Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Sample of the population

The ones you saw did not, true, but even those were only a token few who dared explore the rest of the world. These adventurers were but a glimpse of the population.

The whole population

When we finally get to explore to the whole island in World of Warcraft, we saw more variations, including that variation in anatomy. Pandaren long tails were available to pandaren females upon their release.

Worgen populations

Worgen have none such excuse. While Pandaren have been around well over 10k years, worgen have been on Azeroth for about 13 years. Pandaren have had the opportunity to breed and produce species like the tauren have, but worgen have not. If tails were to be added, they would be just that; an addition, and explained in a questline.

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Sure thatā€™s fine, more lore the better.
But how come Pandaren dont have this?

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this guy is like a pit bull; he donā€™t give up because it ā€˜cheapensā€™ the race and his class fantasy if other people were to get an OPTION.

Give worgen tails. Also give Kaldorgen.


maybe worgen will get tails
after ten thousand years of evolution

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Talk about moving goalposts.

First it was: Pandaren have always had tails.
Then it was: Pandaren women werenā€™t in WC3!
Then: The Pandaren women in WC3 wore robes, you donā€™t know that they didnā€™t have tails!
And then: Well fine, they didnā€™t have tails, but OTHERS COULD HAVE!

These specific pandaren have tails in WoW when they donā€™t in WC3. They just added them in for fun because it looked nice.


Kind of just speculation though at this point. But even the explanation of selective breeding does not work because why do the males not have long tails?

You got me. In ten thousand years, give female worgen tails. :joy:

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Worgen canā€™t breed more worgen, itā€™s a curse that isnā€™t carried through bloodline.

life finds a way

( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)

This dude has some sort of mental health issues. He canā€™t accept the idea of people having different opinions, interpretations, or desires for how they play a fantasy video game, so he comes on here every 45 minutes to try and shout down everyone else.
Heā€™s like an anti-vaxxer or something.

It doesnā€™t ā€œcheapen the raceā€ if worgen get tail options. If your sense of value of the worgen characters in this game is based so firmly on the fact that they donā€™t have tails, donā€™t select a tail option when they have them added in.

woah dude itā€™s not that serious, take it easy

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To me it always made them seem incomplete, especially if we remember how they were done badly, and kept in this state for 10 years, only then they started to have a better treatment that would make them come closer to what they should have been forever.

This difference is impoverishing and is only justify due to the lack of resources in doing them the right way since launch.

If you like something incomplete, you can keep your worgen with all the defects.

I prefer more options to rectify something that can still be improved after 10 years of neglect.

Another defect in the conception of the breed that Blizzard missed and puts us in the same situation as the forsaken.

bruh :sweat_smile:
it gives me notifications every time someone likes, quotes, or responds to me


Why do some prefer to joke, and never give any suggestion whatsoever to enrich one of the few races in the alliance that is taking something that gives more options or choices?

If someone wants an orc with 4 arms, let them make a thread and postulate about it.

I will have the constructive action of not going there to oppose something like that for mere mockery or pettiness.

cuz 4 arms are totally wicked

Then create a thread and promote that idea. :man_shrugging:

Fluffy is notorious for bringing absolutely nothing to any thread but them internetz jokez

can confirm
i do nothing but meme

but think about it this way, at least im bumping the thread



And spikes they need spikes. If have lots of spikes on head may help reduce Obsessive Compulsive Patting/Ear scratchy and Petting Behavior(OCPEPB).

This is also something that should be updated by Blizzard.
Pandarens also deserve to be able to choose whether the male model needs a tail.