Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I have plenty of respect.
It’d be nice if you guys would return the favor and allow me to have an opinion instead of OMG USHI GTFO YOURE NOT WANTED HERE I HATE YOU NO ONE LOVES YOU GET OUT OF HERE OMMMMMG.

That being said.
Dark Skinned BE’s are very much a stretch, as are Earth toned Humans on Azeroth. We are on Azeroth. Not Earth.
Despite these changes that are being added in, that doesnt mean we have to throw what ever is left out the window.
Just because Billy threw an egg at Susan’s face doesnt mean we should all peg Susan with eggs. (edit for typos)

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You can have an opinion, sure, but it doesn’t mean it’s right when Blizzard themselves even say it’s wrong at this point xD

Now you’re just bellyaching to bellyache for no reason what so ever because you dislike something about the game and that’s fine.

We’re still getting our tails. Train ain’t stopping.


Give worgen tails.


Sure doesnt feel like I can when two people go “OMG USHI GTFO” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’m not bellyaching at anything. Tails are fun, but Worgen just never were meant to have tails as we have seen in a ton of concept art, in fact, the majority of concept art.

If you get your tails, then grats? It would be nice if all the fan servicing stopped at some point though. A little bit is fine! But there’s been a lot of stuff (ones you have already mentioned in fact) , that makes no sense and makes it feel like they are just throwing everything that the world was away so that they can be ‘in with the times’.
It’s a little depressing, honestly, to see it happening. Games die like this. Well… Not DIE, but the actual story dies and then all you have is LOLMEMEGAME.

Lets try to keep Warcraft actual Warcraft, with the Warcraft Universe. Enough Alternate timelines, different universes, crossovers, etc.
We got other games to do that stuff in. I’m here (as are others of course) for the Warcraft universe and story.


/a whisper drifts in on the wind

give worgen tails


i main worgen, ever since I started playing they were my main race

i don’t want tails

now that i read through the replies, i really don’t want tails


So basically only you are allowed to have fun and we cannot because something so beyond irrelevant to it ruins it for you. Person problem, that.

Anyways, it’s been fun as always.


Nope. I’ve never said that.
But you can hear things how ever you want to, that is your choice.
Indeed. Have a good one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Let’s hope Blizzard listens for once, lmao.

All we need is the monk class and we will finally be complete.


Was told to just have everyone report the post where our friend admits to using mob attacks against other users. Seems a bit like justice to me.

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Didn’t tell anyone to report, just linked them the thread.
But ok.
Also, isnt that what youre saying to do mob reporting, hun? <3


No, thank you. I get enough fur on my clothing as it is. And can you imagine the seamstress bill to put a back slit in every one of my robes? And, on that note, I certainly don’t want a hole in back of my robe. I was brought up better than that.

It is different for the Vulpera and Pandaren. They are what they are: cutey-pie animaloids.

I am not. I am a human cursed with a nightmare form and It is hard enough to get people to see thru that form to the human inside without having more parts reinforcing that form.

And yes, I am bitter and angry that my life was stolen from me along with my home and my family and I was left with… this .


Aww, but you look so nice now!

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I’ve recently gotten into eso and the werewolves in that game feel a lot better to play than the worgen here, which is sad to say as a worgen main. When they run their balance seems a whole lot better.

Also only slightly related to the thread, if for some reason we can’t get tail options I wish we could be a little bit taller.


Give worgen tails.


Hey, give worgen tails.


I already had that…I got better.

Also, give Worgen tails, as well as a tailless option for those who don’t want it.


That is what we have been saying the whole time. Tails option for those who want em and those who don’t can remain tailess. Then we can work on the lore friendly 8 feet tall Worgen but one thing at a time.


Let Worgen use their claws

I’m tired of being clipped, let me rip and tear. RIP AND TEAR!


If you’re going to ignore every logical counterpoint, and repeat the same irrelevant “lore is sacrosanct” talking points (when the Blizzard developers introduce changes to such in every patch and expansion), then discussion about this with you is an exercise in pointlessness.

For everyone else with an open mind:

Give Worgen tail options!