Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Why are you being such a miserable person here?


When servers get restarted everything gets reloaded. Different phases will have different NPCs as well.

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Starla has always upheld decency and respect when she argues too. And keeps that consistent in these conversations.

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I have 100% never noticed that before. I even have old screen shots where the wayfarers/blood elves all have either dark blue or red hair… It looks like i’ll be retracting some statements on blonde wayfarers in the rift lol.

F in the chat for Blizzard passing a stealth and a deception roll with a natty 20.


It’s so past time to let it go. It’s over. You got your high elves. It’s a new discussion now.
Your comment is only adding toxicity to this discussion, not adding anything helpful, imo.


You have a funny way of telling what a color is.

At the beginning, when the high elf wayfarers were found in the Rift, I actually stated something along the lines that maybe high elves were turning into void elves? When I said this, some people in the high elf camp went absolutely ballistic. Saying “No, that couldn’t possibly happen”.

So having said that, you shouldn’t make blanket statements like that about everyone.

I mean, really if we are getting technical, Void Elves ARE High Elves. Every Void Elf would have HAD to been a high elf at some point but I think once they take up the mantle of Ren’dorei, they’re forfeiting the high elf title.

Lann, it’s why she is on ignore for me. She can’t miss an opportunity to make personal attacks and drag the topic down into the gutter.



Yeah, they are quick to call the kettle black. Makes you wonder how they are still here getting away with everything on the forums with there behavior too?


Pretty much, though I admit I’m not innocent myself, I at least don’t pretend I’m innocent of all the things I did wrong.


I can never say I’m innocent. Received too many forum vacations to say I am.

I mean, after all, I do get pretty toxic, but I only dish what I get served. Not my fault they can’t handle it so they resort to flagging people on the forums.


Sara, do we need to go back over your history with flagging and telling people to flag?


Oh wow, one thread, and I only flagged it once, because of the other High Elf threads at the time. After that, I admitted I was in the wrong, but here we are. Just over one thread and one post.

Their behavior!? I just looked through Starla’s post history (for over a week) and I can’t seem to find a post where shes dishing out any kind of personal attacks or being nearly as snarky as you are lol.

“Their behaviour”

Girl, you needa go grab a hand held mirror and take a long hard look in it.

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I wouldn’t mind either this, or a toggle tentacles option, there are high elves in the rift so let us toggle tentacles off and be one of the high elves that are there studying the void but not yet showing signs of be void corrupted yet.


Maybe just browse throught this thread alone.

And yes, this is the thread Guzzle likes to point out to only 1 post of mine “that doesn’t exist anymore”.

Yes, the rift makes it pretty clear that high/blood elves are still being voluntarily transformed into void elves (which seems silly, but whatever).

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I don’t have to look through your post history to know how you respond to people.

You yourself just said:

I mean, TBH, this isn’t a good attitude. Getting toxic with someone because they are getting toxic with you is never a good way to diffuse a situation.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.