Give warning about dungeon please

So are idiots.


Ah, more of the “i’m so smart i’m better than you” that everyone in here is claiming they aren’t doing.

You even asked OP how would their proposed change matter if their original problem is not paying attention and what did they respond with?

They just dodged the question.

Yes, well I might have to eat a forum vacation for that but I stand by what I said.

What you seem to be missing in all this, it OP isn’t making controversial threads, people shouldn’t get themselves all stirred up about them.

Nobody’s reporting you for calling someone a dummy, don’t worry kiddo.

I wouldn’t be so sure about that.

Anymore just saying reported might get you reported! Oh crap I said it twice! scared now

How many times can you actually make the mistake before you decide to pay attention, though. Its not hard and not a"problem" that needs a solution beyond opening your eyes and reading whats in front of your face. You need a big flashing neon lights to get you out of your own way?


Or just pay attention to what you’re doing??

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When timewalking events are on, something a little clearer yes.

See what happens is you go queeing for a timewalking dungeon, then i think its tempting to just click queue again and not realize the auto-queue is set to bfa dungeons, its hard to explain, at least make it that if oyu queued for timewaking dungeons last time, bfa dungeons is the one that automatically remains up on screen

Yeah… you describe the situation very well… which encourages me that you have the ability to avoid the mistake you keep making.


