

“that tail they had doesn’t just fall off”. It didnt, worgen form doesnt have one.


Yeah this conversation is gonna go no where lmao.
I’ll just leave this here.
Look at that, a human turning in to a worgen with a tail in a official Blizzard game. The same game that showed us the first ever image of N’zoth before we even saw them in game!
Probably showing us worgen tails before they add em in the game too. :slight_smile:


And what exactly would it hurt if Worgen get an optional tail? You don’t play the race so why do you care if players have the right to choose if they want an optional tail or not. Are you saying pure lore only matters cause if you are saying that then are you ok with Worgen being so small and lore breaking when they should be 8 feet tall? Or are you one of these… OMG I don’t want more furry’s in my WoW. If that’s the case be honest and admit it. Cause your about 15 years too late to jump on that bandwagon. As Garrosh himself said. “Times Change” so an optional tail is not going to make or break your game play experience.


Yeah I imagine it wouldn’t be too hard, we can hide shoulders and other pieces of mog. I can’t see why it wouldn’t work.
It would be great for monks too!

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I think Worgens could have tails though I feel like they may need to fix body model so it wont look out of place, I saw some ones custom model they did for it and it looked a little off. Could’ve been the size of the tail or the posture of the original model.

I don’t remember anyone complaining about orcs getting better posture and models that are different from the peons everyone used until the model was updated.

So orcs should keep the stocky model they always used.
But for me, it’s okay for people to want more immaculate, proud and beautiful models for their orcs, because that doesn’t affect my game.

I don’t see at any point of the lore something explaining why orcs are different from the original models.
And the new models one wants can be considered an update.
The tauren model has been updated. The orc was modified to the happiness of those who wanted a model that conveyed a more heroic feeling, of noble savage, rather than of stupid, aggressive and ugly that we had for 10 years.

But to see the hypocrisy of people using arguments that invalidate what they already have?



no tails for Worgen



Let players have their fun.

Also thanks for the bump!

Give Worgen Tails!


Why should worgens get tails?
Because it looks good and adds variety :slight_smile:

I got PTR recently and am also hopeful it’ll happen soon since the models have holes where a tail would be!

Give worgens tails


I’ll get your skin yet.

I’m extremely hopeful. It’s so perfect. It has to be what’s going on.

I don’t even think I’ll use a tail but I’m so excited for the option for everyone that wants one.



And what happens if that hole in our model gives us a tail? What will you do then little human?


Just jumping in to voice my full support! There’s still enough time before launch, c’mon Blizz! Give Worgen tails! :grin:


its been 10 hours and not a single bump, its been too long

so lets hipbump this thread up to the top again!

