Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

That would be great. There are plenty of night elf worgen among the Talonbranch, Bloodfang, and Nightbane worgen, but they have a shakey past with the Alliance. The Bloodfang are responsible for attacking Gilneas under orders from Alpha Prime, but now they fight alongside the Alliance against the forsaken. The Nightbane took over Duskwood from the Alliance, but then again Stormwind didn’t really care about Duskwood and the only humans that fought them were the Carevin Family, who are implied Scarlet Crusaders. The Talonbranch pack seems to be gucci, and I love how savage they are.

Another candidate would be those still trapped in the dream. Alpha Prime wanted the Scythe of Elune so he could free the rest of his kin, and the Bloodfang and Nightbane worked together to find it, but he was killed before any more could be summoned. It was mentioned that some had awoken from their slumber in the texts of Ur, and then then confirmed in Legion that some had even awoken from their slumber to wander the dream, four of them (those four you mentioned) finding their way to Val’sharah.

So there may very well be kaldorei worgen still wandering the dream, or slumbering. Many of them were those that rebelled against Malfurion and still hate him (like many of those in the Bloodfang and Nightbane), but some would have also been former sentinels and priests of elune that were bitten. It is also clear that those that once followed Alpha Prime are capable of betraying him as well, such as Varkas in the Curse of the Worgen epilogue, so even kaldorei-worgen that once hated Malfurion could change their minds. Especially if it is to fight their common enemy; the satyr.

So yes, kaldorei worgen are lore supported, could happen and are roleplayable :+1:


Unlike a certain branch of elves…cough Kaldorei worgen have been a thing since the beginning and wouldn’t be coming out of no where either.

Though I personally have RP’ed worgen for the longest of times. There are some things I wish Blizzard would simply state about worgen to make questionable things concrete, such as if those elves were fully cured or simply regained humanity… I have seen so many people RP worgen of non-Kaldorei/human races, half elves being a one. Blizzard never really states what races can fall victim to the curse. Of course I always believed it’s been Kaldorei/human only but when I hear other justifications, it does actually make you wonder, you know?

I’ve seen people RP’ing vrykul worgen, dwarf worgen, draenei worgen… (I know, I’ll stop, you’re probably shuddering like I am thinking of the last one.) Vrykul, I could understand because… progenitors of humans. Half elves, again, nelf/human side but if the other side was of the High Elf variety… I am not sure. I would think that their affinity to the Sunwell would prevent this sort of like how it does with a paladin? Other races… yeah I dunno. xD

I personally RP two Kaldorei worgen, one being my beloved Nevari! Keori who is my Gilnean lady! I also have my Nightbane, Reona, Sadie Mae and Harley Rose of Westfall that got too close to Duskwood (well, Harley’s situation is slightly different but no spolers), Aribeth Redmayne who was afflicted by the Wolf Cult, and Ysayla who is the second elf worgen that’s a newer character. I’ve never actually had a Bloodfang worgen yet… HMMM!

If Blizz actually do give us Kaldorei Worgen, I could see us going into the Dream to held Goldrinn rescue them from being corrupted at Daral’nir. Of course there’d be a lot of tension with Malfurion though I think that animosity could be lessened given we would save them from being truly lost.

Kaldorei Worgen would be fun but for now I don’t think we are going to see another allied race before SL comes out so we are stuck with Gilneas Worgen. So part of the reason some of us would like to see the tail option is the lack of unique looks. Fur color is nice but the Worgen race all look exactly the same. Only the hair on the mane and ears make Worgen characters look different. An optional tail would be another different look for many Worgen players to choose from. Like I said not everyone role plays and options in both human form and Worgen form would be nice to see.

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Yeah, I think Night Elf worgen would be a post Shadowlands thing sadly :frowning:

I can think of many ways of how to make a night elf worgen look different from Gilnean. Adding night elf tattoos to the fur, feathers, beads, silvery moon stuff, leaves, etc etc. You can add on from there. Different ear styles that are more elven. The possibilities are limitless. It’s the culture aesthetics is what would differentiate the two.


It would be and it would be nice to see but for now what we have is Gilneas Worgen and the options we have for choice in the race. And with the bones already being in the model attaching the tail model to those bones is not much effort. Blizzard would know all about this as they did the same lack of effort in the Worgen HA armor. :frowning:

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Just imagine how pretty night elf worgen and Gilnean worgen would be with lovely tails!


Did someone say kaldorei worgen? Give worgen and kaldorei worgen tails.

As a long-time avid kaldorei worgen RPer who wants to get away from the human side of things, I support this message.

If not, give me my runic tattoos to be inked on.


hrrk :nauseated_face:

no need to ruin perfectly good canon kaldorei worgen with that

Pack Form for feral druid form, though, yes. If malfurion wants their help, he better compromise with their culture, like he did with the Highborn in Wolfheart.


I feel used. :cry:

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A dog in a hat is still a dog.

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We have some pretty cool hats as dogs, but no tail.


I see you nathanos >.>

iF yOu wANt a TaIl pLaY a VuLPeRa

If yOu WaNT TO eNTer CoMbAT WhILe StAyiNG In HuMan ForM PlaY a hUMaN :crazy_face:


What if I want to be Alliance? What if I want to enter combat using my claws as weapons? There is no need for hostility. I agree, nerf DH.


This character use to be a Night Elf but I race changed her.
I suppose I could RP as a Kaldorei Worgen who was a Night Elf that got turned.

But I sort of like her Human form. Wish we could stay in it until we transform.
I mean, Genn can do it. So should we.
I’d even accept a DPS penalty for staying in Human form. That’s no big deal.


Worgen males are getting nelf-like ears on alpha, but so far the women don’t have that! There’s also a blue-ish fur tint and a purple-ish tint both with stripes on the arms that seem very nelfy. You could do it!



In comics, they jump great distances and do other things that we don’t see in the game.

I would make an orc if I wanted to look like a gorilla. :hear_no_evil:

A being that evokes the specter of the wolf, of a creature that looks like a wolf, but walks like a man.

A tail would help to make worgen look more feral. IMHO

Eu prefiro que ele continue, pois é sempre um bump gratis para o thread.

Also :

It would be an optional cosmetic that would complement worgens and allow for much more individualization among worgen.

In the past, the lack of resources and technology has always prevented some actions from being taken to add more complements to the Warcraft races.
But today we can add more details and enrich the lore in the process.

Night elves have black eyes because of Elune, not to mention ears of different sizes. And they will be a customization that will be available to anyone who wants to. There is nothing in the lore that says that night elves cannot have different ears and other exotic characteristics that make them stand out from each other.

A tail is a minimal thing that has a great impact and let’s remember that saurok, saberons and sethraks use the worgen rig and both were made with tails.
So it is not impossible to add to the race, just as the improvements that banned our permasnarl and redeemed our worgenin are present today.

Let’s also remember that there are still those who say that worgen remains far from what it should be but does not highlight what should be added.

And there are also those who say that the tauren model was better and had more personality when it was the classic.

Me and others, we are suggesting adding to the worgen ( through a quest even to brighten the worgen lore ), something that can amplify the sensation of worgen’s animal nature, and that can be achieved with a tail being added to the model.


The great leaping is seen in the starter zone, and again with Genn Greymane in several instances in-game. So yes, we do see it in game. Especially in the Zandalar raid, where he just yeets off-screen all of a sudden.

But its not a racial I hear you say. Personally, I use Disengage to leap great distances. Others use heroic leap, grappling hook, or bird form.

I have it written in this character’s RP profile that she will never willingly revert to her human form. She consider’s it to be weak and pathetic.

There are supposed to be Worgen-cursed Kaldorei? Not just druids that have used the pack form, but don’t transform into it because of Malfurion’s edict against it? That’s interesting.

There are night elf worgen NPC quest givers in Felwood. They (so far) look identical to the worgen forms of the Gilneans.

I’d love there to be an expansion of that someday- like having your humanoid form actually be a night elf.
Until then, i guess we have the new ears… : o