Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

continues to march around Blizz HQ with ‘Give Worgen Tails’ sign


Dense doesn’t = stupid. When speaking on the subject of updated models and you stated only eyes and mouth got fixed means you are dense on the subject or clueless not dumb.

Worgen have been reworked the same as the other models.

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I suggest ignoring this person, they clearly are just here to incite people who like worgen. :woman_shrugging:

In other news, give worgen tails - and give males a straight posture option.

Sure wouldn’t cry over getting paladins and/or monks, either. :fishing_pole_and_fish:


Yes! I want a tail.


Has anyone tweeted ion about tails yet?


I’m not here to incite anything. I haven’t stated a single wrong thing, he did. Perhaps you should be ignored for wanting to ignore facts.
Act like worgen are ignored when they arent.

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Go on google right now and look up every definition of dense.

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Lets move on the Elf isn’t worth it, they are here to try and derail the thread and use personal attacks. Its fine Ive been called worse and laughed at it. But I will say this you have your own set of horse blinders on if you simply look at how little has been done for Worgen over the years. And its honestly not because Blizzard don’t care they were just ashamed of what they did. How do you allow a model like what the old Female Worgen model was to go live much less stand for what you consider your quality work for 10 years without so much as a thought of trying to fix the issue. The excuse was Worgen upgrades would cost us a raiding tier. The real thing is Blizzard ran out of time with Worgen. None of the love and care and time blizzard put into other races was spent on Worgen and it showed. Animations had terrible tearing, the model itself was really quite bad, they didnt look like a wolf. And why? Because 1 month before Cata went live we finally got to see Female Worgen for the first time, two weeks before it went live they changed the model… It was honestly the straw that broke the camels back as they say in how much attention Worgen get. Why worry about a race when hardly anyone was playing it due to its model looking bad?


This quest is like saying that Gilneans are not important because they can be worgen.

When that is the main differential that we have to any other human race of Azeroth.

It also makes it look like it’s 100% bad, when a curse is something that brings problems and being worgen is more like a curse blessing.

If you let yourself be dominated by the inner fury, it will certainly be a curse but as we always remain ourselves, it is much more of a blessing.

And that was either one of the biggest mistakes in the worgen’s lore or a total oversight.

How is it imaginable to keep worgens in the Alliance, if there are no births of more gilneans that can become worgen?

Are we going to start biting people, imitating the disgusting actions of forsaken who breach graves to recruit more members?

That detail is a mistake or they forgot.

Or they just didn’t think because it was never important.

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There are still feral Worgen in Duskwood as well as in Val’Sharah. I imgaine some in Grizzly hills remain too. As long as we can use the potion to help them reclaim their minds we can get some more worgen that way. The Scythe of Elune being depowered as of the end of Legion though lessens the ability to fully remove the fury from them…

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That are not gilneans.

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True enough. Though its possible for some of those ferals to bite others who are… so… one tertiary way to get more.

I may not like it but your suggestion may be the only option since blizzard forgot how worgen would do it to replenish its population and cannot fix it without a reboot or create something new.

There is a word in Portuguese, which we use to classify something that is fixed in an improvised way with available resources that represents well how to recruit non-Gilneas worgen.


An improvised, vulgar and inexpensive solution that allows to work around a problem that would be correctly solved with a real repair or replacement by a new item, but that by lack of resources /money /will, ends up being overlooked with inefficient palliative measures of unsatisfactory result but that ends up being the definitive solution.

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Aye, I hate that there is no easy explanation for how more Worgen come to be. Just seems irresponsible for Blizzard to make a playable race so haphazardly. They did the same with the Void Elves though now thats kinda got a fix.

Ah! That is quite the word, but that feels like it applies here very well.

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Ooh, hey, I know a good idea that could make playing not just World of Warcraft but Alliance specifically a whole lot better! Ready?

Give Worgen Tails.


My worgen got tail … oh wait… eyebrow waggle

She still needs an actual tail here!

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Give worgen the option to have tails.


I don’t think they have really put any thought into this, just telling that the worgens give birth of human because the curse is magic (something like that).

I have to disagree because even if it’s magic, there is also the biology.
A worgen is not a human covered of fur but a complete transformation into another species.
If the statement can be applied on a female worgen being in human form even a few time, what about the worgens who are keeping their form all along?

It’s hard to imagine that a full time female worgen does not give birth of a worgen child.
It’s not because “it’s magic” that biological logic can’t be applied here.

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Especially odd since Worgen blood carries the curse and can spread it.

Plus the bite and claws can spread the curse.

So… Is it saliva, blood? Or just the magic of the curse?

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When a Worgen dies they don’t revert to human form. They die as a Worgen. The skeleton left behind is also Worgen. One thing I would like to see is when Worgen are in the shadowlands will we see Worgen or humans?