Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Umm… No, they don’t. There’s no NPCs that are void elves in game, that have light colored hair.

Even the Wayfarers and Blood Elves in the rift do not have light colored hair.

Stuff was done for the Blood Elves, fact. They got a bunch of new customization options, and you know what, you are feel free to ask for more, but do that in a separate thread.

Since when is red hair or black hair not natural? Since when is Alleria’s blonde hair not natural? And don’t come at me with that stuff about lore NPCs getting unique customizations. That’s silly, we’re not discussing new models, we’re discussing texture colours.

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Alleria isn’t a void elf. She’s a high elf that uses void magic.

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Blizzard: “We wanted to add customization options to the game so you could play who you really want. To that end we have added fair skin to Void Elves so that you can all play a High Elf with one hair color. Enjoy blue.”

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No sis, girl is a void elf. Why don’t you tweet Danuser and see what he says?

This is disingenuous and you know that, as the stuff that was done including diversity options which is to be applauded, was then gifted to VEs in a second visual theme.

BE fans in this thread would have a vested interest in protecting the visual uniqueness of BEs in a thread about VEs asking for more BE visual themes that encroach on regular Thalassian Elf, and you are not on a public forum entitled to no opposition, of which I do take issue with as long as BEs have nothing to show for losing visual uniqueness.


Ummm… She’s not. Void Elves were created in a completely different manner than how she was. She absorbed a void naaru while void elves were turned into void elves when a void being tried to corrupt them during a ritual.

Two totally different scenarios.

This condescending in context of talking to someone you’re disagreeing with.


Danuser literally said Alleria doesn’t care about titles actually. They’ve asked him that about her. She’s an Alliance Elf.


No what you just said is disingenous and you know that! Blood elves got new hairstyles? What like a dozen new eye customizations? Jewlery? Ear sizing?


Void elves are the best elves after nightborne.

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I mean even taking the High Elf discussion out of it, Void Elf hair colours are…underwhelming.

It’s the Nightborne/LFD issue all over again where Blizzard, for whatever reason, decided that Allied Races were going to more or less be monotonous.

Which, if you look at any of the main races, isn’t the case. You’ve got teal orc skins, or night elves with hair colours anywhere from purple to green to blue, or Blood Elves with black, brown, blonde, red and now blue hair colours.

There is a very real lack of colour variety in Allied Races.


For sure. They should have white and black hair colors to start.

But, if they’re serious about giving us customization options to play who we want, they probably shouldn’t restrict us from going with Veresa and Alleria hair colors.


She is a Void elf, all you need to become one is a void infusion. Both got the same.

You can disagree all you want but any official source would tell you that.

If you feel like you can infer tone from text on a forum, you must have a super power. That was in no way condescending, what you guys are saying is condescending, and TOTALLY off topic by the way. Go make an new thread, you’re not “protecting” anything in here.

But you know what, you and Lights won’t do that because no one would go post in it. You come here because you know this topic gets attention from the people that want expanded options.

They said she’s not a void elf though.

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I’m going with Lights on this one. Alleria is an Alliance Elf that ate a Dark Naaru. The Void Elves are a bunch of Blood Elves who got zapped into void infused elves.

While there are similarities, that doesn’t make them the same thing.

What you are saying is nothing new, and it’s just as disingenuous as anytime anyone else has tried to make this their case. So here is a few examples of people explaining it better than me that I have bookmarked for occasions like this.

It’s not hard to infer that this is condescending.

Protecting VEs and protecting BEs is not off topic, it is opposition and you’re not entitled to full support in this thread it’s a public forum.

Do you know us? You only have 6 posts, I get the feeling you’re alluding to something.


Where did I say anywhere I didn’t want expanded options?

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