Kinda weird that the male red trash panda doesn’t have one
Give Worgen tails, but the tail option only comes with another option and that is shaved Worgen.
Is the tail shaved?
Only the tip has hair. Like all in all we’re talking maybe 3-4 hairs.
Worgen want fluffy tails.
Gonna have to buy some rogaine then.
Sneaks up and punts Grummle
Nothing to see here… well now.
Looks like Team Rockets blasting off agaaaaaaain
Give worgen tails.
Give worgen some frelling tails already.
Male and female, not like pandas and not like draenei with their limited tail options. Just give the male and female worgen all the exact same wolf tail options and give them blasted tails for crying out loud.
Pandaren just
Female pandas, at least.
Blizz, please don’t do male worgen that dirty and let us all have nice wolf tails.
Draenei get tail options now, too - why not worgen?
Go horde. We have the tails AND the milk. Dranei chicks have nice tails and milk though…
Seriously though, Worgen tails a cool idea. Someone else also previously suggested separate customization option of the human side of worgen that has all the human customizations.
We got that on the alpha this past week! Now we just neeeeeeeed tails!
This too. Would be dumb if they give worgen rat tails coming out their butts like the old dranei. Bushy wolf tails trailing off the spine/tailbone is the way to go.
Thank you for your support, Stormhoof!
The presence of tail options on character creation in alpha for some races means the infrastructure is definitely in place.
We know the Worgen rig already has the tail set up, it would just require some physics and some animation.
Give us tails!
Give Worgen Tails!
We need tails… floofy cuddly floppy tails… to wag and chase and hug and all the wonderful things
I do wonder why Worgen tails are the only optional thing people are asking for that is meet with such flack any other customisation everyone is fine with but mention one little Worgen tail and everyone looses their minds.
People just like to be contrarians.