That would be great. There are plenty of night elf worgen among the Talonbranch, Bloodfang, and Nightbane worgen, but they have a shakey past with the Alliance. The Bloodfang are responsible for attacking Gilneas under orders from Alpha Prime, but now they fight alongside the Alliance against the forsaken. The Nightbane took over Duskwood from the Alliance, but then again Stormwind didn’t really care about Duskwood and the only humans that fought them were the Carevin Family, who are implied Scarlet Crusaders. The Talonbranch pack seems to be gucci, and I love how savage they are.
Another candidate would be those still trapped in the dream. Alpha Prime wanted the Scythe of Elune so he could free the rest of his kin, and the Bloodfang and Nightbane worked together to find it, but he was killed before any more could be summoned. It was mentioned that some had awoken from their slumber in the texts of Ur, and then then confirmed in Legion that some had even awoken from their slumber to wander the dream, four of them (those four you mentioned) finding their way to Val’sharah.
So there may very well be kaldorei worgen still wandering the dream, or slumbering. Many of them were those that rebelled against Malfurion and still hate him (like many of those in the Bloodfang and Nightbane), but some would have also been former sentinels and priests of elune that were bitten. It is also clear that those that once followed Alpha Prime are capable of betraying him as well, such as Varkas in the Curse of the Worgen epilogue, so even kaldorei-worgen that once hated Malfurion could change their minds. Especially if it is to fight their common enemy; the satyr.
So yes, kaldorei worgen are lore supported, could happen and are roleplayable