Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Honestly, I don’t think they should remove anything or change anything just because people don’t like it. There is a reason why Alleria is the way she is now, and why she doesn’t look like the other Void Elves.


Same and it’s odd that so many people want more lore and to “look like Alleria” but when an alternative to bring in more lore and give Alleria a look more reflective of VE options (specifically maybe some cool Void hair) they are against it?

Just as much assuming and speculation goes into what is being pushed on their end, yet I assume it’s because they don’t really want anything past the HE look, it’s not about Alleria at all.

Regardless it is no less “catering” to one side or another to give ones opinion and voice ones stance / desire in this topic, but I will say it’s already more tilted to having catered to the HE community, so hopefully Blizzard looks at these alternative ideas, and thinks of BE uniqueness as well as Void uniqueness and adding some much needed Void Elf lore in the process.

And where have there been post of anyone against Void Options? I haven’t seen anyone against it.

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Well we have full void theme already. I do think we deserve full high elf theme after all this. If they want more after that then it’s fine Saraslock.

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Just throwing this out there. I’m against them changing Alleria’s hair, even though I won’t be heartbroken if we don’t get it as a player option.


People don’t like when their favorite lore characters change looks for arbitrary reasons.

More news at 11.

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I would love to see everyone get what they request. As long as it doesn’t involve Void Elf Paladins and Silvermoon being made a neutral city.

The Alliance should destroy Silvermoon and those dirty lightwell-licking pigheads.

Thats fine. I just think it’d bring her more in line. As I said.

I will say that I do no think it is odd that they are against it in general.

Changing a character like that is out of Blizzards… uh… character… lol However while I do not think they would do it and I don’t begrudge others seeing it differently than I, I do think it would make Alleria feel a lot better for Void Elves in general as one of their three leadership characters.

Its been awhile since I saw anyone super serious about it. Though that racist person from last night indicated she’d rather have the Void Elves erased and just give High Elves. lol

Any particular reason in the case of just her hair?

Just curious. :stuck_out_tongue:

With you on that one.

But why would the Alliance do that? I thought only Sylvanas likes to destroy cities and burn down trees…

Maybe people don’t like their favorite race losing it’s visual uniqueness with the AR parallel and exact model copy now offering two visual themes.


That is fair, I just think it’s a good solution for people who are set on looking like Alleria, while adding lore as well.

Camp Taurajo. Alliance is happy to kill when it suits them.

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to cleanse the horde filth from the Ek once and for all.

I said this before but honey, if your visual uniqueness is hair then, pity your race.

That still has nothing to do with changing a lore character and their looks BTW. Which blizz won’t do anyway given they sell that character.

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Two reasons.

  1. I like her current look, and don’t want it to change. Even if I can’t have her hair, I still like here the way she is.

  2. Honestly, it would be a waste of dev time imo.


I’m not your honey.

I’ve said this before too, no one started out arguing against hair, it is the last of the visual uniqueness, you have most of the RP tools available now, so yes it comes down to hair and if it’s not important then why ask for it on your end?

Does that not work in reverse if your visual uniqueness is so contingent on needing the hair options because you don’t have it, does what you just said not work in reverse?


Would you like me to quote every single post of yours where your statement contradicts this.


This keeps coming up for me.

Hair color only seems to have importance for High Elves.


Extra short elves?

You have given me much to consider this day.

While goblins aren’t as dear to me as orcs, trolls, dwarves and night elves, they’re at least upper mid. And both short elves and goblins have been wandering around Azeroth for a while.

It’s probably happened somewhere at some time at least once.

Hey, we could replace the Blood Elves with Goblin Elves. Things will surely be a blast in the end.