Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

I would support this as well for example I would totally go for a blood red color for my Void Elf Warlock then I really would be a mirror of this character, then again I really like my wine colored hair on that character so that wouldn’t be an easy choice. :yum: :yum: :yum:

I’m gonna be honest, I don’t think Blizzard was working off what they thought was lore appropriate, here. This feels like a distinction that can only be made in a game which so severely limits customization that something like hair color can make people feel as though their chosen race’s identity is being infringed upon by the other faction. Not blood elf-specific tattoos or jewelry, hairstyles, whatever, but hair color.
Whatever precedent we had before for high elf skin tones – that is, the Telogrus researchers, I’d assume – exists for hair color as well. Anything else seems incredibly arbitrary and petty to me.

Oh god yeah, I couldn’t agree more. There are so many obvious opportunities that they missed, and right now the gender/race locked options for scars and tattoos is incredibly weird.


It could be that, or they could just not’ve gotten around to it yet.

Only way to know is to wait until either it happens or an AR customization pass comes along without it.

Yeah, that’s totally possible. I suppose it just seems weird that they would have found the time to add the new skin tones, but seemingly couldn’t do so for hair colors. But maybe they just wanted to roll out something quickly and save the finer details for later – I assume the same is true of Lightforged and longer tails as well.

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I’m hoping in the Allied Race pass we get way more stuff for Allied Races, they seem so meh compared to the Core Races now especially Night Elves, Humans, Orcs and Troll so.

Edit - I have a personal stake because of how many Allied Race characters I have. Lol.


I kind of want more customization to be rolled together like they did with some features for orcs. It’s a little bit weird that Lightforged and draenei have separate horn and hairstyle options to me, but I may be in the minority. I do agree though.


Also, can Blood Elves have tentacle hair and void elf shades? :slight_smile:

Asking for reasons. Matter of fact, lets just merge the two races, share racials and heritage armors. Just have Void Elf be the Tushi and Blood Elf the Huojin variants of a singular race again. At this point this is really the best solution.


LFD need the tail option at the very least.

Yeah I’m a big advocate of Core Races and Allied Races sharing options, more so if they are on the same faction but it is weird some share things already and others don’t, it’s like if you are gonna do it for some go full in Blizzard.


I agree LFD should get tail length options. I also think VE should get ear length options
Those are very basic things, but I dont want them to rush when they work on ARs.

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And the blue skin tones. They’d be great for a Dark Ranger appearance.

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At this point, I’d be 100% okay with us all sharing all options that way we could all play whatever we want and look however we want while playing the race/faction we want it’s a win for everyone.

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I think they were originally supposed to have the thicker tendrils option too, but it never made it through beta. :thinking:

Also, every time I like a post I have to wait another 15 minutes to like another one. Not relevant to anything being discussed, but oh my god, Blizz, chill.

I 100% agree. Generally speaking WoW is really lackluster compared to competitive MMOs when it comes to customization, even post-SL. Closing the gap as much as possible seems like a wise idea.

OMG yeah, I forgot about that. It’d make wearing hoods a lot better too.


That’s something I’ve been advocating a while. War Mode would be a good free-for-all concept.

Sends the remaining war-criminals who won’t heed the Alliance and Horde’s cease-fire off, to where they can attack people and feel strong and dominant, for beating a level 10 player. The rest of us can group, guild, and be at ease knowing an implausible faction war will never hamstring the game’s narratives again.

War Mode would be kind of like a voluntary bargain-basement version of the Drunder Server.

…And I am alright with this. :slight_smile:

It would provide a place for some of the most caustic and hateful individuals in the game, ensuring that they did not trouble the rest of us while we played and enjoyed the story of the game without concerns of being accidentally flagged, or gibbed by AI that can’t differentiate between an attacker and a defender.


Please note this is not to say all PVPers are like this. Many are not.
But the story needs to move past faction war.


Yeah I only played stuff like Rift and SWTOR for a short time but I liked the customization range on them vs WoW, I mean yeah that customization pass helped but we have a long way to go and well everyone should be happy with whatever character they are playing so I’m always going to push having more customization for well all races.

I would hate that to be fair, it defeats the purpose of both, and the “Why can’t Quel’thalas be neutral” cries would start.

Even when I was supportive of the HE community I hated that idea :frowning_face:

Same! Across the board, really. It’s kind of silly how much I attach good customization to my enjoyment of the game, but I feel like Blizz has a long way to go in terms of customization, cosmetics & transmog, and more features along the lines of heritage armors (provided they ever finish up on that). One thing I noticed in other games – I still play SWTOR and played GW2 and FFXIV in the past – is that there isn’t such a massive separation of design quality between players and lore characters. Unfortunately it kind of makes the issues with WoW stand out a little bit more than it would otherwise.


That might be true but they have already kind of went that way and as a Blood Elf main player we have lost a lot and not really gained much and I have nothing against people that like or liked the whole blue eye addition but it did nothing for me, plus I would like to mirror my Blood Elves and Void Elves for real. Lol.

What it comes down to is it’s hard to make everyone happy without making others unhappy and well as I have said in a lot of replies everyone wants to be happy with the character they are playing on the faction as well so.

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That’s why I hope they double down on the idea of a compromise and don’t give more natural hairs to VEs.

Falling back on the Void customizations - and for BEs securing a second visual theme since VEs now have two and some tattoos.

This always being the best comprehensive list for ideas that I have seen.

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I understand and I’m not knocking you wanting that because a part of me wants that too but we shall see what they give to who when the time comes.

What would our second theme be, I mean we could be the normal High Elves but that’s not really different from what we are now. Lol.