They had tails upon their release in Mists of Pandaria. Unless I’m mistaken? Was it an added option? I only started playing in late mists.
I’ll accept Worgen tails only if they make them extra fluffy.
Give dwarves hooves!
Pandaren were from WC3 and didn’t have tails.
You’ve got a deal.
Heck with it, give everyone tails!
Give DHs tails.
I’m not understanding the policing of what other people make their characters look like, especially when it’s optional.
Like if tails were added would you spend 2 seconds of your time to look at their butts to see if they have tails then sigh before moving on if they do?
I’m just trying to understand how a customization option ruins the game for you when you yourself don’t have to partake in it.
Were there female pandaren in Warcraft III?
Nope, the red Pandaren females have a long tail option that males and other color Pandaren do not have and can be changed via the in game barber shop.
It has no lore explanation and was not a part of them in the earlier games.
Hang on, don’t move goalposts here. Why does gender matter here when it didn’t matter at all in this thread?
I personally would also like a tail. For no weird reasons
On a trial basis, not sure if I’ll like it.
Female pandaren did not appear in Warcraft, so how can you say female pandaren didnt have tails before?
Female pandaren had tail options upon their initial release.
Worgen of both genders have been seen to have no tails. And have been so from the get go.
In fact yes there were!
Below you will see them referred to ‘they’ with named female Pandaren brewmaster that appeared in game.
Yup, there we go. Yeah even their names listed here include some female ones, like Kesha and Masha.
Male pandaren also have tails. Chen did not have a tail in WC3.
And none of them had long tails, but do now in WoW.
To be fair, these Warcraft NPCs are wearing a robe.
no ones asking for the real thing we need
give orcs four arms
Not in the reforged version. In fact if we are going by that, Pandaren must of some how grown tails from WC3 to MoP because they did not even have tails in there reforged models either.
My buns would be fluffier if I had a fluffy tail on them.